193 research outputs found

    The small towns residents demand for the urban environment development (the case of sociological research in the Murmansk region)

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    The article looks at the specifics of living conditions in small towns in general, as well as considering their location in one of the Federal subjects of the Arctic zone of Russia. The article also justifies the necessity of developing the urban environment as a significant factor in improving the level and quality of life of the Murmansk region population. Furthermore, it raises the issue about the attitude of small towns residents in this region to the improvement of the territory. The analysis is based on the results of the sociological research conducted in 2021 among the residents of Zaozersk, Kirovsk and Kovdor towns by doing an online survey (301 respondents) and by holding a group discussion (35 participants). Despite the fact that the majority of the surveyed in these small towns represent a positive image of the town, there is an urgent need for the renewal and reconstruction of territories in residential areas, as well as the willingness of residents to directly or indirectly participate in the implementation of measures to develop the urban environment. The main results of the study concretize the needs of the small towns population for the improvement of the territory, and have an applied value for justifying applications for the competition for the best projects in urban environment development in small towns and historical settlements of Russia

    The Modern World Landscape of Data Science Online Education

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    Data science as an emerging branch of applied knowledge and a new field of study is showing a strong momentum. Besides, the corresponding sphere of educational research is actively developing. At the same time, most of the scientific publications are aimed at studying specific issues related to the content of the programs and their methodological support. The wider context and especially the international perspective are lacking for the necessary attention of researchers.In this regard, the purpose of our study was to summarize and systematize information about training programs in the field of data science presented on online platforms of the main macro-regions – America, Europe and Asia. For this purpose, we found out what elements the corpus of data science training programs consists of, as well as how courses are distributed on educational platforms by countries, organizational providers, level of education and duration of study. Based on the data obtained, we conducted a comparative interregional study of educational programs presented on online platforms.The findings made it possible to draw conclusions about the specifics of the global landscape of data science online education, as well as to determine the specifics of the Russian segment and to formulate recommendations for solving significant problems of the domestic economy using data science online education

    Artificial intelligence in clinical physiology: How to improve learning agility

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    Clinical physiology involves a complete, comprehensive, multilateral study of the functions of both affected and healthy organs, which allows us to assess the compensatory capabilities of the body. Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used in medicine, including in clinical physiology. This is facilitated by the increase in computing processing power, development of cloud services and datasets, and numerous scientific articles demonstrating the effectiveness and viability of such intelligent solutions. Although the approach to medical dataset development is generally similar, there are a number of key features and significant differences in clinical physiology. Artificial intelligence systems in clinical physiology may be effectively trained and applied in practice by following the recommendations in this study. The national standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 59921.9-2022, which has entered into force, is included in the set of standards Artificial Intelligence systems in clinical medicine and establishes additional requirements for data analysis algorithms and test methods of artificial intelligence systems used in the field of clinical physiology. A crucial feature of the created standard is its qualimetric type (i.e., it has a mandatory set of demonstration data). Russia is one of the first countries to start developing quasi-metric standards worldwide, and 15 industry standards in the field of artificial intelligence (2 of them in medicine) will come into force this year

    Neuroinflammation as secondary damage in head injury

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    Head injury is one of the main disability causes among the working-age population. Stroke energy induces mechanical injury of tissues to launch secondary damage, i.e. neurotransmission, blood-brain barrier disruption, blood infiltration of brain tissues, cytokine and chemokine overexpression, and other processes. Activated by the injury, microglia plays a special part to initially 'protect' intact tissues from the products of necrosis and apoptosis. After the injury, microglia rapidly differentiates to phenotypes М1 and М2. Pro-inflammatory phenotype М1 produces neuronal cytotoxic cytokines including tumor necrosis factor-, interleukins (IL)-6 and IL-1, and NO that induce apoptosis while phenotype М2 secretes IL-4 and IL-13 that may supposedly reduce inflammation and improve recovery of brain tissues. М2 response lasts much less than М1 response, and increasing pro-inflammatory activation leads to further neuronal death, which affects cognitive and physical status of patients with head injury. The review covers main biochemical processes in the injured brain and possible ways of neuroinflammation modulation

