324 research outputs found

    Groundwater governance in the Indo-Gangetic Basin: interplay of hydrology and socio-ecology in India. Abstract only

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    Groundwater irrigationGovernanceRiver basinsWellsTube wellsPumpingEnergy consumptionCosts

    Assessing institutional and environmental parameters of agricultural water use in South Asia: evidences from the Indo-Gangetic Basin

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    River basins / Irrigation water / Water use / Economic aspects / Environmental effects / Corporate culture / Valuation / Case studies / Water market / Wells / South Asia

    Groundwater research and management: integrating science into management decisions. Proceedings of IWMI-ITP-NIH International Workshop on "Creating Synergy Between Groundwater Research and Management in South and Southeast Asia," Roorkee, India, 8-9 February 2005

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    Groundwater management / Governance / Groundwater development / Artificial recharge / Water quality / Aquifers / Groundwater irrigation / Water balance / Simulation models / Watershed management / Water harvesting / Decision making / South East Asia / Bangladesh / China / India / Nepal / Pakistan / Syria

    Valuating agricultural water use and ecological services in agrarian economies: evidences from eastern India

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    Irrigation water / Water use / Economic aspects / Valuation / Land ownership / India

    Environmental services and agricultural water in South Asia: evidence from Indo-Gangetic Basin

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    Irrigation water / Water use / River basins / Environmental effects / Models / South Asia / India / Pakistan / Nepal / Indo-Gangetic Basin

    Economic effects of water use and landholding scale to farming in South Asia: evidences from Indo-Gangetic basin

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    Agricultural development / Irrigation water / Water use / Water allocation / Land ownership / Economic aspects / River basins / Models / South Asia / Indo-Gangetic Basin

    Are there any ‘hot’ spots and ‘bright’ spots of rice water productivity in Bangladesh? A spatio-temporal analysis of district-level data

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    Employing Bangladeshi district-level time series data as an empirical exploration this paper aims to: (1) estimate two measures of rice water productivity for the main crop seasons; (2) undertake a spatio-temporal analysis; and (3) identify ‘hot’ spots and ‘bright’ spots focusing on the Ganges-dependent (GDA) vis-à-vis other districts (NGDA). The paper finds that (1) kharif (wet) season rice water productivity grew much faster than for the rabi (dry) season across all districts. There was no significant correlation between seasonal growth rates although significant correlation existed between seasonal growth rates and the annual growth rate. Eight Ganges dependent districts experienced faster growth rate in kharif and overall productivity but their rabi season performance was slower relative to other districts. (2) Marginal productivity (MP) experienced fastest growth for the kharif season during 1968-1980. Up to 1990, there was no significant growth in rabi MP. Its growth declined in the 1980s but picked up since the early 1990s. (3) MPs products were slightly lower in the GDA districts for kharif and overall. The study did not find any consistent ‘hot’ spots or ‘bright’ spots in Bangladeshi rice water productivity. The process is highly groundwater intensive and is debatable whether it is sustainable.

    Strategic Analyses of the National River Linking Project (NRLP) of India, Series 2; Proceedings of the Workshop on Analyses of Hydrological, Social and Ecological Issues of the NRLP

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    River basin development, Development projects, Irrigation programs, Hydrology, Erosion, Water transfer, Cost benefit analysis, Groundwater irrigation, Dams, Environmental effects, Water storage, Crop management, Livestock, Gender, Rainfed farming, Supplemental irrigation, Water harvesting, Artificial recharge, Water market, Simulation models, Water allocation, Case studies, Livestock Production/Industries, Production Economics, Productivity Analysis, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Research analysis on the effects of agricultural water and landholdings to rural livelihoods in Indo-Gangetic Basin: with emphasis on Bihar State

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    Agricultural development / River basins / Water use / Irrigation water / Economic aspects / Land ownership / Water allocation / Models / Case studies / Policy / South Asia / India / Indo-Gangetic Basin