20 research outputs found

    Myeloid tissue factor does not modulate lung inflammation or permeability during experimental acute lung injury

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    Tissue factor (TF) is a critical mediator of direct acute lung injury (ALI) with global TF deficiency resulting in increased airspace inflammation, alveolar-capillary permeability, and alveolar hemorrhage after intra-tracheal lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In the lung, TF is expressed diffusely on the lung epithelium and intensely on cells of the myeloid lineage. We recently reported that TF on the lung epithelium, but not on myeloid cells, was the major source of TF during intra-tracheal LPS-induced ALI. Because of a growing body of literature demonstrating important pathophysiologic differences between ALI caused by different etiologies, we hypothesized that TF on myeloid cells may have distinct contributions to airspace inflammation and permeability between direct and indirect causes of ALI. To test this, we compared mice lacking TF on myeloid cells (TF∆mye, LysM.Cre+/−TFflox/flox) to littermate controls during direct (bacterial pneumonia, ventilator-induced ALI, bleomycin-induced ALI) and indirect ALI (systemic LPS, cecal ligation and puncture). ALI was quantified by weight loss, bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) inflammatory cell number, cytokine concentration, protein concentration, and BAL procoagulant activity. There was no significant contribution of TF on myeloid cells in multiple models of experimental ALI, leading to the conclusion that TF in myeloid cells is not a major contributor to experimental ALI

    Regulation of Alveolar Procoagulant Activity and Permeability in Direct Acute Lung Injury by Lung Epithelial Tissue Factor

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    Tissue factor (TF) initiates the extrinsic coagulation cascade in response to tissue injury, leading to local fibrin deposition. Low levels of TF in mice are associated with increased severity of acute lung injury (ALI) after intratracheal LPS administration. However, the cellular sources of the TF required for protection from LPS-induced ALI remain unknown. In the current study, transgenic mice with cell-specific deletions of TF in the lung epithelium or myeloid cells were treated with intratracheal LPS to determine the cellular sources of TF important in direct ALI. Cell-specific deletion of TF in the lung epithelium reduced total lung TF expression to 39% of wild-type (WT) levels at baseline and to 29% of WT levels after intratracheal LPS. In contrast, there was no reduction of TF with myeloid cell TF deletion. Mice lacking myeloid cell TF did not differ from WT mice in coagulation, inflammation, permeability, or hemorrhage. However, mice lacking lung epithelial TF had increased tissue injury, impaired activation of coagulation in the airspace, disrupted alveolar permeability, and increased alveolar hemorrhage after intratracheal LPS. Deletion of epithelial TF did not affect alveolar permeability in an indirect model of ALI caused by systemic LPS infusion. These studies demonstrate that the lung epithelium is the primary source of TF in the lung, contributing 60–70% of total lung TF, and that lung epithelial, but not myeloid, TF may be protective in direct ALI

    Relative Contributions of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ExoU, ExoS, and ExoT to Virulence in the Lung

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa uses a type III secretion system to promote development of severe disease, particularly in patients with impaired immune defenses. While the biochemical and enzymatic functions of ExoU, ExoS, and ExoT, three effector proteins secreted by this system, are well defined, the relative roles of each protein in the pathogenesis of acute infections is not clearly understood. Since ExoU and ExoS are usually not secreted by the same strain, it has been difficult to directly compare the effects of these proteins during infection. In the work described here, several isogenic mutants of a bacterial strain that naturally secretes ExoU, ExoS, and ExoT were generated to carefully evaluate the relative contribution of each effector protein to pathogenesis in a mouse model of acute pneumonia. Measurements of mortality, bacterial persistence in the lung, and dissemination indicated that secretion of ExoU had the greatest impact on virulence while secretion of ExoS had an intermediate effect and ExoT had a minor effect. It is of note that these results conclusively show for the first time that ExoS is a virulence factor. Infection with isogenic mutants secreting wild-type ExoS, ExoS defective in GTPase-activating protein (GAP) activity, or ExoS defective in ADP-ribosyltransferase activity demonstrated that the virulence of ExoS was largely dependent on its ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. The GAP activity of this protein had only a minor effect in vivo. The relative virulence associated with each of these type III effector proteins may have important prognostic implications for patients infected with P. aeruginosa

    Vascular endothelial cadherin shedding is more severe in sepsis patients with severe acute kidney injury

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    Abstract Background Vascular endothelial cadherin (VE-cadherin) is a membrane protein that is the major component of adherens junctions between endothelial cells. It is crucial for regulating vascular integrity, endothelial permeability, and angiogenesis. During inflammatory processes, VE-cadherin is shed into circulation (sVE-cadherin). Plasma sVE-cadherin is elevated in sepsis, malignancy, autoimmune diseases, and coronary atherosclerosis. However, the relationship between specific organ failures, especially severe acute kidney injury (AKI) defined by requirement for renal replacement therapy (AKI-RRT), and plasma sVE-cadherin levels in severe sepsis has not been well studied. Methods The present study is a prospective study of critically ill adults with sepsis and acute respiratory failure (age ≥ 18 years) enrolled in the Validating Acute Lung Injury markers for Diagnosis (VALID) study. Plasma sVE-cadherin was measured at study enrollment. Primary analysis focused on the association between sVE-cadherin levels and the development of AKI, AKI-RRT, other organ dysfunction as defined by Brussels organ failure scores, pulmonary versus non-pulmonary sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and in-hospital mortality. Results Of 228 severe sepsis patients included, 80 (35%) developed AKI-RRT. Plasma sVE-cadherin levels at enrollment were significantly higher in patients with AKI-RRT compared with patients without AKI-RRT (p = 0.003). Plasma sVE-cadherin levels by quartile were significantly higher in severe sepsis patients with acute kidney injury stage 3 (p = 0.044) as defined by Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. Patients with greater than 2 organ failures had higher plasma sVE-cadherin levels than patients with 2 or fewer organ failures (p < 0.001). In a multivariable analysis, plasma sVE-cadherin was independently associated with AKI-RRT (odds ratio 6.44 per log increase in plasma sVE-cadherin, 95% CI 1.126–36.847, p = 0.036). Plasma sVE-cadherin levels were significantly higher in patients with non-pulmonary sepsis compared to pulmonary sepsis (p < 0.001). Conclusion Shedding of sVE-cadherin is associated with severe acute kidney injury and with more severe organ dysfunction in patients with sepsis, suggesting that breakdown of endothelial adherens junctions may contribute to the pathogenesis of organ dysfunction in sepsis. Further studies of sVE-cadherin as a biomarker of disease severity in clinical sepsis are needed to better elucidate the role of VE-cadherin shedding in sepsis-induced severe organ dysfunction

