4 research outputs found

    Aspects of scheduling processes and results of the reorganization of projects in high-rise construction objects

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    Systematization of scientific research and their elements imply that the purpose of scientific research is comprehensive study of an object, process or the phenomenon, their structure, communications and relations on the basis of newly discovered or known to science principles and methods of knowledge and also obtaining and implementation in practice of a construction reorganization new methods of the organization of a labor activity and its elements corresponding to these results. The feasibility and necessity of modeling technogenic impacts as an important element of managing the construction reorganization of objects in order to ensure the competitiveness of the proposed organizational and technological solutions are caused by a variety of reasons. The concepts and definitions related to the field of modeling of technogenic impacts are not well-established. Therefore, there are different options of the definition of the same concept. The models of technogenic impacts are considered as diagnostic if the study and use of them allow obtaining information on the causes of the identified problems. Using such diagnostic models, time series of predicted retrospective values of parameters of technogenic impacts are built. Visual displays of such time series (infographic models) are known as “trends”

    Integrated construction supervision as a tool to reduce the developer’s risks when implementing new and redevelopment projects

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    The article describes the importance of construction supervision by a Developer (EPCM Contractor) as an effective tool for reducing potential risks when implementing investment and construction projects. In general, the paper describes the practice of hiring construction supervisors, the need for an integrated, systemic approach to the work acceptance process. The proposed integrated verification supervision method includes Contractor’s laboratory data confirmation in order to optimize and improve the control functions. The method was analyzed using existing statistical techniques. The paper suggests ways for determining quality and quantity characteristics of sampling (verification supervision) from the general totality (Contractor’s initial supervision) while observing the representativeness condition

    Integrated construction supervision as a tool to reduce the developer’s risks when implementing new and redevelopment projects

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    The article describes the importance of construction supervision by a Developer (EPCM Contractor) as an effective tool for reducing potential risks when implementing investment and construction projects. In general, the paper describes the practice of hiring construction supervisors, the need for an integrated, systemic approach to the work acceptance process. The proposed integrated verification supervision method includes Contractor’s laboratory data confirmation in order to optimize and improve the control functions. The method was analyzed using existing statistical techniques. The paper suggests ways for determining quality and quantity characteristics of sampling (verification supervision) from the general totality (Contractor’s initial supervision) while observing the representativeness condition

    Technology for processing waste of the pulp and paper industry into soil ground using natural processes

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    Актуальность. Отходы ОАО «Байкальский ЦБК» несут реальную угрозу возникновения социально-экологической катастрофы озера Байкал и всего Южного Прибайкалья, поэтому особенно остро стоит проблема разработки комплексных решений по ликвидации накопленных лигнинсодержащих отходов. Одним из перспективных направлений переработки такого типа отходов можно считать использование естественных природных процессов, например, вымораживание в зимний период времени года вследствие отрицательных температур или самозарастание вследствие естественных процессов сукцессии. Цель: разработать экологически безопасную технологию переработки коллоидных лигнинсодержащих отходов целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности. Методы: опытно-промышленные испытания на Солзанской промплощадке ОАО «Байкальский ЦБК» по вымораживанию лигнинсодержащих отходов и получению из них почвогрунтов путем смешивания с добавками; выполнение количественного химического анализа с использованием методов атомно-абсорбционной и атомно-эмиссионной спектрометрии, высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии, токсикологического анализа. Результаты. Опытно-промышленные испытания показали, что после вымораживания происходит разрушение коллоидной структуры лигнинсодержащих осадков с уменьшением объема до 40 %, влажности до 60 %, а также со снижением токсичности с третьего (умеренно опасные) в четвертый (малоопасные) и пятый класс (практически неопасные) опасности отходов в зависимости от его состава. После вымораживания полученный осадок при внесении различных добавок (золы ТЭЦ, осадок канализационных очистных сооружений) можно применять как почвогрунты и удобрения для рекультивации нарушенных земель и выращивания сельскохозяйственных культур. Таким образом, разработана экологически безопасная технология переработки отходов целлюлозно-бумажной промышленности с получением почвогрунтов, которая является малоэнергозатратной и не содержит дорогостоящего импортного оборудования.The relevance. The waste of Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill causes a real danger of a social and environmental disaster for Lake Baikal and the entire Southern Baikal region, therefore, the problem of developing integrated solutions for dumping the accumulation of lignincontaining waste is especially acute. One of the promising areas for processing this type of waste is the use of natural processes, for example, freezing in winter, temperature detection or self-overgrowth of the occurrence of natural succession. The main aim of the research is to develop an environmentally friendly technology for processing colloidal lignin-containing waste from the pulp and paper industry. Methods: pilot tests at the Solzan industrial site of Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill for freezing lignin-containing wastes and obtaining soils from them by mixing with additives; performing quantitative chemical analysis using the methods of atomic absorption and atomic emission spectrometry, high performance liquid chromatography, toxicological analysis. Results. Pilot tests have shown that after freezing, the colloidal structure of lignin-containing sediments is destroyed with a decrease in volume up to 40 %, humidity up to 60 %, and also with a decrease in toxicity - from the third (moderately hazardous) to the fourth (low hazardous) and fifth class (practically non-hazardous) of hazard of the waste depending on its composition. After freezing, the resulting sludge with the introduction of various additives (CHP ash, sewage treatment plant sludge) can be used as soil ground and fertilizers for reclamation of disturbed lands and crops. Thus, an environmentally friendly technology was developed for processing waste from the pulp and paper industry to obtain soil ground, which is low-energy and does not contain expensive imported equipment