    Usage of Mobile Laboratories of Biological Expertise Abroad and in Russia: Present Day Realities and Prospects

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    We analyzed the data on availability and usage of mobile laboratories of biological expertise for indication and identification of pathogenic biological agents in foreign countries and in the Russian Federation. We outlined the major types of mobile units that exist abroad and in Russia. Key stages of evolution in design and deployment of mobile laboratories in the network of plague control institutions of the Rospotrebnadzor were described, as well as the broadening of the range of their use in Russia. We assessed operational use of the Russian mobile laboratories, both in Russia and abroad, in the provision of sanitary-epidemiological welfare during mass events, disaster management, and response to epidemic manifestations of particularly dangerous infectious diseases. Major trends in implementation of mobile units of biological expertise in Russia were identified. We addressed their usage in various State Programs on assistance to partner-countries in the matters of International Health Regulations (2005) implementation, control over dangerous infectious diseases. Advanced inventions – Second generation modernized mobile complex of the specialized anti-epidemic teams, mobile laboratory for monitoring and diagnostics, and airmobile anti-epidemic complex – were discussed

    Basic Principles of Construction of Mobile Truck-Mounted Laboratories for Indication and Identification of Infectious Disease Agents

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    The paper covers historical retrospective of mobile truck-mounted laboratory construction, used for diagnostics of infectious diseases in the Russian Federation, as well as information on analogous laboratories of foreign manufacture. From the standpoint of systemic approach and systemic-functional analysis, investigated has been experience of the Russian Research Anti-Plague Institute “ Microbe” in developing mobile complexes for indication and identification of infectious disease agents, I-IV pathogenicity groups. Outlined, scientifically substantiated and considered in depth are ten basic principles, underlying design and construction of mobile laboratories for laboratory diagnostics of infectious diseases

    Improvement of the Normative-Regulatory Framework Concerning Anti-Epidemic Procedures for Works with Infectious Disease Agents in Mobile Laboratories of Specialized Anti-Epidemic Teams (SAET)

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    Carried out is a range of investigations aimed at the improvement of the anti-epidemic procedures for works with infectious disease agents (herein biological safety provision) in mobile laboratories of specialized anti-epidemic teams (SAET). Evaluation of the operational experience of stationary and field laboratories, as well as comparative analysis of the national safety requirements for works with pathogenic biological agents and WHO international regulations in the sphere of biological safety provision in laboratories, has made it possible to outline common for all types of microbiological laboratories principles for biosafety provision. With due consideration of these principles formulated are the core requirements for the provision of biological safety of SAET activities. Based on the results of biorisk and biohazard assessment which have to do with innovative mobile laboratories, worked out is a system of anti-epidemic procedures aimed towards establishment of the conditions that offer as low as practically achievable level of risk for personnel of SAET mobile laboratories, for population and human environment too. These practices, designed for biological safety provision among the personnel of mobile laboratories (ML), have been played back in a number of standard operational procedures. With a view to establishing of the environment with acceptable level of biorisk for the personnel and population when ML are used for various purposes and in various contingencies (in full force, single unit or several modules), worked out are the algorithms of decision-making support as regards selection of modules and optional accessories. However, there is a need for emergency response plans and training programs for the personnel on the provision of biosafety in ML to ensure and maintain acceptable level of biorisk connected with ML functioning

    Development and experience of using the educational online course for students of medical specialties

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    Students' interest in distance education, which is currently available on-line, was shown using questionnaires. An electronic textbook on pharmacognosy and herbal medicine has been created for students and specialists in the pharmaceutical, medical and biological fields.Интерес студентов к дистанционному обучению, доступному в настоящее время online, было показано с помощью анкетирования. Создано электронное учебное пособие по фармакогнозии и фитотерапии для студентов и специалистов фармацевтического, медицинского и биологического профиля