9 research outputs found

    The Human Element Of Project Management

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    Much research and dialogue have been published about project management. Studies have been conducted regarding the impact of size, member location, gender composition, cross-functional structure, stakeholder influence, confidence issues, technology usage, management style, generational differences, technical expertise vs. people skills, and a myriad of other topics.  Writings regarding the human factors, the "soft" skills, have typically focused on the “what is” and “why” elements of communication and conduct appropriate to project management, often leaving the “how to” in subjection or missing.  This article provides additional practical applications to improve project management success

    The Children Left Behind

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    This article explores some of the deficits in our educational system in regard to non-hearing students. It has become agonizingly clear that non-hearing students are being left out of the gallant sweep to enrich our children’s educations. The big five areas of literacy, at best, present unique challenges for non-hearing students and, in some cases, the challenges are insurmountable. These children need advocates not only to help them succeed, but also to heighten awareness of their struggle so that future generations may be aided by the studies of today

    A Pedagological Study Of Intrinsic Motivation In The Classroom Through Autonomy, Mastery, And Purpose

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    Increasing regulation imposed on education systems at all levels engulfs teaching/learning time and impedes individual pursuits of interest to the learner.  However, by restructuring the way educators approach the classroom, students can be provided an opportunity to explore further and become more successful. This success can be derived by removing extrinsic motivation from the equation, leaving the student to rely on intrinsic motivation through autonomy, mastery, and purpose.  Described herein is an experimental Master’s level Educational Psychology course structured and conducted following these guidelines

    Technology-Based Literacy Instruction For English Language Learners

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    There is a growing need to implement an alternative and viable solution in U.S. K-12 schools that will address the ever-growing gap that the rapidly growing English language learner (ELL) population presents.  This article examines various technology-based solutions, and their potential impact.  The systematic implementation of these technology-based solutions could aid in alleviating an already taxed educational workforce, as well as significantly aid in promoting English language acquisition among the nation’s K-12 ELL population

    End User Computing: A Cross-functional Approach

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    After the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) adopted new accreditation standards in April, 1991, some business schools revised curricula to integrate core areas and pursued cross- functional content delivery. (AACSB, 1991, 1993) The implementation of curriculum integration across functions is complex and requires concerted effort from faculty. One opportunity to provide a significant cross-functional experience for students materialized in an End User Computing (EUC) course in which the students developed a Decision Support System (DSS) for small businesses considering adoption of a Cafeteria Plan benefits package

    Projektkommunikation – Eine kritische Betrachtung des Kommunikationsmodells im Projektmanagement

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