3 research outputs found

    Intervalley coherence and intrinsic spin-orbit coupling in rhombohedral trilayer graphene

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    Rhombohedral graphene multilayers provide a clean and highly reproducible platform to explore the emergence of superconductivity and magnetism in a strongly interacting electron system. Here, we use electronic compressibility and local magnetometry to explore the phase diagram of this material class in unprecedented detail. We focus on rhombohedral trilayer in the quarter metal regime, where the electronic ground state is characterized by the occupation of a single spin and valley isospin flavor. Our measurements reveal a subtle competition between valley imbalanced (VI) orbital ferromagnets and intervalley coherent (IVC) states in which electron wave functions in the two momentum space valleys develop a macroscopically coherent relative phase. Contrasting the in-plane spin susceptibility of the IVC and VI phases reveals the influence of graphene's intrinsic spin-orbit coupling, which drives the emergence of a distinct correlated phase with hybrid VI and IVC character. Spin-orbit also suppresses the in-plane magnetic susceptibility of the VI phase, which allows us to extract the spin-orbit coupling strength of λ50μ\lambda \approx 50\mueV for our hexagonal boron nitride-encapsulated graphene system. We discuss the implications of finite spin-orbit coupling on the spin-triplet superconductors observed in both rhombohedral and twisted graphene multilayers

    A Robust Protocol for Entropy Measurement in Mesoscopic Circuits

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    Previous measurements utilizing Maxwell relations to measure change in entropy, S, demonstrated remarkable accuracy in measuring the spin-1/2 entropy of electrons in a weakly coupled quantum dot. However, these previous measurements relied upon prior knowledge of the charge transition lineshape. This had the benefit of making the quantitative determination of entropy independent of scale factors in the measurement itself but at the cost of limiting the applicability of the approach to simple systems. To measure the entropy of more exotic mesoscopic systems, a more flexible analysis technique may be employed; however, doing so requires a precise calibration of the measurement. Here, we give details on the necessary improvements made to the original experimental approach and highlight some of the common challenges (along with strategies to overcome them) that other groups may face when attempting this type of measurement.Science, Faculty ofPhysics and Astronomy, Department ofReviewedFacultyOthe

    Entropy measurement of a strongly correlated quantum dot

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    The spin 1/2 entropy of electrons trapped in a quantum dot has previously been measured with great accuracy, but the protocol used for that measurement is valid only within a restrictive set of conditions. Here, we demonstrate a novel entropy measurement protocol that is universal for arbitrary mesoscopic circuits and apply this new approach to measure the entropy of a quantum dot hybridized with a reservoir, where Kondo correlations dominate spin physics. The experimental results match closely to numerical renormalization group (NRG) calculations for small and intermediate coupling. For the largest couplings investigated in this work, NRG predicts a suppression of spin entropy at the charge transition due to the formation of a Kondo singlet, but that suppression is not observed in the experiment