124 research outputs found

    Decomposition of splitting invariants in split real groups

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    To a maximal torus in a quasi-split semi-simple simply-connected group over a local field of characteristic 0, Langlands and Shelstad construct a cohomological invariant called the splitting invariant, which is an important component of their endoscopic transfer factors. We study this invariant in the case of a split real group and prove a decomposition theorem which expresses this invariant for a general torus as a product of the corresponding invariants for simple tori. We also show how this reduction formula allows for the comparison of splitting invariants between different tori in the given real group.Comment: 22 page

    On elliptic factors in real endoscopic transfer I

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    This paper is concerned with the structure of packets of representations and some refinements that are helpful in endoscopic transfer for real groups. It includes results on the structure and transfer of packets of limits of discrete series representations. It also reinterprets the Adams-Johnson transfer of certain nontempered representations via spectral analogues of the Langlands-Shelstad factors, thereby providing structure and transfer compatible with the associated transfer of orbital integrals. The results come from two simple tools introduced here. The first concerns a family of splittings of the algebraic group G under consideration; such a splitting is based on a fundamental maximal torus of G rather than a maximally split maximal torus. The second concerns a family of Levi groups attached to the dual data of a Langlands or an Arthur parameter for the group G. The introduced splittings provide explicit realizations of these Levi groups. The tools also apply to maps on stable conjugacy classes associated with the transfer of orbital integrals. In particular, they allow for a simpler version of the definitions of Kottwitz-Shelstad for twisted endoscopic transfer in certain critical cases. The paper prepares for spectral factors in twisted endoscopic transfer that are compatible in a certain sense with the standard factors discussed here. This compatibility is needed for Arthur's global theory. The twisted factors themselves will be defined in a separate paper.Comment: 48 pages, to appear in Progress in Mathematics, Volume 312, Birkha\"user. Also renumbering to match that of submitted versio

    Getting to Tier 1 by Revitalizing a Special Collections Program with Cultural Competence

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    Seeking to revitalize a special collections program at a Tier 1 aspirant university, the author introduced a variety of contemporary and innovative management strategies along with new outreach opportunities to demonstrate its value toward fulfilling the university\u27s strategic plan. The revitalization efforts included creating a manuscript and rare book collection development policies that incorporated web harvesting, making connections with the community, and finding new audiences using social media. The dramatic increase in collection use and collaboration demonstrated the value of special collections to the community and the university
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