8 research outputs found

    Advanced principles for visual aesthetics in designing the contents of e-learning

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    Abstract Visual aesthetic is one of the major considerations in designing instructional contents. The influence of it in the process of learning leads the designers to borrow the classic and routine strategies of applying aesthetic knowledge and learners' experience in the designing phase of electronic instructional contents. The domain of knowledge in designing educational syllabi takes alignment, contrast, proximity, and repetition as the four factors of visual aesthetic into consideration. However, the current study attempts to review the other effective visual aesthetic factors in the process of educational design which are rarely ruminated. Some of these issues which are highly of interest in artistic aesthetics are symmetry, unity, center of emphasis, composition, and harmony. The ultimate goal of this paper is to persuade the instructional designers to consider the mentioned elements in designing the components of multimedia, electronic and virtual educational systems

    Kimia metalo organik

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    Buku ini mengandungi beberapa bab iaitu kandungan, prakata, pengenalan, bab 1 pengikatan dalam kompleks organologam logam peralihan, ikatan m – co, kompleks logam-karbena (dan karbuna), kompleks h2-alkena, bab 2 beberapa sifat biasa dan tindak balas kompleks organologam logam peralihan, penyingkiran menurun daripada kompleks s-logam peralihan, tindak balas penyingkiran a dan b, metatesis olefin, bab 3 kompleks s-alkil, kompleks homoleptik-penyediaan dan tindak balas, kompleks bukan homoleptik, sifat fizikal dan spektral alkil logam peralihan, bab 4 kompleks karbena dan karbuna, kompleks karbena, sintesis kompleks karbena yang stabil, kompleks karbuna, bab 5 kompleks h2-alkena dan h2-alkuna, kompleks h2-alkena, kumpulan ferum, rutenium dan osmium, mangan, teknetium dan renium, bab 6 kompleks h3-alil, titanium, zikonium dan hafnium, vanadium, niobium dan tantalum, kobalt, rodium dan iridium, bab 7 kompleks h4-diena, ulasan pengenalan, kompleks logam peralihan daripada diena pengkelat dan bukan konjugat, bab 8 kompleks h5-dienil, kegunaan sintetik daripada kompleks trikarbonil (sikloheksadienil) ferum, setara kation-g sikloheksenon, trikarbonil (3-metoksisikloheksadienil) ferumheksafluorofosfat dan sebatian yang berkaitan, bab 9 kompleks h6-arena dan h6-triena, kompleks arena, h6-triena dan kompleks terbitan, rujukan, indeks

    Pelaksanaan Reka Bentuk Instruksi Di Kalangan Guru-Guru Sekolah Menengah Di Sekitar Daerah Muar Johor

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    Kajian ini mengkaji pelaksanaan reka bentuk instruksi di kalangan guru-guru sekolah menengah di sekitar Daerah Muar. Kajian ini melibatkan 105 orang responden guru-guru sekolah menengah. Kajian ini berbentuk deskriptif dan menggunakan instrumen soal selidik dengan skala Likert bagi mengukur pelaksanaan reka bentuk instruksi bagi setiap fasa. Fasa-fasa tersebut ialah fasa analisis, fasa reka bentuk, fasa pembangunan, fasa pelaksanaan, dan juga fasa penilaian. Dapatan kajian mendapati kelima-lima fasa tersebut mencatatkan nilai min melebihi 3.5 iaitu fasa analisis dengan nilai min 4.158, fasa reka bentuk dengan nilai min 3.88, fasa pembangunan dengan nilai min 3.796, fasa pelaksanaan dengan nilai min 3.527, dan fasa penilaian dengan nilai minnya 3.954. Pelaksanaan reka bentuk instruksi secara umum mencatatkan nilai min 3.773. Keseluruhannya, guruguru sekolah menengah di sekitar Daerah Muar ini memahami tetapi tidak melaksanakan reka bentuk instruksi dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Dapatan kajian juga mendapati, hubungan di antara fasa pembangunan dan fasa pelaksanaan dengan konsep reka bentuk instruksi ini adalah lemah, tetapi sebaliknya bagi fasa analisis, reka bentuk, dan juga penilaian. Di samping itu, kajian ini juga mengemukakan cadangan kajian lain seperti mengkaji keberkesanan pelaksanaan reka bentuk instruksi di kalangan guru-guru mengikut mata pelajaran yang diajar. Dengan itu, pihak yang berkaitan hendaklah memberi penerangan serba sedikit tentang reka bentuk instruksi supaya ia dapat dilaksanakan semasa mengajar

