32 research outputs found

    Nf-κb Inhibition Rescues Cardiac Function By Remodeling Calcium Genes In A Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Model

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    Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a neuromuscular disorder causing progressive muscle degeneration. Although cardiomyopathy is a leading mortality cause in DMD patients, the mechanisms underlying heart failure are not well understood. Previously, we showed that NF-κB exacerbates DMD skeletal muscle pathology by promoting inflammation and impairing new muscle growth. Here, we show that NF-κB is activated in murine dystrophic (mdx) hearts, and that cardiomyocyte ablation of NF-κB rescues cardiac function. This physiological improvement is associated with a signature of upregulated calcium genes, coinciding with global enrichment of permissive H3K27 acetylation chromatin marks and depletion of the transcriptional repressors CCCTC-binding factor, SIN3 transcription regulator family member A, and histone deacetylase 1. In this respect, in DMD hearts, NF-κB acts differently from its established role as a transcriptional activator, instead promoting global changes in the chromatin landscape to regulate calcium genes and cardiac function

    The expression of Clcn7 and Ostm1 in osteoclasts is coregulated by microphthalmia transcription factor

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    Microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF) regulates osteoclast function by controling the expression of genes, including tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) and cathepsin K in response to receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL)-induced signaling. To identify novel MITF target genes, we have overexpressed MITF in the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7 subclone 4 (RAW/C4) and examined the gene expression profile after sRANKL-stimulated osteoclastogenesis. Microarray analysis identified a set of genes superinduced by MITF overexpression, including Clcn7 (chloride channel 7) and Ostm1 (osteopetrosis-associated transmembrane protein 1). Using electrophoretic mobility shift assays, we identified two MITF-binding sites (M-boxes) in the Clcn7 promoter and a single M-box in the Ostm1 promoter. An anti-MITF antibody supershifted DNA-protein complexes for promoter sites in both genes, whereas MITF binding was abolished by mutation of these sites. The Clcn7 promoter was transactivated by coexpression of MITF in reporter gene assays. Mutation of one Clcn7 M-box prevented MITF transactivation, but mutation of the second MITF-binding site only reduced basal activity. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays confirmed that the two Clcn7 MITF binding and responsive regions in vitro bind MITF in genomic DNA. The expression of Clcn7 is repressed in the dominant negative mutant Mitf mouse, mi/mi, indicating that the dysregulated bone resorption seen in these mice can be attributed in part to transcriptional repression of Clcn7. MITF regulation of the TRAP, cathepsin K, Clcn7, and Ostm1 genes, which are critical for osteoclast resorption, suggests that the role of MITF is more significant than previously perceived and that MITF may be a master regulator of osteoclast function and bone resorption

    The mutK Gene of Vibrio cholerae: a New Gene Involved in DNA Mismatch Repair

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    A new gene, mutK, of Vibrio cholerae, encoding a 19-kDa protein which is involved in repairing mismatches in DNA via a presumably methyl-independent pathway, has been identified. The product of the mutK gene cloned in either high- or low-copy-number vectors can reduce the spontaneous mutation frequency of Escherichia coli mutS, mutL, mutU, and dam mutants. The spontaneous mutation frequency of a chromosomal mutK knockout mutant was almost identical to that of wild-type V. cholerae cells, indicating that when the methyl-directed mismatch repair is blocked, the repair potential of MutK becomes apparent. The complete nucleotide sequence of the mutK gene has been determined, and the deduced amino acid sequence showed three open reading frames (ORFs), of which the ORF3 represents the mutK gene product. The mutK gene product has no significant homology with any of the proteins deposited in the EMBL data bank. ORF2, located upstream of mutK, encodes a 14-kDa protein which has more than 70% homology with a hypothetical protein found only downstream of the E. coli vsr gene. ORF1, located farther upstream of mutK, has more than 80% homology with a major cold shock protein found in several bacteria. Downstream of mutK, a partial ORF having 60% homology with an RNA methyltransferase has been identified. The mutK gene has recently been positioned in the ordered cloned DNA map of the genome of the V. cholerae strain from which the gene was isolated (10)

    Eos, MITF, and PU.1 Recruit Corepressors to Osteoclast-Specific Genes in Committed Myeloid Progenitors▿ †

