7 research outputs found

    The nexus of population, growth domestic product growth, electricity generation, electricity consumption and carbon emissions output in Malaysia

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    This study aimed to examines the nexus of population, gross domestic product (GDP) growth, electricity generation, electricity consumption, and carbon emissions output using the time series data. This study employed the time series analysis, Pearson correlation, and regressions analysis to identify the pattern, relationship among variables and determine the significant predictors contributing carbon emissions in Malaysia. The results shown a growing trend in GDP, population, electricity generation, consumption, and emissions output in Malaysia. The correlation analysis presented a positive linear relationship among GDP, population, electricity generation, electricity consumption, and emissions output. The growing trend in population and GDP has significantly resulted in high rate of electricity generation and consumption that leads to greater carbon emissions in Malaysia. The multiple linear regressions suggest that population plays an important role to influence the carbon emissions in power generation sector from 1970 to 2014. We summarized the aspect of generations, consumption, and emissions productions are highly dependent on human aspects and driven by the inhabitants of the country. According to these findings, it can be concluded that electrical power in Malaysia is human-dependent energy system. Therefore, sustainable energy generation and consumption are crucial as renewable energy is generating zero emissions. A more holistic policy and strategy is required to encourage sustainable resources at the same time reducing carbon emissions towards sustainable energy consumption in Malaysia

    Kesan pandemik COVID-19 terhadap jaminan bekalan makanan di Malaysia

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    Pandemik Covid-19 telah mengakibatkan masalah global yang lebih besar terutama dari segi jaminan bekalan makanan ketika perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP) yang dijalankan di seluruh dunia. Malaysia tidak berkecuali terkesan dengan pandemik Covid-19 dan telah memperlahankan aktiviti sektor ekonomi termasuk sektor pertanian. Oleh itu, kertas kajian ini membincangkan secara mendalam mengenai kesan pandemik Covid-19 terhadap jaminan bekalan makanan di Malaysia terutama dari aspek penawaran dan permintaan bekalan makanan. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah kualitatif yang melibatkan analisis dokumen rasmi dan tidak rasmi untuk mendapatkan maklumat mengenai jaminan bekalan makanan semasa pandemik Covid-19. Semasa PKP berlangsung, terdapat petani tempatan yang menghadapi masalah lambakan hasil pertanian akibat penutupan beberapa sektor sokongan seperti peruncitan, pengangkutan dan perkhidmatan makanan. Rantaian dalam sektor pertanian turut terjejas kerana kekurangan input pertanian dan tenaga buruh. Keadaan ini bertambah sukar apabila ketidakcukupan kemudahan penyimpanan bahan makanan mentah dan ia menyebabkan hasil pertanian menjadi rosak. Pada masa yang sama, permintaan bekalan makanan dalam kalangan masyarakat terus meningkat semasa pelaksanaan PKP kerana berlakunya pembelian panik terhadap barang keperluan asas. Kajian ini juga mengutarakan cadangan ke arah meningkatkan kestabilan jaminan bekalan makanan negara terutamanya dalam menghadapi sebarang krisis

    Investigation of Particulate Matter (PM10) Pollution in Ipoh City, Malaysia

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    Air pollution is one of the phenomena that adversely affect the environment and negatively impact human health. Air pollution occurs when there are excessive air pollutants in the atmosphere. This study aims to identify and discuss the sources of PM10 emissions according to land use around Ipoh using descriptive and boxplot analysis. There are five areas selected as a sampling location for this study: Ipoh, Lahat, Chemor, Tanjung Rambutan, and Simpang Pulai that located in Hulu Kinta and Sungai Raya district. This sampling location's primary focus is located around Ipoh city, concentrated in the industrial area. Ten land use-based sampling stations are selected to measure. PM10 data were recorded for one week during working and non-working days in July 2020 on 10 sampling stations around Ipoh. The result shows PM10 concentrations consist of industrial, infrastructure and utility, commercial, residential, and recreational areas, as shown PM10 values ​​were recorded for one week during working days and non-working days on 10 observation stations using Portable Laser Aerosol Spectrometer and Dust Monitor Model 1.108. Based on the observations, two stations show the daily average mean of PM10 exceeding 100 μg/m3 outlined in the Malaysian Ambient Air Quality Standard (MAAQS) at S6 (175.78 μg/m3) and S10 (103.79 μg/m3). This situation is driven by the presence of limestone-based industrial areas as well as quarrying activities. The findings also show that PM10 concentration is higher during working days rather than non-working days. Overall, PM10 concentrations that exceed the limit will have a detrimental effect on the environment and human health

