99 research outputs found

    Modes of Action of Different Classes of Herbicides

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    The mode of action of herbicides is important for understanding the management, classification, organization, and hierarchy of the herbicides. It also provides an insight into herbicide resistance, which continues to be a problem in sustainable agricultural management. The overuse of herbicides, just like other pesticides such as insecticides, has led to increased development of resistance among weeds, causing injury and destruction of useful plants in agriculture, land management, and other related industries. This chapter focuses on the main theme while providing in-depth analysis of the different modes of action of various classes of herbicides. The modes of action of herbicides are as variable as their chemical compositions as they focus on controlling susceptible plants through various biochemical means. Depending upon the specific mode of action at work, it may involve a plant enzyme or a biological system that the herbicide may interrupt, thus injuring or disrupting the regular plant growth and development and causing eventual plant death. Having an in-depth knowledge of the mode of action of herbicides is important in choosing a specific herbicide for a specific crop, understanding the injury symptoms, and devising an appropriate crop-management strategy


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    Background: Cupping (Hijamah) therapy is very well documented as a result of several thousand years of clinical experiences in Unani medicine. In this procedure, suction is created by various means either with or without bloodletting. Though this therapy is being widely practiced across the globe for treating many chronic and intractable ailments but many reports reveal its unscientific and improper practices which results in many complications. Therefore to develop standard operative procedures and to propose protocols of cupping therapy in various diseases is the need of hour. Materials and methods: A thorough literature review of relevant journals and textbooks was performed to gather the maximum available data on cupping therapy. Conclusion: This paper seeks to introduce the general concepts of cupping therapy in Unani medicine and other traditional systems of medicine, shortcomings and limitations of the currently published studies and suggest ways to improve these technical/methodological flaws. In addition, the authors have also attempted to provide the cupping related materials, hypotheses, observations which will provide the researchers the base for evaluating their usefulness in future clinical trials.Uvod: Terapija puštanjem krvi (hijamah) vrlo je dobro dokumentirana kao posljedica nekoliko stotina godina kliničkih iskustava medicine Unani. U tom je postupku sukcija ostvarena različitim sredstvima s ispuštanjem krvi ili bez njega. Iako se ova terapija primjenjuje širom svijeta za liječenje mnogih kroničnih i teško lječivih bolesti, mnoga izvješća otkrivaju neznanstvene i nepravilne prakse koje rezultiraju mnogim komplikacijama. Stoga je nužno čim prije razviti standardnu proceduru te predložiti protokole za terapiju puštanjem krvi kod različitih bolesti. Materijali i metode: Kako bi se prikupila maksimalna količina podataka o terapiji puštanjem krvi, učinjen je pregled relevantnih časopisa i udžbenika. Zaključak: Ovaj rad nastoji predstaviti osnovni koncept terapije puštanjem krvi u medicini Unani kao i u drugim tradicijskim medicinama, nedostatke i ograničenja objavljenih aktualnih studija te predložiti na koje načine poboljšati ove tehničke/metodološke nedostatke. Osim toga autori su također pokušali odrediti materijale koji se koriste pri puštanju krvi, hipoteze i opažanja koja će istraživačima omogućiti temelj za evaluaciju njihove korisnosti u budućim kliničkim ispitivanjima

    Molecular Alterations and Expression Dynamics in the Etiopathogenesis of Thyroid Cancer

