3 research outputs found

    Influence of body position on the measurement of electrocardiographic waves in healthy dogs

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    ABSTRACT: The agreement between the electrocardiographic waves measured from tracings recorded in right lateral recumbency and several other unusual body positions was assessed. Electrocardiograms were recorded in 160 healthy dogs in right lateral, left lateral, dorsal and sternal recumbencies, as well as in standing position. Considering the right lateral recordings as the gold standard, the lowest biases for the majority of ECG parameters were calculated from left lateral recordings, whereas the highest biases were documented from dorsal and standing positions. For the mean electrical axis, the dorsal recumbency produced the lowest bias, while the greatest one was identified in sternal position. An analysis of variance indicated differences when the means of P wave duration and amplitude, duration of QRS and QT, and mean electrical axis obtained in unusual positions were compared with right lateral. In conclusion, left lateral recumbency produced the most similar measurements as compared to right lateral, but the wide limits of agreement preclude the use and interpretation of these positions interchangeably

    Matrix metalloproteinases 2 and 9 in rabbits with doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy

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    ABSTRACT: Some studies have shown the role played by matrix metalloproteinases and their inhibitors in doxorubicin cardiotoxicity. In this study, we sought to investigate how plasma and myocardial MMP 2 and 9 perform in rabbits with doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy, searching for a correlation between the activity of these collagenases and cardiac remodeling. Cardiomyopathy was induced by doxorubicin given intravenously twice a week for six consecutive weeks. Plasma MMP activity and the echocardiogram were assessed at baseline, and at 15 and 45 days after first injection of doxorubicin. The myocardial activity of these enzymes was solely evaluated in nine rabbits at 45 days, and results were compared with nine healthy controls. We only identified the full-length forms of both MMP 2 and 9 throughout the study. The plasma pro-MMP 2 reduced along the deterioration of cardiac function, while the pro-MMP 9 increased significantly at T45 as compared to baseline and T15. A negative significant correlation was found to exist between the plasma activity of pro-MMP 2 and mitral E-to-mitral septal annular early diastolic velocity ratio, which is an estimate of mean left atrial pressure and congestion. Only pro-MMP 2 was found in myocardial samples, and mean activity of such enzyme was statistically lower than that recorded for healthy controls. Although no active form was documented for either collagenase, the duration of the treatment with doxorubicin played a role in the alteration of plasma pro-forms activity. However, these changes could not be associated with most echocardiographic parameters that are supportive of cardiac remodeling