301 research outputs found

    A new method to identify earthquake swarms applied to seismicity near the San Jacinto Fault, California

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    Understanding earthquake clustering in space and time is important but also challenging because of complexities in earthquake patterns and the large and diverse nature of earthquake catalogues. Swarms are of particular interest because they likely result from physical changes in the crust, such as slow slip or fluid flow. Both swarms and clusters resulting from aftershock sequences can span a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Here we test and implement a new method to identify seismicity clusters of varying sizes and discriminate them from randomly occurring background seismicity. Our method searches for the closest neighbouring earthquakes in space and time and compares the number of neighbours to the background events in larger space/time windows. Applying our method to California's San Jacinto Fault Zone (SJFZ), we find a total of 89 swarm-like groups. These groups range in size from 0.14 to 7.23 km and last from 15 min to 22 d. The most striking spatial pattern is the larger fraction of swarms at the northern and southern ends of the SJFZ than its central segment, which may be related to more normal-faulting events at the two ends. In order to explore possible driving mechanisms, we study the spatial migration of events in swarms containing at least 20 events by fitting with both linear and diffusion migration models. Our results suggest that SJFZ swarms are better explained by fluid flow because their estimated linear migration velocities are far smaller than those of typical creep events while large values of best-fitting hydraulic diffusivity are found

    Coherent seismic arrivals in the P wave coda of the 2012 Mw 7.2 Sumatra earthquake : water reverberations or an early aftershock?

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (2018): 3147-3159, doi:10.1002/2018JB015573.Teleseismic records of the 2012 Mw 7.2 Sumatra earthquake contain prominent phases in the P wave train, arriving about 50 to 100 s after the direct P arrival. Azimuthal variations in these arrivals, together with back‐projection analysis, led Fan and Shearer (2016a, https://doi.org/10.1002/2016GL067785) to conclude that they originated from early aftershock(s), located ∼150 km northeast of the mainshock and landward of the trench. However, recently, Yue et al. (2017, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL073254) argued that the anomalous arrivals are more likely water reverberations from the mainshock, based mostly on empirical Green's function analysis of a M6 earthquake near the mainshock and a water phase synthetic test. Here we present detailed back‐projection and waveform analyses of three M6 earthquakes within 100 km of the Mw 7.2 earthquake, including the empirical Green's function event analyzed in Yue et al. (2017, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL073254). In addition, we examine the waveforms of three M5.5 reverse‐faulting earthquakes close to the inferred early aftershock location in Fan and Shearer (2016a, https://doi.org/10.1002/2016GL067785). These results suggest that the reverberatory character of the anomalous arrivals in the mainshock coda is consistent with water reverberations, but the origin of this energy is more likely an early aftershock rather than delayed and displaced water reverberations from the mainshock.National Science Foundation Grant Numbers: EAR-1261681, EAR-1620251; Weston Howland Jr. Postdoctoral Scholarship2018-10-2

    Attenuation models (Q_P and Q_S) in three dimensions of the southern California crust: Inferred fluid saturation at seismogenic depths

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    We analyze high dynamic range waveform spectra to determine t* values for both P and S waves from earthquakes in southern California. We invert the t* values for three-dimensional (3-D) frequency-independent Q_P and Q_S regional models of the crust. The models have 15 km horizontal grid spacing and an average vertical grid spacing of 4 km, down to 22 km depth, and extend from the U.S.-Mexico border to the Coast Ranges in the south and Sierra Nevada in the north. In general, QP and QS increase rapidly with depth, consistent with crustal densities and velocities. The 3-D Q_P and Q_S models image the major tectonic structures and to a much lesser extent the thermal structure of the southern California crust. The near-surface low Q_P and Q_S zones coincide with major sedimentary basins such as the San Bernardino, Chino, San Gabriel Valley, Los Angeles, Ventura, and Santa Maria basins and the Salton Trough. In contrast, at shallow depths beneath the Peninsular Ranges, southern Mojave Desert, and southern Sierras, we image high Q_P and Q_S zones, which correspond to the dense and high-velocity rocks of the mountain ranges. Several clear transition zones of rapidly varying Q_P and Q_S coincide with major late Quaternary faults and connect regions of high and low Q_P and Q_S. At midcrustal depths, the Q_P and Q_S exhibit modest variation in slightly higher and lower QP or QS zones, which is consistent with reported crustal reflectivity. In general, for the southern California crust, Q_S/Q_P is greater than 1.0, suggesting partially fluid-saturated crust. A few limited regions of Q_S/Q_P less than 1.0 correspond to areas mostly outside the major sedimentary basins, including areas around the San Jacinto fault, suggesting a larger reduction in the shear modulus compared to the bulk modulus or almost complete fluid saturation