    Implikasi pandemik COVID-19 terhadap penjanaan sisa pepejal semasa perintah kawalan pergerakan di Semenanjung Malaysia

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    Perintah kawalan pergerakan (PKP) telah memberikan implikasi yang positif terhadap alam sekitar seperti meningkat kualiti air sungai dan udara. Walau bagaimanapun, hal ini tidak sama berlaku dalam konteks penghasilan sisa pepejal terutamanya sisa makanan, plastik dan sisa klinikal. Kajian ini telah meneliti jurang kajian dengan menjalankan kajian mengenai implikasi pandemik COVID-19 terhadap penjanaan sisa pepejal semasa PKP dan tumpuan juga diberikan sepanjang bulan Ramadan 2020 di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan data sekunder (sumber dokumen) berkaitan penjanaan sisa pepejal yang diperoleh daripada Perbadanan Pengurusan Sisa Pepejal dan Pembersihan Awam (SWCorp) dan data kes COVID-19 daripada Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM). Data yang jumlah penjanaan sisa tersebut berkumpul bermula dari 1 Januari sehingga 4 Jun di tapak pelupusan yang masih beroperasi bagi 8 buah negeri. Mengikut data SWCorp, trend penurunan sisa pepejal sepanjang PKP adalah rendah (purata 6,601,72 tan metrik/sehari) berbanding sebelum PKP (purata 7,566.05 tan metrik/sehari) dan sepanjang bulan Ramadan (purata 6,745.19 tan metrik/sehari). Trend penurunan sisa pepejal dari sektor industri berkurangan secara drastik namun, penghasilan sisa pepejal domestik dalam kalangan isi rumah tetap meningkat dalam kadar sederhana. Hasil kajian ini mampu memainkan peranan penting sebagai garis panduan kepada pihak kepentingan untuk mengambil strategi yang relevan ke arah mengurangkan penjanaan sisa pepejal semasa dan selepas pandemik COVID-19

    Family Business and Transgenerational Model for Policy Development of Community Tourism Business and Entreprenuership

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    Entrepreneurship is an activity that brings benefits through profit-oriented business development. In family business grows and develops with two main aspects, business and family. While, tourism business creating a wide range of tourism related products [a] attractions and activities, [b] accommodation, [c] transportation, [d] tourism facilities and [e] training institutions in tourist destinations. Thus, this study will identify the opportunities and constraints of the family business sector in the tourism industry according to the four main dimensions of the family business sector, namely micro -business transgeneration, social infrastructure in family business, physical / technical infrastructure and energy consumption level. By using questionnaire, 67 entrepreneur in business tourism has been analyse using correlation and regression. Result shown that family relationship, social infrastructure and energy usage are at satisfactory level. Only physical/ technical infrastructure provided by the government is at unsatisfactory level. Hence, this study can act as a guide in formulating new policies or improving existing policies in ensuring the sustainability of family businesses in the tourism sector

    Critical determinants of household electricity consumption in a rapidly growing city

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    Despite growing urban electricity consumption, information on actual energy use in the household sector is still limited and causal factors leading to electricity consumption remain spec-ulative due to urban expansion and its growing complexity, particularly in developing countries such as Malaysia. This study aims to examine the critical determinants of household electricity consumption by evaluating the patterns and flows of consumption and analysing relationships and their effects on electricity usage among 620 urban households in Seremban, Malaysia. Results sug-gest that the average urban household electricity consumption is 648.31 kWh/month; this value con-tinues to grow with the increase in the household monthly income (r = 0.360; p < 0.01) and number of rooms (r = 0.360; p < 0.01) as quality of life improves. A large portion of electricity is allocated for kitchen/home consumption, followed by cooling and lighting. Multiple linear regressions revealed that married households with a high monthly income and living in spacious houses together with three to five people are important predictors of electricity consumption in Seremban. This study empirically identified that the number of rooms is the most critical factor of electricity consumption and strategies to increase energy efficiency, maintain resource sustainability and minimise greenhouse gas threat on the urban ecosystem are vital. Therefore, promoting low carbon initiatives for energy conservation and technology improvement and implementing policies in the domestic sector are essential to achieve the greatest potential energy consumption reduction in urban regions