141 research outputs found

    Study of ectopic pregnancy in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Ectopic pregnancy is an obstetric emergency with high morbidity and mortality. Incidence of ectopic pregnancies has been increasing in last two to three decades with reduction in mortality. The presenting symptoms include irregular vaginal bleeding. The present study was undertaken to study the clinical features of ectopic pregnancies in a tertiary care hospital.Methods: The present study on ectopic pregnancies was carried out in department of obstetrics and gynaecology, jhalawar medical college, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, India from January 2019 to October 2019. All patients admitted with diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, either ruptured or unruptured where included in the study.Results: Total 52 patient of ectopic pregnancy were studies. Majority (63.46%) of patients belong to the age group 21-30 years. Ectopic pregnancy was most commonly noted in nulliparous woman (44.23%) Majority of the case (31%) had no risk factors among remaining (34.61%), previous MTP (17%), (17-30%) previous ectopic (9%) and PID (15-38%) were identified risk factors. Ampulla (75%) was the most common site for ectopic pregnancy. 57% of the cases were on the right side. The common presenting complaints were pain in abdomen (81%) bleeding/ spotting per vaginal (42%). There was no mortality.Conclusions: Surgical treatment was done more often because of patients reporting late to the hospital screening of high-risk case, early diagnosis and early intervention reduce the morbidity and mortality in ectopic pregnancies

    Study of Alterations of Bacterial Membrane Proteins involved in ?-Lactam Sensitivity

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    The selective nature of organisms to prevailing stress– ?-lactam antibiotics is obviously concerned with the architecture of outer membrane. Bacillus subtilis Gram-positive bacteria advocates variation in achieving cellular morphogenetic dimensions. In the present study more protonated species of ?-lactam i.e. Ceftriaxone proved to be more effective in contrast to cefazolin as far as sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis is concerned. The MIC50 for ceftriaxone (CT) was observed to be 1.5 ppm in contrast to first generation ?-lactam antibiotic i.e. cefazolin with MIC50 18 ppm concentration. The relative sensitivity of bacterial cells to both the cephalosporins was more positively inclined to third generation species. The role of modified cephalosporin was observed under various physiological situations under laboratory conditions such as pH, Temp, chelating agent and Mg2+ ion concentrations. The sensitivity of Bacillus subtilis to ?-lactam was more potentiated at acidic pH than at alkaline pH. At alkaline pH only 16% inhibition of growth of Bacillus subtilis in Dye’s minimal media at 37±10C was seen in contrast to 60% inhibition of growth in the presence of CZ. The growth was enhanced / potentiated in the presence of chelating agent – EDTA at 0.25 mM concentration in combination with MIC50 of CT and CZ 84% inhibition of growth was recorded in the presence of CT (MIC50) in contrast to 82% inhibition in the presence of CZ (MIC50). The growth inhibition with 0.25 mM EDTA alone was also seen to be 82%. Keywords: ?-lactam, EDTA, MIC50, Ceftriaxone sodium, Cefazolin sodiu

    Role of Membrane Architecture in Development of Sensitivity to Cephalosporin Group of Antibiotics

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    Due to efficient adaptation process the spread of resistance among microbial pathogens is always a major problem to therapy. The resistance towards an antibiotic can be either biochemical or genetic. The molecular orientation of bacterial cell wall is responsible in determining drug resistance. The role of cephalosporins for e.g.: ceftriaxone & cefazolin was studied in relation to its toxicity to B. subtilis (Gram positive) & E. coli (Gram negative).In the presence of cefazolin an abnormally high level of protein release was observed when intact cells as well as membrane vesicles. In the presence of cefazolin protein release was observed to been enhanced in contrast to ceftriaxone. The protein export in case of intact bacterial cells was higher than membrane vesicles suggesting the involvement of membrane proteins in drug sensitivity/resistance. The extent of protein released was also found to be modulated when both the cells were subjected to temperature treatment. However, maximum protein export was seen when gram positive& gram-negative cells were subjected to EDTA concentrations. In contrast availability of Mg2+ ions in the medium resulted in slight fall in protein release indicating stabilization of membrane vesicles as well as bacterial cell wall, which might have resulted in lowered protein export due to involvement of transport system. From this study it can be concluded that outer membrane orientation determines the therapeutic value of cefazolin & ceftriaxone. Keywords: Ceftriaxone sodium, Cefazolin sodium, Ethylene diamine tetra acetate, Proton motive force, Minimum Inhibitory Concentratio

