581 research outputs found

    Discrete Symmetries (C,P,T) in Noncommutative Field Theories

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    In this paper we study the invariance of the noncmmutative gauge theories under C, P and T transformations. For the noncommutative space (when only the spatial part of θ\theta is non-zero) we show that NCQED is Parity invariant. In addition, we show that under charge conjugation the theory on noncommutative Rθ4R^4_{\theta} is transformed to the theory on R−θ4R^4_{-\theta}, so NCQED is a CP violating theory. The theory remains invariant under time reversal if, together with proper changes in fields, we also change θ\theta by −θ-\theta. Hence altogether NCQED is CPT invariant. Moreover we show that the CPT invariance holds for general noncommutative space-time.Comment: Revtex File, 4 pages, no figures, minor changes from previous verion. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    One Loop Renormalizability of Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories on Noncommutative Two-Torus

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    We argue that Yang-Mills theory on noncommutative torus, expressed in the Fourrier modes, is described by a gauge theory in a usual commutative space, the gauge group being a generalization of the area-preserving diffeomorphisms to the noncommutative case. In this way, performing the loop calculation in this gauge theory in the continuum limit we show that this theory is {\it one loop renormalizable}, and discuss the UV and IR limits. The moduli space of the vacua of the noncommutative super Yang-Mills theories in (2+1) dimensions is discussed.Comment: 16 pp, one figure, v2: One reference added, typos corrected. v3: minor exchange

    Classification of Different Branes at Angles

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    In this paper, we consider two D-branes rotated with respect to each other, and argue that in this way one can find brane configurations preserving {1 \f 16} of SUSY. Also we classify different brane configurations preserving {1 \f 2}, {1 \f 4}, {3 \f 16},{1 \f 8}, {1 \f 16} of SUSY.Comment: Tex, 11 page, no figure

    More on Mixed Boundary Conditions and D-branes Bound States

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    In this article, applying different types of boundary conditions; Dirichlet, Neumann, or Mixed, on open strings we realize various new brane bound states in string theory. Calculating their interactions with other D-branes, we find their charge densities and their tension. A novel feature of (p−2,p)(p-2,p) brane bound state is its "non-commutative" nature which is manifestly seen both in the open strings mode expansions and in their scattering off a DpD_p-brane. Moreover we study three or more object bound states in string theory language. Finally we give a M-theoretic picture of these bound states.Comment: Latex file, pages, No Figure

    Noncommutative Open String Theories and Their Dualities

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    The recently found non-critical open string theories is reviewed. These open strings, noncommutative open string theories (NCOS), arise as consistent quantum theories describing the low energy theory of D-branes in a background electric B-field in the critical limit. Focusing on the D3-brane case, we construct the most general (3+1) NCOS, which is described by four parameters. We study S and T -dualities of these theories and argue the existence of a U-duality group.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, The invited talk, presented in the conference "Brane New World and Noncommutative Geometry", Torino, Villa Gualino,(Italy) October, 200

    Gauged M-flation After BICEP2

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    In view of the recent BICEP2 results [arXiv:1403.3985] which may be attributed to the observation of B-modes polarization of the CMB with tensor-to-scalar ratio r=0.2−0.05+0.07r=0.2_{-0.05}^{+0.07}, we revisit M-flation model. Gauged M-flation is a string theory motivated inflation model with Matrix valued scalar inflaton fields in the adjoint representation of a U(N)U(N) Yang-Mills theory. In continuation of our previous works, we show that in the M-flation model induced from a supersymmetric 10d background probed by a stack of NN D3-branes, the "effective inflaton" ϕ\phi has a double-well Higgs-like potential, with minima at ϕ=0,μ\phi=0,\mu. We focus on the ϕ>μ\phi>\mu, symmetry-breaking region. We thoroughly examine predictions of the model for rr in the 2σ2\sigma region allowed for nSn_S by the Planck experiment. As computed in [arXiv:0903.1481], for Ne=60N_e=60 and nS=0.96n_S=0.96 we find r≃0.2r\simeq 0.2, which sits in the sweet spot of BICEP2 region for rr. We find that with increasing μ\mu arbitrarily, nSn_S cannot go beyond ≃0.9670\simeq 0.9670. As nSn_S varies in the 2σ2\sigma range which is allowed by Planck and could be reached by the model, rr varies in the range [0.1322,0.2623][0.1322,0.2623]. Future cosmological experiments, like the CMBPOL, that confines nSn_S with σ(nS)=0.0029\sigma(n_S)=0.0029 can constrain the model further. Also, in this region of potential, for nS=0.9603n_S=0.9603, we find that the largest isocurvature mode, which is uncorrelated with curvature perturbations, has a power spectrum with the amplitude of order 10−1110^{-11} at the end of inflation. We also discuss the range of predictions of rr in the hilltop region, ϕ<μ\phi< \mu.Comment: v1:16 pages, 9 figures; v2: matched the published versio
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