1,806 research outputs found


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    The effects of managing soil with organic amendments were examined with respect to soil microbial community dynamics, macroaggregate formation, and plant physio-genetic responses. The objective was to examine the possibility of managing soil microbial communities via soil management, such that the microbial community would provide agronomic benefits. In part one of this research, effects of three amendments (hairy vetch residue, manure, compost) on soil chemical and microbial properties were examined relative to formation of large macroaggregates in three different soils. Vetch and manure promoted fungal proliferation (measured via two biomarkers: fatty acid methyl ester 18:2ω6c and ergosterol) and also stimulated the greatest macroaggregate formation. In part two of this research, effects of soil management (same amendments as above, inorganic N fertilization, organic production) on soil chemical and microbial properties were examined relative to the expression of nitrogen assimilation and defense response genes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Soil management affected expression of a nitrogen assimilation gene (GS1, glutamine synthetase) and several defense-related genes. The GS1 gene was downregulated with inorganic N fertilization, expression of the pathogenesis-related PR1b gene (which codes for the pathogenesis-related PR1b protein) was increased in plants grown in soil amended with compost, vetch, and N fertilizer, and expression of three other defense-related genes coding for chitinase (ChiB), osmotin (Osm), and β-1,3-glucanase (GluA) were decreased in plants from soil amended with manure and in plants from the organically managed soil. Differential expression of defense-related genes was inversely related to the relative abundance of Gram-negative bacteria. The relative abundance of the 18:1ω7c Gram‑negative bacterial biomarker was greatest in manure treated soil and in organically managed soil (which recieves seasonal manure applications). These treatments also had the lowest expression of ChiB, Osm, and GluA, leading to speculation that manure, through increases in Gram-negative bacteria, may have suppressed populations of soil organisms that induce a defense response in plants, possibly allowing for less-stressed plants. Outcomes of this research may be useful for those interested in developing management strategies for maintaining or improving soil structure as well as those interested in understanding management effects plant physio-genetic responses


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    A KMnO4 oxidation method for estimating labile soil C (CL) was evaluated for use in a soil testing mode to identify soils where soil quality and productivity is likely or unlikely to respond positively to increased levels of CL. Four sets of paired fields of the same soil series (within each set) but contrasting soil management history (continuous cropping vs. long-term sod) were studied. Fields with sod history initially tested higher in total soil C and CL than fields with cropped management history. Within each field two treatments (winter rye cover crop or no cover crop) were applied in each of four blocks. Crop and soil functional responses to rye, when significant, were higher in fields that initially tested lower in CL indicating that the KMnO4 method used has some predictive value as a soil test. The method could be used in field testing kits for evaluation of soil C

    Evaluating the Effects of Bacillus subtilis Treatment and Planting Depth on Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Production in a Green Roof System

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    Given the current urbanization context and rising interest in green roof systems, growing a high-value crop such as saffron crocus in green roof medium could be an opportunity to use the benefits of both the crop and the green roof system; the drainage, aeration, and sand-like texture of green roof media make it suited for saffron production, and the saffron market price could make green roof production commercially viable. Various factors, including plant diseases and planting depth, could affect saffron production. Therefore, this research was conducted to evaluate the effects of planting depth and biofungicide treatments using Bacillus subtilis on saffron production in a green roof system. A completely randomized factorial block design was used with planting depth (10 cm and 15 cm) and B. subtilis strain QST 713 biofungicide treatments (an untreated control, 15.6 Ă— 109 cfu/L, and 31.2 Ă— 109 cfu/L) as independent variables. In 2019, fresh flower yield, fresh stigma yield, and dry stigma yield were calculated during harvesting, and additional data on flower number, tepal length and width, stigma length, and harvest time were collected in 2020. All variables were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) with planting depth and biofungicide treatments as fixed effects using R. Fresh stigma yield and dry stigma yield were higher in the 10-cm planting depth in 2019. Results were opposite in 2020: flower number, fresh flower yield, fresh stigma yield, dry stigma yield, and harvest time were higher in the 15-cm planting depth than the 10-cm planting depth. B. subtilis treatments did not affect any studied variable in 2020, but in 2019, the higher level of fungicide treatment resulted in lower fresh flower yield and dry stigma yield. There was no effect of biofungicide treatment and planting depth on tepal length, tepal width, and stigma length in both years. This study showed that growing saffron crocus on green roofs is feasible and even resulted in higher yield than field production in many saffron-producing regions and countries. In addition, results indicated that shallow planting might be suitable for annual production, whereas deeper planting could be ideal for perennial production based on the objective. Our findings demonstrated the feasibility of saffron production in the green roof system and suggest further research to develop best management practices

