3 research outputs found

    Implications of tolerance to iron toxicity on root system architecture changes in rice (Oryza sativa L.)

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    IntroductionToxicity due to excess soil iron (Fe) is a significant concern for rice cultivation in lowland areas with acidic soils. Toxic levels of Fe adversely affect plant growth by disrupting the absorption of essential macronutrients, and by causing cellular damage. To understand the responses to excess Fe, particularly on seedling root system, this study evaluated rice genotypes under varying Fe levels.MethodsSixteen diverse rice genotypes were hydroponically screened under induced Fe levels, ranging from normal to excess. Morphological and root system characteristics were observed. The onset of leaf bronzing was monitored to identify the toxic response to the excess Fe. Additionally, agronomic and root characteristics were measured to classify genotypes into tolerant and sensitive categories by computing a response stability index.ResultsOur results revealed that 460 ppm of Fe in the nutrient solution served as a critical threshold for screening genotypes during the seedling stage. Fe toxicity significantly affected root system traits, emphasizing the consequential impact on aerial biomass and nutrient deprivation. To classify genotypes into tolerant and sensitive categories, leaf bronzing score was used as a major indicator of Fe stress. However, the response stability index provided a robust basis for classification for the growth performance. Apart from the established tolerant varieties, we could identify a previously unrecognized tolerant variety, ILS 12–5 in this study. Some of the popular mega varieties, including BPT 5204 and Pusa 44, were found to be highly sensitive.DiscussionOur findings suggest that root system damage, particularly in root length, surface area, and root volume, is the key factor contributing to the sensitivity responses under Fe toxicity. Tolerant genotypes were found to retain more healthy roots than the sensitive ones. Fe exclusion, by reducing Fe2+ uptake, may be a major mechanism for tolerance among these genotypes. Further field evaluations are necessary to confirm the behavior of identified tolerant and sensitive lines under natural conditions. Insights from the study provide potential scope for enhancement of tolerance through breeding programs as well as throw light on the role root system in conferring tolerance

    Population Structure of a Worldwide Collection of Tropical Japonica Rice Indicates Limited Geographic Differentiation and Shows Promising Genetic Variability Associated with New Plant Type

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    Abating the approaching yield plateau in rice requires taking advantage of potential technologies that requires knowledge on genetic diversity. Hybrid breeding, particularly in indica rice, requires the recruitment of large genetic variability from outside because the available genetic diversity of the cultivated pool has already been utilized to a great extent. In this study, we examined an assembly of 200 tropical japonica lines collected worldwide for population genetic structure and variability in yield-associated traits. Tested along with 30 indica and six wild rice lines belonging to India, the tropical japonica lines indicated great phenotypic variability, particularly related to new plant type (NPT) phenology, and formed six clusters. Furthermore, a marker-based characterization using a universal diversity marker panel classified the genotype assembly into four clusters, of which three encompassed tropical japonica lines, while the last cluster included mostly indica lines. The population structure of the panel also revealed a similar pattern, with tropical japonica lines forming three subpopulations. Remarkable variation in the allelic distribution was observed between the subpopulations. Superimposing the geographical sources of the genotypes over the population structure did not reveal any pattern. The genotypes sourced closer to the center of origin of rice showed relatively little diversity compared with the ones obtained from other parts of the world, suggesting migration from a common region of origin. The tropical japonica lines can be a great source of parental diversification for hybrid development after confirming the presence of widely compatible genes

    Population Dynamics of Wide Compatibility System and Evaluation of Intersubspecific Hybrids by indica-japonica Hybridization in Rice

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    The exploitation of heterosis through intersubspecific hybridisation between indica and japonica has been a major breeding target in rice, but is marred by the cross incompatibility between the genomes. Wide compatibility (WC) is a triallelic system at the S5 locus on chromosome 6 that ensures the specificity of hybridisation within and between indica and japonica. The S5n allele that favours intercrossing is sparsely distributed in the rice gene pool and therefore warrants identification of diverse WC sources to develop superior intersubspecific hybrids. In this study, we have identified several novel WC sources through the marker-assisted screening of a large set of 950 rice genotypes. Seventeen percent of the genotypes carried S5n, which fell into two subpopulations. The WC genotypes showed wide phenotypic and genotypic variability, including both indica and japonica lines. Based on phenotypic performance, the WC varieties were grouped into three clusters. A subset of 41 WC varieties was used to develop 164 hybrids, of which WC/japonica hybrids showed relative superiority over WC/indica hybrids. The multilocation evaluation of hybrids indicated that hybrids derived from WC varieties, such as IRG137, IRG143, OYR128, and IRGC10658, were higher yielding across all the three different locations. Most of the hybrids showed the stability of performance across locations. The identified diverse set of wide compatible varieties (WCVs) can be used in the development of intersubspecific hybrids and also for parental line development in hybrid rice breeding