    Edge Enhancement from Low-Light Image by Convolutional Neural Network and Sigmoid Function

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    Due to camera resolution or any lighting condition, captured image are generally over-exposed or under-exposed conditions. So, there is need of some enhancement techniques that improvise these artifacts from recorded pictures or images. So, the objective of image enhancement and adjustment techniques is to improve the quality and characteristics of an image. In general terms, the enhancement of image distorts the original numerical values of an image. Therefore, it is required to design such enhancement technique that do not compromise with the quality of the image. The optimization of the image extracts the characteristics of the image instead of restoring the degraded image. The improvement of the image involves the degraded image processing and the improvement of its visual aspect. A lot of research has been done to improve the image. Many research works have been done in this field. One among them is deep learning. Most of the existing contrast enhancement methods, adjust the tone curve to correct the contrast of an input image but doesn’t work efficiently due to limited amount of information contained in a single image. In this research, the CNN with edge adjustment is proposed. By applying CNN with Edge adjustment technique, the input low contrast images are capable to adapt according to high quality enhancement. The result analysis shows that the developed technique significantly advantages over existing methods

    Comparison of body mass index and intraocular pressure

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    Background: Raised intaocular pressure is considered as a major risk factor for developing optic neuropathy. Intraocular pressure (IOP) depends on various systemic and local factors and it has been postulated that IOP increases proportionately with increase in systolic blood pressure and increase in degree of obesity. The aim of this study was to compare the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Intraocular Pressure (IOP) in adult population.Methods: Four hundred ninety nine participants (284 male, 215 female) aged between 20 to 70 years were included in the cross-sectional study. On the basis of BMI subjects were divided into four categories i.e. underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese as per revised body type classification for Indian population recommended by Ministry of Health and Diabetes foundation of India. The mean IOP difference was 14.6±1.8 as compared amongst the four categories.Results: The participants were divided into six categories according to age and the mean IOP of different age groups was calculated. The changes in the mean IOP of males was 15.8±2.5 mm of Hg and the mean IOP of females was 14.7±2.2 mm of Hg. The results of the current study were statistically significant p<0.01.Conclusions: By concluding the current study as well as in the previous published literature, the findings of the current study were statistically significant. IOP was positively correlated with BMI. However, the clinical significance cannot be confirmed by the minor deviation in the IOP as well as BMI of the participants

    LADA presenting as hyperglycemic coma

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    Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA), is considered a rare subset of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. These adults do not require insulin at diagnosis but progress to insulin dependence in a short period of time. Because of this the diagnosis is often missed and can result in potentially fatal complications such as Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA. Our case highlights one such example with extreme levels of hyperglycemia of 2345mg/dl and its unique therapeutic challenges. A 49-year-old male with a strong family history of diabetes and recent diagnosis of prediabetes in the outpatient setting was found unresponsive at home. He had profound hypothermia 28.4 C, hyperglycemia 2345mg/dl, corrected sodium 182mg/dl and ketoacidosis. Due to altered mental status and seizures he was intubated and fluid resuscitated. Nephrology were consulted due to high risk of cerebral edema with rapid correction, they advised lowering of glucose no more than 50mg/dl/hour. He was started on a customized DKA protocol and his mentation and all laboratory abnormalities improved over a 72 hour period. He was extubated and transferred to the floor. Further workup revealed a C-peptide level of 120 IU/ml. Patient was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (LADA).Type 1 diabetes mellitus is often unrecognized until acute decompensation. This case highlights the importance of remaining vigilant outside of the typical adolescent age group. In addition, it describes complications of extreme hyperglycemia including encephalopathy, hypothermia, seizures, acute kidney injury and its careful management in order to prevent catastrophic fluid shifts.https://scholarlycommons.henryford.com/merf2020caserpt/1114/thumbnail.jp

