27 research outputs found

    Improving Processes and Increasing Efficiency: The Case for States Participating in a Process Improvement Collaborative

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    Examines the experiences of Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program agencies using a process change model to streamline procedures in order to enhance enrollment and retention. Looks at required factors, challenges, and promising practices

    Deficit Reduction Act Citizenship Requirements Through the Eyes of Covering Kids & Families Grantees

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    Based on interviews, summarizes how grantees of RWJF's Covering Kids & Families initiative to increase Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program enrollment expect the 2005 proof-of-citizenship requirement for Medicaid to affect enrollment

    Covering Kids & Families Evaluation: Expectations of Sustainability: What Do CKF Grantees and State Officials Predict Will Happen Once RWJF Funding Ends?

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    Based on a survey of CKF state grantees and Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program officials, examines prospects for continuing efforts to increase enrollment, factors contributing to survival, alternative funding sources, and priorities

    Covering Kids & Families Evaluation: Improving Medicaid and SCHIP Through Simplification and Coordination

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    Based on a survey of CKF state grantees and Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program officials, outlines procedural simplifications and better coordination achieved to improve programs and increase enrollment, CKF's role, and contributing factors

    Improving Public Coverage for Children: Lessons From CKF in Colorado

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    Reviews the impact of RWJF's Covering Kids & Families (CKF) grant on outreach for the state's Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Program. Shares lessons on the role of advocates in monitoring the effects of policy and procedural changes

    Improving Public Coverage for Children: Lessons From CKF in Washington

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    Reviews the impact of RWJF's Covering Kids & Families (CKF) grant on the state's enrollment and retention in Medicaid and the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Shares lessons learned on advocacy, the programs' coalition model, and sustainability

    Outliving Grant Funding: A Review of State CKF Projects and Coalitions and the Roles of Funding and In-Kind Support in Their Survival

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    Examines how the requirements built into RWJF's grants for projects to increase enrollment in Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Programs affected the sustainability, evolution, and activities of grantees and coalitions after the grants ended

    Covering Kids & Families Evaluation: Strategies for Sustaining CKF: Interim Synthesis of Evaluation Findings

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    Explores state grantees' and coalitions' views on the sustainability of their efforts to help eligible families enroll in public health insurance after RWJF funding ends, the permanence of the changes effected, and their implications for CKF activities