17 research outputs found

    Layered Chaos in Mean-field and Quantum Many-body Dynamics

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    We investigate the dimension of the phase space attractor of a quantum chaotic many-body ratchet in the mean-field limit. Specifically, we explore a driven Bose-Einstein condensate in three distinct dynamical regimes - Rabi oscillations, chaos, and self-trapping regime, and for each of them we calculate the correlation dimension. For the ground state of the ratchet formed by a system of field-free non-interacting particles, we find four distinct pockets of chaotic dynamics throughout these regimes. We show that a measurement of a local density in each of the dynamical regimes, has an attractor characterized with a higher fractal dimension, DR=2.59±0.01D_{R}=2.59\pm0.01, DC=3.93±0.04D_{C}=3.93\pm0.04, and DS=3.05±0.05D_{S}=3.05\pm0.05, as compared to the global measure of current, DR=2.07±0.02D_{R}=2.07\pm0.02, DC=2.96±0.05D_{C}=2.96\pm0.05, and DS=2.30±0.02D_{S}=2.30\pm0.02. We find that the many-body case converges to mean-field limit with strong sub-unity power laws in particle number NN, namely NαN^{\alpha} with αR=0.28±0.01\alpha_{R}={0.28\pm0.01}, αC=0.34±0.067\alpha_{C}={0.34\pm0.067} and αS=0.90±0.24\alpha_{S}={0.90\pm0.24} for each of the dynamical regimes mentioned above. The deviation between local and global measurement of the attractor's dimension corresponds to an increase towards high condensate depletion which remains constant for long time scales in both Rabi and chaotic regimes. The depletion is found to scale polynomially with particle number as NβN^{\beta} with βR=0.51±0.004\beta_{R}={0.51\pm0.004} and βC=0.18±0.004\beta_{C}={0.18\pm0.004} for the two regimes. Thus, we find a strong deviation from the mean-field results, especially in the chaotic regime of the quantum ratchet. The ratchet also reveals quantum revivals in the Rabi and self-trapped regimes but not in the chaotic regime. Based on the obtained results we outline pathways for the identification and characterization of the emergent phenomena in driven many-body systems

    Many-body Quantum Chaos and Entanglement in a Quantum Ratchet

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    We uncover signatures of quantum chaos in the many-body dynamics of a Bose-Einstein condensate-based quantum ratchet in a toroidal trap. We propose measures including entanglement, condensate depletion, and spreading over a fixed basis in many-body Hilbert space which quantitatively identify the region in which quantum chaotic many-body dynamics occurs, where random matrix theory is limited or inaccessible. With these tools we show that many-body quantum chaos is neither highly entangled nor delocalized in the Hilbert space, contrary to conventionally expected signatures of quantum chaos.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. 1 tabl

    Anomalous light propagation and continuous lasing without inversion in an open driven VV-system

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    We explore a driven three-level VV-system coupled to an environment with dynamics governed by the Lindblad master equation. We perform a transformation into superoperator space, which brings the Lindblad equation into a Schr\"{o}dinger-like, thus allowing us to obtain an exact analytical solution for the time-dependence of the density matrix in a closed form. We demonstrate a regime for continuous lasing without inversion for driving with a continuous wave laser. We show a mechanism for achieving superluminal, negative, and vanishing light pulse group velocities and provide a range of physical parameters for realizing these regimes experimentally