    Instructional design approaches, types and trends: a foundation for postmodernism instructional design

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    This study will examine the approaches toward instructional design that have been appliedto date. A summary of the diverse types of instructional models will be classified them into variouscategories of instructional design. The evidence from many researches and theoretical discussions showand supports the classification of these instructional design categories. This study also investigateswhich existing trends are present in current instructional models. The most recent models have beendesigned under constructivism, but some of these models are considered postmodernism philosophy.Due to these new and hidden considerations we have developed and would to suggest a new trendin this field. In addition, we mention some reasons for this new trend based on social movements. The mentioned movements have been effected by postmodern philosophy. We attempt to propose aninstructional design trend based on postmodernism orientation that named postmodern instructional design

    Observational Study on Teachers’ Approach in Teaching Children with Autism to Read

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    Children with autism are characterized with unique cognitive and social emotional development which makes the process of teaching them to read to be difficult and complicated. In attending to the special needs and characteristics of children with autism, special education teachers should have necessary knowledge and techniques in teaching children with autism to read and taking their characteristics into consideration during the reading lesson. This research aims to examine the approaches used by teachers in teaching children with autism to read. A total of two special education teachers were willing to participate in the case study. A non-participant observation was carried out with the two respective teachers in different time frame in a selected autism centre. The findings were presented in different phases of the reading process which were carried out. There are no single theories which was used in teaching students to read in each phase. It involves the combination of various theories to help students to understand the content of the reading material. Based on the findings, the teachers used several theories in teaching reading to children with autism. These theories include reading theories (traditional, cognitive and metacognitive view of reading) and Vygotsky’s Sociocultural theory. Keywords: Observational Study, children with autism, teaching approach, reading.

    E-supervision dalam program latihan praktik pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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    Latihan Mengajar merupakan satu latihan amali untuk guru pelatih mempraktikkan segala teori dan kaedah yang telah dipelajari. Latihan ini juga merupakan satu syarat yang mesti dipenuhi oleh guru pelatih yang mengikuti kursus perguruan di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Penyeliaan latihan praktik yang dijalankan adalah berasaskan prinsip-prinsip penyeliaan klinikal di mana aktiviti penyeliaan bermula dengan pra pengajaran diikuti dengan pengajaran atau pemerhatian dan diakhiri dengan pos pengajaran. Untuk menyokong dan memantapkan penyeliaan klinikal agar bimbingan dan penyeliaan dapat diberi terus menerus kepada guru pelatih, suatu strategi baru perlu diterokai. Memandangkan perkembangan penggunaan ICT dalam pendidikan masa kini, ada baiknya ICT ini diaplikasi dalam penyeliaan latihan praktik dengan melaksanakan ‘E-supervision’ di mana pelajar dapat menghubungi penyelia atau sebaliknya menerusi kemudahan emel dan sistem halaman web yang dihasilkan. Justeru itu, penyeliaan ‘E-supervision’ yang dihasilkan dalam melaksanakan penyeliaan latihan praktik secara elektronik telah dibangunkan bagi mempraktiskan konsep penyeliaan klinikal. Disamping itu penyelidikan terhadap keberkesanan perlaksanaan ‘E-supervision’ terhadap pengurusan penyeliaan latihan praktik turut dilakukan dan hasil dari data dan maklumat yang dikumpulkan menunjukkan respon yang baik daripada guru pelatih

    Penyeliaan latihan mengajar secara elektronik(e-supervision): satu kajian kes di fakulti pendidikan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

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    Teaching practicum is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied theory. It is a compulsory course for student teachers in Malaysia University of Technology (UTM). This course will provide an overview of teaching methods and the fundamentals of the teaching profession through lecture and practicum based on clinical supervision. Pre pedagogical techniques will be discussed or supervised and it will be finalized with post teaching. In order to sustain and improvise the existing supervision, a new strategy is required and the development of ICT technology in education should be able to facilitate. “E-Supervision� or known as electronic supervision provides essential communication between students and supervisor through email and web system formed. An E-Supervision system has been implemented and a study has been done to examine its effectiveness towards management during teaching practicum in schools. Data compilation demonstrates good responds from the student teachers who experienced it