    Possible seasonality in large deep-focus earthquakes

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    Large deep-focus earthquakes (magnitude > 7.0, depth > 500 km) have exhibited strong seasonality in their occurrence times since the beginning of global earthquake catalogs. Of 60 such events from 1900 to the present, 42 have occurred in the middle half of each year. The seasonality appears strongest in the northwest Pacific subduction zones and weakest in the Tonga region. Taken at face value, the surplus of northern hemisphere summer events is statistically significant, but due to the ex post facto hypothesis testing, the absence of seasonality in smaller deep earthquakes, and the lack of a known physical triggering mechanism, we cannot rule out that the observed seasonality is just random chance. However, we can make a testable prediction of seasonality in future large deep-focus earthquakes, which, given likely earthquake occurrence rates, should be verified or falsified within a few decades. If confirmed, deep earthquake seasonality would challenge our current understanding of deep earthquakes

    Waveform Relocated Earthquake Catalog for Southern California (1981 to June 2011)

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    We determine a new relocated catalog, HYS_catalog_2011, for southern California from 1981 through June 2011. About 75.3% of the hypocenters are calculated with absolute and differential travel‐time picks, and 24.7% could be relocated only by using absolute travel‐time picks with 3D or 1D velocity models. The total catalog consists of more than 502,000 earthquakes in the region extending from Baja California in the south to Coalinga and Owens Valley in the north. The catalog consists of three M 7.1, M 7.2, and M 7.3 mainshocks; their foreshocks and aftershocks; and background seismicity caused by tectonic and other processes in the southern California crust. Hypocenters in the new relocated catalog exhibit tighter spatial clustering of seismicity than does the routinely generated catalog, and the depth distribution is tighter and reflects the thickness of the seismogenic zone more accurately. Compared to the standard catalog, the relocated hypocenters are more easily related to other data sets, such as mapped late Quaternary faults

    Comprehensive analysis of earthquake source spectra in southern California

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    We compute and analyze P wave spectra from earthquakes in southern California between 1989 and 2001 using a method that isolates source-, receiver-, and path-dependent terms. We correct observed source spectra for attenuation using both fixed and spatially varying empirical Green's function methods. Estimated Brune-type stress drops for over 60,000 M_L = 1.5 to 3.1 earthquakes range from 0.2 to 20 MPa with no dependence on moment or local b value. Median computed stress drop increases with depth in the upper crust, from about 0.6 MPa at the surface to about 2.2 MPa at 8 km, where it levels off and remains nearly constant in the midcrust down to about 20 km. However, the results at shallow depths could also be explained as reduced rupture velocities near the surface rather than a change in stress drop. Spatially coherent variations in median stress drop are observed, with generally low values for the Imperial Valley and Northridge aftershocks and higher values for the eastern Transverse ranges and the north end of the San Jacinto fault. We find no correlation between observed stress drop and distance from the San Andreas and other major faults. Significant along-strike variations in stress drop exist for aftershocks of the 1992 Landers earthquake, which may correlate with differences in main shock slip

    Rupture evolution of the 2006 Java tsunami earthquake and the possible role of splay faults

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2017. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Tectonophysics 721 (2017): 143-150, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2017.10.003.The 2006 Mw 7.8 Java earthquake was a tsunami earthquake, exhibiting frequency-dependent seismic radiation along strike. High-frequency global back-projection results suggest two distinct rupture stages. The first stage lasted ~65 s with a rupture speed of ~1.2 km/s, while the second stage lasted from ~65 to 150 s with a rupture speed of ~2.7 km/s. High-frequency radiators resolved with back-projection during the second stage spatially correlate with splay fault traces mapped from residual free-air gravity anomalies. These splay faults also colocate with a major tsunami source associated with the earthquake inferred from tsunami first-crest back-propagation simulation. These correlations suggest that the splay faults may have been reactivated during the Java earthquake, as has been proposed for other tsunamigenic earthquakes, such as the 1944 Mw 8.1 Tonankai earthquake in the Nankai Trough.W.F. is currently supported by the Postdoctoral Scholar Program at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, with funding provided by the Weston Howland Jr. Postdoctoral Scholarship