4 research outputs found

    GSU Event Portal

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    Event Portal for Governor’s State University is a concept of Content Management System for college events, conducted by management or students. Users that includes students and management can register in event portal to create, edit or delete events with specific details such as background of event, images, location, data and time. Students should login to the portal to register for any events. Upon every user registration in portal or for any event a confirmation email will be sent to registered mail id. Admin is the super user of the portal to control users and events. A responsive design enables this portal to access this website device friendly. Every content in the portal is fetched from database dynamically. It is a one hotspot of the events completely designed for GSU Event Portal. Technical Details: PHP is used for the server side scripting language; MySQL is the database storage. HTML5, CSS3 is used for front-end UI system. Responsive design will be well handled by Bootstrap framework. jQuery library is used for dynamic actions on webpages. Overall event portal can be able to deploy and use in single spot i.e. XAMPP. It is compatible in Windows, Linux and other platforms

    Optimization and mechanical characterization of casein and seaweed resin with hemp reinforcement: A review

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    Plastic is a versatile material used in many products, but its production with petroleum-based materials has harmful environmental consequences. To address this issue, sustainable and biodegradable alternatives like hemp plastic are needed. Hemp plastic is made solely from hemp plants, which absorb four times more atmospheric carbon dioxide than other plants, making it an ideal solution. Additionally, hemp fiber is more durable than the standard fiber used in conventional plastic production. Casein, a naturally occurring protein in milk, can also be used to create biodegradable polymers for small items. Seaweed produces polysaccharides that can be used as a biomaterial or binding agent for creating bioplastics. In this project, hemp composites reinforced with casein and seaweed are created and characterized to evaluate their mechanical and chemical properties. These sustainable and biodegradable materials can replace petroleum-based plastics, minimizing their negative environmental impact

    Photogrammetric processing of hexagon stereo data for change detection studies

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    Hexagon satellite data acquired as a part of USA Corona program has been declassified and is accessible to general public. This image data was acquired in high resolution much before the launch of civilian satellites. However the non availability of interior and exterior orientation parameters is the main bottle neck in photogrammetric processing of this data. In the present study, an attempt was made to orient and adjust Hexagon stereo pair through Rigorous Sensor Model (RSM) and Rational Function Models (RFM). The study area is part of Western Ghats in India. For rigorous sensor modelling an arbitrary camera file is generated based on the information available in the literature and few assumptions. A terrain dependent RFM was generated for the stereo data using Cartosat-1 reference data. The model accuracy achieved for both RSM and RFM was better than one pixel. DEM and orthoimage were generated with a spacing of 50 m and Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) of 6 m to carry out the change detection with a special emphasis on water bodies with reference to recent Cartosat-1 data. About 72 new water bodies covering an area of 2300 hectares (23 sq. km) were identified in Cartosat-1 orthoimage that were not present in Hexagon data. The image data from various Corona programs like Hexagon provide a rich source of information for temporal studies. However photogrammetric processing of the data is a bit tedious due to lack of information about internal sensor geometry