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    Thyroid carcinoma is the most prevalent endocrine malignancy and accounts for 2% of all human cancers. In the past decade, knowledge of genetic alterations of thyroid cancer (TC) has rapidly expanded, which has provided new insights into thyroid cancer etiology and has offered novel diagnostic tools and prognostic markers that enable improved and personalized management of thyroid cancer patients. Alterations in key signaling effectors seem to be the hallmark of distinct forms of thyroid neoplasia. Mutations or rearrangements in genes that encode Mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway effectors seem to be required for transformation. Mutations in BRAF were the most recently identified MAPK effector in thyroid cancer. BRAF V600E is the most common alteration in sporadic papillary carcinoma. Three RAS proto-oncogenes (NRAS, HRAS & KRAS) are implicated in human thyroid tumorigenesis. High incidence of thyroid cancer worldwide indicates the importance of studying genetic alterations that lead to its carcinogenesis. BRAF and RAS alterations represent a novel indicator of the progression and aggressiveness of thyroid carcinogenesis. The GSα-adenylyl cyclase-cyclic AMP (cAMP) cascade is effected in thyroid cancer. Promoter hypermethylation of multiple genes especially TSHR has been identified to play a role in thyroid cancers, in particular showing a close association with BRAF mutational status. So, the main aim of the study was to elucidate the involvement of BRAF and RAS gene mutations along with BRAF expression and thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) hypermethylation in North Indian patients and investigate their association with clinicopathological characteristics

    COVID-19 and liver injury: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background and Aims: The prevalence and extent of liver damage in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients remain poorly understood, primarily due to small-sized epidemiological studies with varying definitions of “liver injury”. We conducted a meta-analysis to derive generalizable, well-powered estimates of liver injury prevalence in COVID-19 patients. We also aimed to assess whether liver injury prevalence is significantly greater than the baseline prevalence of chronic liver disease (CLD). Our secondary aim was to study whether the degree of liver injury was associated with the severity of COVID-19.Materials and Methods: Electronic databases (PubMed and Scopus) were systematically searched in June 2020 for studies reporting the prevalence of baseline CLD and current liver injury in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Liver injury was defined as an elevation in transaminases \u3e3 times above the upper limit of normal. For the secondary analysis, all studies reporting mean liver enzyme levels in severe versus non-severe COVID-19 patients were included. A random-effects model was used for meta-analysis. Proportions were subjected to arcsine transformation and pooled to derive pooled proportions and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Subgroup differences were tested for using the chi-square test and associated p-value. Means and their standard errors were pooled to derive weighted mean differences (WMDs) and corresponding 95% CIs.Results: Electronic search yielded a total of 521 articles. After removal of duplicates and reviewing the full-texts of potential studies, a total of 27 studies met the inclusion criteria. Among a cohort of 8,817 patients, the prevalence of current liver injury was 15.7% (9.5%-23.0%), and this was significantly higher than the proportion of patients with a history of CLD (4.9% [2.2%-8.6%]; p \u3c 0.001). A total of 2,900 patients in our population had severe COVID-19, and 7,184 patients had non-severe COVID-19. Serum ALT (WMD: 7.19 [4.90, 9.48]; p \u3c 0.001; I2 = 69%), AST (WMD: 9.02 [6.89, 11.15]; p \u3c 0.001; I2 = 73%) and bilirubin levels (WMD: 1.78 [0.86, 2.70]; p \u3c 0.001; I2 = 82%) were significantly higher in patients with severe COVID-19 when compared to patients with non-severe disease. Albumin levels were significantly lower in patients with severe COVID-19 (WMD: -4.16 [-5.97, -2.35]; p \u3c 0.001; I2 = 95%).Conclusions: Patients with COVID-19 have a higher than expected prevalence of liver injury, and the extent of the injury is associated with the severity of the disease. Further studies are required to assess whether hepatic damage is caused by the virus, medications, or both

    Tonic pain alters functional connectivity of the descending pain modulatory network involving amygdala, periaqueductal gray, parabrachial nucleus and anterior cingulate cortex