    Likelihood and Cost Impact of Engineering Change Requirements for DoD Contracts

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    Purpose: There appears to be no empirical-based method in the literature for estimating if an engineering change proposal (ECP) will occur or the dollar amount incurred. This paper aims to present an empirically based approach to address this shortfall.Design/Methodology/Approach: Using the cost assessment data enterprise database, 533 contracts were randomly selected via a stratified sampling plan to build two regression models: one to predict the likelihood of a contract experiencing an ECP and the other to determine the expected median per cent increase in baseline contract cost if an ECP was likely. Both models adopted a stepwise approach. A validation set was placed aside prior to any model building.Findings: Not every contract incurs an ECP; approximately 80 per cent of the contracts in the database did not have an ECP. The likelihood of an ECP and the additional amount incurred appears to be statistically independent of acquisition phase, branch of service, commodity, contract type or any other factor except for the basic contract amount and the number of contract line item numbers; both of these later variables equally affected the contract percentage increase because of an ECP. The combined model overall bested current anecdotal approaches to ECP withhold

    Humans Versus AI: Whether and Why We Prefer Human-Created Compared to AI-Created Artwork

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    With the recent proliferation of advanced artifcial intelligence (AI) models capable of mimicking human artworks, AI creations might soon replace products of human creativity, although skeptics argue that this outcome is unlikely. One possible reason this may be unlikely is that, independent of the physical properties of art, we place great value on the imbuement of the human experience in art. An interesting question, then, is whether and why people might prefer human-compared to AI-created artworks. To explore these questions, we manipulated the purported creator of pieces of art by randomly assigning a “Human-created” or “AI-created” label to paintings actually created by AI, and then assessed participants’ judgements of the artworks across four rating criteria (Liking, Beauty, Profundity, and Worth). Study 1 found increased positive judgements for human- compared to AI-labelled art across all criteria. Study 2 aimed to replicate and extend Study 1 with additional ratings (Emotion, Story, Meaningful, Efort, and Time to create) intended to elucidate why people more-positively appraise Human-labelled artworks. The main fndings from Study 1 were replicated, with narrativity (Story) and perceived efort behind artworks (Efort) moderating the label efects (“Human-created” vs. “AI-created”), but only for the sensory-level judgements (Liking, Beauty). Positive personal attitudes toward AI moderated label efects for more-communicative judgements (Profundity, Worth). These studies demonstrate that people tend to be negatively biased against AI-created artworks relative to purportedly humancreated artwork, and suggest that knowledge of human engagement in the artistic process contributes positively to appraisals of art

    Kv1.3 blockade by ShK186 modulates CD4+ effector memory T-cell activity of patients with Granulomatosis with polyangiitis

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    OBJECTIVES: Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a chronic relapsing systemic autoimmune vasculitis. Current treatment of GPA is unsatisfactory as it relies on strong immunosuppressive regimens, with either cyclophosphamide or rituximab, that reduce the immunogenicity of several vaccines and are risk factors of severe form of COVID-19. This emphasizes the need to identify new drug target and to develop treatment strategies with less harmful side effects. Since CD4+ effector memory T cells (TEM) play a key role in the pathogenesis of GPA, we aimed in this study to modulate CD4+TEM cell activity via Kv1.3 blockade using the specific peptide inhibiter, ShK-186.METHODS: Peripheral blood of 27 GPA-patients in remission and 16 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HCs) were pre-incubated in vitro in the presence or absence of ShK-186, followed by stimulation with PMA, calcium ionophore and brefeldin-A. The effect of ShK-186 on the cytokine production (IFNγ, TNFα, IL-4, IL-17, IL-21) within total and subsets of CD4+TH cells were assessed using flow cytometry.RESULTS: ShK-186 reduced the expression level of IFNγ, TNFα, IL-4, IL-17, and IL-21 in CD4+TH cells from GPA-patients in vitro. Further analysis performed on sorted CD4+T cell subsets, revealed that ShK-186 predominantly inhibited the cytokine production of CD4+TEM cells. ShK-186 treatment reduced the production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines to the level seen in CD4+ TH cells from HCs.CONCLUSIONS: Modulation of cellular effector function by ShK-186 may constitute a novel treatment strategy for GPA with high specificity and less harmful side effects.</p

    Reduction of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) in a Critical Care Setting

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    Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most common type of healthcare associated infections. Seventy five percent are related to indwelling urinary catheters. These infections come with increased morbidity and mortality risk. A team of intensive care providers at a large academic tertiary medical center initiated a quality improvement project to reduce the number of CAUTIs. Baseline data established the total number of catheter days and CAUTIs by month. A subsequent root cause analysis was completed and several counter measures were developed to include a KPI implementation to track that all intensive care providers are educated in CAUTI and creation of a special care quality team. As a result of the countermeasure implementations, the number of CAUTIs has decreased. Next steps includes development and rollout of best practice indwelling urinary catheter maintenance
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