    Miniaturization Of Balanced Low Noise Amplifier For Wimax Application

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    Demands for broadband wireless communications has been growing fast recently with the advent of new technologies such as WiMAX. With this growing demand, RF transceiver manufacturers are constantly challenged with the requirements to provide compact and wideband RF components. One such important component especially for WiMAX base-station is the LNA. Current balanced LNAs used in WiMAX base-station is huge in size due to the low frequency of operation which is from 2.3GHz to 2.7GHz. The main objective of this research is to reduce the size of the balanced LNA in an attempt to reduce the cost of the WiMAX base-station

    Body image perception, eating attitude and influence of media among undergraduate students of medical college in Delhi: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Body image perception is being shaped by unrealistic ideals portrayed in the media. Body dissatisfaction is one of the most consistent and robust risk factors for eating disorders, low self-esteem, depression, and obesity. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to ascertain the body image perception, abnormal eating attitudes and the role of media among undergraduate students of a medical college in Delhi, India.Methods: Cross-sectional study on 370 undergraduate medical students of Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India selected using stratified random sampling. India. Students completed a self-administered questionnaire which consist of demographic information, perceived body image, Eating Attitudes test (EAT-26) to assess eating attitudes, Socio Cultural Attitude Towards Appearance Questionnaire 3(SATAQ-3) scale for the role of media on body image perception. Data was analyzed using SPSS v21.Results: A total of 370 students (57.6% males and 42.4% females) aged 17-30 years, mean age of 20.30 years±2.02(SD). Abnormal body image perception was seen in 35.4%, 21.1% had abnormal eating attitude (EAT-26≥20), 36.5%, 40.5% agreed to be influenced by models and athletic figures in media respectively, 42.2% accepted that media was their source of information regarding standards of attractiveness, 27.6% felt pressured to be attractive according to SATAQ-3. Males more than females had disordered eating attitudes and felt media pressure to achieve an ideal body image. Significant association was observed between age and perceived body image (p=0.033), gender and EAT-26 score (p=0.039), EAT 26 and perceived body image (p=0.006), general internalization of media and perceived body image (p=0.003), internalization-general, internalization-athlete, media as source of information and EAT-26 score (<0.001, 0.001, 0.003 respectively).Conclusions: The media should take more responsibility to not represent unrealistic ideals of body image concerning both males and females. Educational and preventive efforts at institutional levels should be made to promote a healthy body image and eating behaviours

    Enhancing M30 Grade Concrete: A Comparative Study of Hooked vs. Crimped Steel Fibers in Fly Ash Mixes

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    The realm of concrete offers vast opportunities for inventive applications, design, and construction methodologies, given its adaptability and cost-effectiveness. Its versatility in meeting diverse requirements has established it as a highly competitive building material. To address escalating structural demands and harsh environmental factors, new cementitious materials and concrete composites are continually being developed, followed by the need for enhanced durability and performance, as well as pressure to utilize industrial waste materials. The research explores the impact of incorporating fly ash and steel fiber into M30-grade concrete, alongside cement, coarse, and fine aggregate, through experimental methods, with the primary aim of determining optimal ingredient proportions for achieving desired strength. The study evaluates compressive strength variations with fly ash ranging from [10%] to [30%] while hooked and crimped steel fibers [ranging from 0% to 1.5%] in concrete, alongside cement, fine and coarse aggregate. Environmental considerations and the imperative to utilize industrial waste have significantly contributed to advancements in concrete technology and sustainability. Through meticulous analysis of results, meaningful inferences are made in relation to the strength attributes of fly ash fiber-reinforced concrete. Two sets of experiments were conducted, one altering fly ash content while maintaining fixed steel fiber content, and the other varying steel fiber content while keeping other parameters constant. The study aims to provide practical insights for engineers seeking cost-effective and sustainable building construction methods, adhering to specified norms (IS Code: 456-2000)