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa Induces Localized Immunosuppression during Pneumonia▿ †

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    Hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia is a common and serious complication of modern medical care. Many aspects of such infections remain unclear, including the mechanisms by which invading pathogens resist clearance by the innate immune response and the tendency of the infections to be polymicrobial. Here, we used a mouse model of infection to show that Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a leading cause of hospital-acquired pneumonia, interferes with the ability of recruited phagocytic cells to eradicate bacteria from the lung. Early in infection, phagocytic cells, predominantly neutrophils, are recruited to the lungs but are incapacitated when they enter the airways by the P. aeruginosa toxin ExoU. The resulting paucity of functioning phagocytes allows P. aeruginosa to persist within the lungs and results in local immunosuppression that facilitates superinfection with less-pathogenic bacteria. Together, our results provide explanations for previous reports linking ExoU-secreting P. aeruginosa with more severe pulmonary infections and for the tendency of hospital-acquired pneumonia to be polymicrobial

    Endothelial glycocalyx degradation is more severe in patients with non-pulmonary sepsis compared to pulmonary sepsis and associates with risk of ARDS and other organ dysfunction

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    Abstract Background Disruption of the endothelial glycocalyx contributes to acute lung injury in experimental sepsis but has not been well studied in humans. To study glycocalyx degradation in sepsis-induced ARDS, we measured plasma levels of syndecan-1, a marker for glycocalyx degradation. Methods The present study is a retrospective observational study of 262 ventilated medical ICU patients at risk of ARDS due to severe sepsis and APACHE II ≥ 25. Plasma syndecan-1 was measured at study enrollment. Primary analysis focused on the association between syndecan-1 levels and the development of ARDS, other organ dysfunction (Brussels criteria), or in-hospital mortality. Results Overall, 135 (52%) patients developed ARDS. In patients with non-pulmonary sepsis, syndecan-1 levels were associated with ARDS (p = 0.05). Regardless of etiology of sepsis, higher syndecan-1 levels were associated with hepatic (p < 0.001), renal (p = 0.003), coagulation (p = 0.001), and circulatory (p = 0.02) failure as well as in-hospital mortality (p = 0.001), and there was a significant association between syndecan-1 levels and the number of vasopressors required in the first 24 h (p < 0.001). In addition, elevated syndecan levels were independently predictive of mortality in multivariable logistic regression adjusted for age and APACHE II score (odds ratio 1.85 per log increase in syndecan-1, 95% CI 1.056–3.241, p = 0.03). Conclusion The extent of endothelial glycocalyx degradation is associated with non-pulmonary organ dysfunction in subjects with sepsis and is associated with ARDS but only in the subgroup with non-pulmonary sepsis. Measurement of syndecan-1 levels in sepsis patients might be useful for identifying patients at high risk of organ dysfunction and mortality as well as those who could benefit from therapies targeted at protecting or restoring the glycocalyx

    Circulating microparticle levels are reduced in patients with ARDS

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    Abstract Background It is unclear how to identify which patients at risk for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) will develop this condition during critical illness. Elevated microparticle (MP) concentrations in the airspace during ARDS are associated with activation of coagulation and in vitro studies have demonstrated that MPs contribute to acute lung injury, but the significance of MPs in the circulation during ARDS has not been well studied. The goal of the present study was to test the hypothesis that elevated levels of circulating MPs could prospectively identify critically ill patients who will develop ARDS and that elevated circulating MPs are associated with poor clinical outcomes. Methods A total of 280 patients with platelet-poor plasma samples from the prospective Validating Acute Lung Injury biomarkers for Diagnosis (VALID) cohort study were selected for this analysis. Demographics and clinical data were obtained by chart review. MP concentrations in plasma were measured at study enrollment on intensive care unit (ICU) day 2 and on ICU day 4 by MP capture assay. Activation of coagulation was measured by plasma recalcification (clot) times. Results ARDS developed in 90 of 280 patients (32%) in the study. Elevated plasma MP concentrations were associated with reduced risk of developing ARDS (odds ratio (OR) 0.70 per 10 μM increase in MP concentration, 95% CI 0.50–0.98, p = 0.042), but had no significant effect on hospital mortality. MP concentration was greatest in patients with sepsis, pneumonia, or aspiration as compared with those with trauma or receiving multiple blood transfusions. MP levels did not significantly change over time. The inverse association of MP levels with ARDS development was most striking in patients with sepsis. After controlling for age, presence of sepsis, and severity of illness, higher MP concentrations were independently associated with a reduced risk of developing ARDS (OR 0.69, 95% CI 0.49–0.98, p = 0.038). MP concentration was associated with reduced plasma recalcification time. Conclusions Elevated levels of circulating MPs are independently associated with a reduced risk of ARDS in critically ill patients. Whether this is due to MP effects on systemic coagulation warrants further investigation