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    Introduction: Resting state functional connectivity (FC) is widely used to assess functional brain alterations in patients with chronic pain. However, reports of FC accompanying tonic pain in pain-free persons are rare. A network we term the Descending Pain Modulatory Network (DPMN) is implicated in healthy and pathologic pain modulation. Here, we evaluate the effect of tonic pain on FC of specific nodes of this network: anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), amygdala (AMYG), periaqueductal gray (PAG), and parabrachial nuclei (PBN). Methods: In 50 pain-free participants (30F), we induced tonic pain using a capsaicin-heat pain model. functional MRI measured resting BOLD signal during pain-free rest with a 32 °C thermode and then tonic pain where participants experienced a previously warm temperature combined with capsaicin. We evaluated FC from ACC, AMYG, PAG, and PBN with correlation of self-report pain intensity during both states. We hypothesized tonic pain would diminish FC dyads within the DPMN. Results: Of all hypothesized FC dyads, only PAG and subgenual ACC was weakly altered during pain (F = 3.34; p = 0.074; pain-free\u3epain d = 0.25). After pain induction sACC-PAG FC became positively correlated with pain intensity (R = 0.38; t = 2.81; p = 0.007). Right PBN-PAG FC during pain-free rest positively correlated with subsequently experienced pain (R = 0.44; t = 3.43; p = 0.001). During pain, this connection\u27s FC was diminished (paired t=-3.17; p = 0.0026). In whole-brain analyses, during pain-free rest, FC between left AMYG and right superior parietal lobule and caudate nucleus were positively correlated with subsequent pain. During pain, FC between left AMYG and right inferior temporal gyrus negatively correlated with pain. Subsequent pain positively correlated with right AMYG FC with right claustrum; right primary visual cortex and right temporo-occipitoparietal junction Conclusion: We demonstrate sACC-PAG tonic pain FC positively correlates with experienced pain and resting right PBN-PAG FC correlates with subsequent pain and is diminished during tonic pain. Finally, we reveal PAG- and right AMYG-anchored networks which correlate with subsequently experienced pain intensity. Our findings suggest specific connectivity patterns within the DPMN at rest are associated with subsequently experienced pain and modulated by tonic pain. These nodes and their functional modulation may reveal new therapeutic targets for neuromodulation or biomarkers to guide interventions

    Large aneurysmal bone cyst of iliac bone in a female child: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Symptomatic aneurysmal bone cysts in pediatric age group with an expansile lesion in ilium is a rare occurrence.</p> <p>Case</p> <p>An 11-year-old female presented with a swelling over her right iliac region and numbness along the medial aspect of thigh. Clinicoradiological diagnosis was aneurysmal bone cyst confirmed on fine needle aspiration cytology. Excision curettage (wide margin excision of the soft tissue tumor and intralesional curettage in the region of acetabulum) of the tumor was performed in view of proximity to acetabular roof and endangered hip stability.</p> <p>Result</p> <p>At follow up of 18 months, the child has full painless range of movements in the hip joint with no recurrence.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Pelvic aneurysmal bone cysts are distinctly rare in pediatric age. The lesion was associated with an atypical symptom of numbness along the femoral nerve distribution. Hip stability and range of movements were major concern in this patient. Although many treatment options are described, surgical excision still remains the mainstay. In our case, we performed excision curettage, with good outcome.</p

    Non-invasive Motor Cortex Neuromodulation Reduces Secondary Hyperalgesia and Enhances Activation of the Descending Pain Modulatory Network

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    Central sensitization is a driving mechanism in many chronic pain patients, and manifests as hyperalgesia and allodynia beyond any apparent injury. Recent studies have demonstrated analgesic effects of motor cortex (M1) stimulation in several chronic pain disorders, yet its neural mechanisms remain uncertain. We evaluated whether anodal M1 transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) would mitigate central sensitization as measured by indices of secondary hyperalgesia. We used a capsaicin-heat pain model to elicit secondary mechanical hyperalgesia in 27 healthy subjects. In an assessor and subject-blind randomized, sham-controlled, crossover trial, anodal M1 tDCS decreased the intensity of pinprick hyperalgesia more than cathodal or sham tDCS. To elucidate the mechanism driving analgesia, subjects underwent fMRI of painful mechanical stimuli prior to and following induction of the pain model, after receiving M1 tDCS. We hypothesized that anodal M1 tDCS would enhance engagement of a descending pain modulatory (DPM) network in response to mechanical stimuli. Anodal tDCS normalized the effects of central sensitization on neurophysiological responses to mechanical pain in the medial prefrontal cortex, pregenual anterior cingulate cortex, and periaqueductal gray, important regions in the DPM network. Taken together, these results provide support for the hypothesis that anodal M1-tDCS reduces central sensitization-induced hyperalgesia through the DPM network in humans