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    Transcription factors MITF and PU.1 collaborate to increase expression of target genes like cathepsin K (Ctsk) and acid phosphatase 5 (Acp5) during osteoclast differentiation. We show that these factors can also repress transcription of target genes in committed myeloid precursors capable of forming either macrophages or osteoclasts. The direct interaction of MITF and PU.1 with the zinc finger protein Eos, an Ikaros family member, was necessary for repression of Ctsk and Acp5. Eos formed a complex with MITF and PU.1 at target gene promoters and suppressed transcription through recruitment of corepressors CtBP (C-terminal binding protein) and Sin3A, but during osteoclast differentiation, Eos association with Ctsk and Acp5 promoters was significantly decreased. Subsequently, MITF and PU.1 recruited coactivators to these target genes, resulting in robust expression of target genes. Overexpression of Eos in bone marrow-derived precursors disrupted osteoclast differentiation and selectively repressed transcription of MITF/PU.1 targets, while small interfering RNA knockdown of Eos resulted in increased basal expression of Ctsk and Acp5. This work provides a mechanism to account for the modulation of MITF and PU.1 activity in committed myeloid progenitors prior to the initiation of osteoclast differentiation in response to the appropriate extracellular signals

    The Ewing sarcoma protein (EWS) binds directly to the proximal elements of the macrophage-specific promoter of the CSF-1 receptor (csf1r) gene

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    Many macrophage-specific promoters lack classical transcriptional start site elements such as TATA boxes and Sp1 sites. One example is the CSF-1 receptor (CSF-1R, CD115,c-fms), which is used as a model of the transcriptional regulation of macrophage genes

    Harnessing the Therapeutic Potential of the Nrf2/Bach1 Signaling Pathway in Parkinson’s Disease

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    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative movement disorder characterized by a progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta. Although a complex interplay of multiple environmental and genetic factors has been implicated, the etiology of neuronal death in PD remains unresolved. Various mechanisms of neuronal degeneration in PD have been proposed, including oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, neuroinflammation, α-synuclein proteostasis, disruption of calcium homeostasis, and other cell death pathways. While many drugs individually targeting these pathways have shown promise in preclinical PD models, this promise has not yet translated into neuroprotective therapies in human PD. This has consequently spurred efforts to identify alternative targets with multipronged therapeutic approaches. A promising therapeutic target that could modulate multiple etiological pathways involves drug-induced activation of a coordinated genetic program regulated by the transcription factor, nuclear factor E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2). Nrf2 regulates the transcription of over 250 genes, creating a multifaceted network that integrates cellular activities by expressing cytoprotective genes, promoting the resolution of inflammation, restoring redox and protein homeostasis, stimulating energy metabolism, and facilitating repair. However, FDA-approved electrophilic Nrf2 activators cause irreversible alkylation of cysteine residues in various cellular proteins resulting in side effects. We propose that the transcriptional repressor of BTB and CNC homology 1 (Bach1), which antagonizes Nrf2, could serve as a promising complementary target for the activation of both Nrf2-dependent and Nrf2-independent neuroprotective pathways. This review presents the current knowledge on the Nrf2/Bach1 signaling pathway, its role in various cellular processes, and the benefits of simultaneously inhibiting Bach1 and stabilizing Nrf2 using non-electrophilic small molecules as a novel therapeutic approach for PD

    TNF inhibits Notch-1 in skeletal muscle cells by Ezh2 and DNA methylation mediated repression: implications in duchenne muscular dystrophy.

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    Classical NF-kappaB signaling functions as a negative regulator of skeletal myogenesis through potentially multiple mechanisms. The inhibitory actions of TNFalpha on skeletal muscle differentiation are mediated in part through sustained NF-kappaB activity. In dystrophic muscles, NF-kappaB activity is compartmentalized to myofibers to inhibit regeneration by limiting the number of myogenic progenitor cells. This regulation coincides with elevated levels of muscle derived TNFalpha that is also under IKKbeta and NF-kappaB control.Based on these findings we speculated that in DMD, TNFalpha secreted from myotubes inhibits regeneration by directly acting on satellite cells. Analysis of several satellite cell regulators revealed that TNFalpha is capable of inhibiting Notch-1 in satellite cells and C2C12 myoblasts, which was also found to be dependent on NF-kappaB. Notch-1 inhibition occurred at the mRNA level suggesting a transcriptional repression mechanism. Unlike its classical mode of action, TNFalpha stimulated the recruitment of Ezh2 and Dnmt-3b to coordinate histone and DNA methylation, respectively. Dnmt-3b recruitment was dependent on Ezh2.We propose that in dystrophic muscles, elevated levels of TNFalpha and NF-kappaB inhibit the regenerative potential of satellite cells via epigenetic silencing of the Notch-1 gene