38 research outputs found

    MGMT 641-101: Global Project Management

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    Blood transfusion and oxygen extraction ratio in patients admitted to the general intensive care unit: A quasi experimental study

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    Introduction: Blood transfusion is commonly undertaken in critically ill patients; and studies have suggested the use of oxygen extraction ratio (O2ER) as an additional transfusion trigger in critically ill patients. The aim of this study was to establish the relationship between blood transfusion and oxygen extraction ratio in adult patients admitted to the general intensive care unit, using central venous oxygen saturation instead of mixed venous oxygen saturation. Methods: Arterial and central venous blood samples were drawn and a blood gas analysis immediately before commencement of blood transfusion was undertaken. At least 15 min after completion of the transfusion, similar samples were drawn and the blood gas analysis was repeated. The O2ER before and after transfusion was then calculated. Using paired student’s t-test, we checked whether the mean difference between the two O2ERs was statistically significant. Results: We enrolled 58 patients in the study, the mean (±SD) haemoglobin concentration before transfusion was 7.38 g/dl (±1.71). The mean change in haemoglobin concentration following blood transfusion was 2.29 g/dl (±1.18), after transfusing an average of 1.95 (±0.83) units of packed cells. Mean O2ER was 0.27 (±0.11) before, and 0.25 (±0.12) after RBC transfusion. The mean change in O2ER was −0.018 SD ± 0.10 (95% CI, −0.043–0.007; P = 0.15). Linear regression analysis showed no statistically significant relationship between change in haemoglobin concentration and change in O2ER; p-value = 0.12. Discussion: The change in oxygen extraction ratio was not statistically significant following blood transfusion in adult patients admitted to the general ICU at a tertiary teaching hospital. Further studies are required especially in patients with increased pre transfusion O2ER to evaluate the usefulness of this measurement as a possible transfusion trigger


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    Abstract In this study optimum row-spacing and plant density of new safflower cultivar, Goldasht were evaluated during a twoyear period (2007)(2008)(2009

    Institutional Review Boards: Motivation and Formation

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    Dr. Sharrif Osman from Mogadishu University delivered this presentation at SomaliREN Annual University Leaders Retreat on 8 July 2021 in Jigjiga, Somali region of Ethiopia

    Aloe Vera Chemicals and Usages

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    ABSTRACT The plant of Aloe vera and its usage as drug dates back to 6000 years B.C. The plates blonging to Sumer period during 2200 years BC, show use of this this plant as a drug. In that plates, it is written about origin of this plant as Africa, that has 240 species and is ever green. Cleopatra said that her beauty is due to use of Aloe vera plant. One prescription that belong to 1550 BC shows Aloe vera plant used for different illness. It was known to people in Egypt and also Greece for example Aristoteles explains special charactristics of Aloe vera. Jelâtin that is extracted from this plant is continuously used to treat burns, cuts and inflamed scars since many years. It is also used in cosmetics sector, medical sector and beverage sectors. It is useful for skin damaged from X ray as reported in many reaserchs in journals related x rays. Because of high concentration of water and oil in this plant, it helps to protect skin from drieness and so the skin that is burnt or cut heals very quickly. On the other hand concentration of glikoz in gelatin, results in high osmotic presure, that protect skin from live bacteria. Aloe vera include ''Antrokinon'' cemicals that are known as anti virus, anti bacteria and anti cancer. Researchers shows that plant is very helpful for treatment of Psoriyazis. Aloe vera is very similar to Cactus but belongs to Lily family of Aloe barbadensis groups. Aloe vera has 400 species but just 2 species; A.barbadensis and A.aborescens are used for trade in the world. This plant need very less water for living and also can survive on saline soils, beaches and is resistance to disases and insects. It can live in very hot regions, but cannot tolerate cold. Aloe vera grows in South Texas, Florida and South California in USA. It also grows in Mexico, India, South and centeral America, Africa, Australia and Carribians. This plant is very good adaptad in South Iran. It also grows in dryland regions of Iran. This plant was brought to Gheshm (the land in Iran) by businessman many years ago. It is narrated in " Sabir name" in Persian that this plant relaxes men. This plant is put on the grave that relaxes the family of decesed. In Gheshm few hectars of old grave yard has Aloe vera as traditional plant of graves. This paper reviews history, its chemicals, medical usage, plant morphology, extracts and agronomy of Aloe vera

    Self-Medication Practice with Nonprescription Medication among University Students: a review of the literature

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    Objective: To review the literature relating to self-medicationpractice with nonprescription medication among universitystudents.Methods: A narrative review of studies on self-medicationpractice with nonprescription medication among universitystudent was performed. An extensive literature search wasundertaken using indexing services available at UniversitiSains Malaysia (USM) library. The following keywords wereused for the search: self-care, self-medication, over-thecountermedicine, nonprescription medicine, minor illnesses,minor ailment, university population and communitypharmacy. Electronic databases searched were Science Direct,Medline, ISI Web of Knowledge, Inside Web, JSTOR, SpringerLink, Proquest, Ebsco Host and Google Scholar. Theseelectronic databases were searched for full text paperspublished in English.Results: Eleven studies were identified. In general, the reviewhas shown that self-medication practice with nonprescriptionmedication highly prevalence among university students. Thereasons for self-medication are vary among this populationand the main symptoms leading to self-medication areheadache or minor pain; fever, flu, cough, or cold; anddiarrhoea.The common medication is analgesic, antipyreticproducts, cough and cold remedies, anti allergy andvitamins or minerals. The sources of the medicines arepharmacy, home medicine cabinet, supermarket/shopand other person such as family, friend, neighbours andclassmates. The sources of drug information are familymember, previous experience, pharmacy salesman,doctor or nurse, advertisement and others. The reviewalso has shown that the self-medication practice couldhave many problems.Conclusions: The review provides insights about theself-medication practices among the university students.These practices were highly prevalence among universitystudents. The symptoms leading to self-medication arevary, thus the medication used and the medicationsources. It needs an adequate drug information andappropriate pharmaceutical care in self-medicationpractice appropriately among university student. Furtherstudy looking into the self-medication related problemsassociated with non-prescription products is needed

    Perseptron berbilang lapisan algoritma perambatan ke belakang:Konsep rangkaian neural tiruan

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    The main objective of this paper is to serve as an introduction to the process of designing and training of a neural network. A simple implementation of a nonlinear separable function (e.g. exclusive OR function) using the backpropagation training algorithm and feedforward multilayer perceptron is used as an example. Finally, the paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the Neural Networks. In addition, it also discusses the implementation of the neural network appraoch to voice/unvoice problem

    Capparis spinosa L. Propagation and medicinal uses

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    The caper bush (Capparis spinosa L., Cappari daceae) has been introduced as a specialized culture in some European countries during the last four decades. The economic importance of caper plant (young flower buds, known as capers, are greatly favored for seasoning and different parts of the plant are used in the manufacture of medicines and cosmetics) led to a significant increase in both the area under cultivation and production levels during the late 1980s. The main production areas are in harsh environments found in Morocco, the southeastern Iberian Peninsula, Turkey, and the Italian islands of Pantelleria and Salina. This species has developed special mechanisms in order to survive in the Mediterranean conditions, and introduction in semiarid lands may help to prevent the disruption of the equilibrium of those fragile ecosystems

    Design and optimization of ladder wave digital filters

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    This paper introduces a time domain approach for designing ladder wave digital filters (WDFs) with limited coefficient wordlengths. Simple iteration equations yield the time domain response of a ladder WDF. An optimization algorithm then facilitates the design of the WDF to meet a desired response with a specific number of bits representing the coefficients. This approach also affords realizations with frequency domain constraint