102 research outputs found


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    In many prospective studies, including AIDS Link to the Intravenous Experience (ALIVE), researchers are interested in comparing event-time distributions (e.g.,for human immunodeficiency virus seroconversion) between a small number of groups (e.g., risk behavior categories). However, these comparisons are complicated by participants missing visits or attending visits off schedule and seroconverting during this absence. Such data are interval-censored, or more generally,coarsened. Most analysis procedures rely on the assumption of non-informative censoring, a special case of coarsening at random that may produce biased results if not valid. Our goal is to perform inference for estimated survival functions across a small number of goups in the presence of informative coarsening. To do so, we propose methods for frequentist and Bayesian inference of ALIVE data utilizing information elicited from ALIVE scientists and an AIDS epidemiology expert about the visit compliance process

    A Semi-Parametric Model Simultaneously Handling Unmeasured Confounding, Informative Cluster Size, and Truncation by Death with a Data Application in Medicare Claims

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    Nearly 300,000 older adults experience a hip fracture every year, the majority of which occur following a fall. Unfortunately, recovery after fall-related trauma such as hip fracture is poor, where older adults diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia (ADRD) spend a particularly long time in hospitals or rehabilitation facilities during the post-operative recuperation period. Because older adults value functional recovery and spending time at home versus facilities as key outcomes after hospitalization, identifying factors that influence days spent at home after hospitalization is imperative. While several individual-level factors have been identified, the characteristics of the treating hospital have recently been identified as contributors. However, few methodological rigorous approaches are available to help overcome potential sources of bias such as hospital-level unmeasured confounders, informative hospital size, and loss to follow-up due to death. This article develops a useful tool equipped with unsupervised learning to simultaneously handle statistical complexities that are often encountered in health services research, especially when using large administrative claims databases. The proposed estimator has a closed form, thus only requiring light computation load in a large-scale study. We further develop its asymptotic properties that can be used to make statistical inference in practice. Extensive simulation studies demonstrate superiority of the proposed estimator compared to existing estimators.Comment: Contact Emails: [email protected]

    Seasonal and Temperature-Associated Increases in Gram-Negative Bacterial Bloodstream Infections among Hospitalized Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Knowledge of seasonal trends in hospital-associated infection incidence may improve surveillance and help guide the design and evaluation of infection prevention interventions. We estimated seasonal variation in the frequencies of inpatient bloodstream infections (BSIs) caused by common bacterial pathogens and examined associations of monthly BSI frequencies with ambient outdoor temperature, precipitation, and humidity levels. METHODS: A database containing blood cultures from 132 U.S. hospitals collected between January 1999 and September 2006 was assembled. The database included monthly counts of inpatient blood cultures positive for several clinically important Gram-negative bacteria (Acinetobacter spp, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and Gram-positive bacteria (Enterococcus spp and Staphylococcus aureus). Monthly mean temperature, total precipitation, and mean relative humidity in the postal ZIP codes of participating hospitals were obtained from national meteorological databases. RESULTS: A total of 211,697 inpatient BSIs were reported during 9,423 hospital-months. Adjusting for long-term trends, BSIs caused by each gram-negative organism examined were more frequent in summer months compared with winter months, with increases ranging from 12.2% for E. coli (95% CI 9.2-15.4) to 51.8% for Acinetobacter (95% CI 41.1-63.2). Summer season was associated with 8.7% fewer Enterococcus BSIs (95% CI 11.0-5.8) and no significant change in S. aureus BSI frequency relative to winter. Independent of season, monthly humidity, monthly precipitation, and long-term trends, each 5.6°C (10°F) rise in mean monthly temperature corresponded to increases in gram-negative bacterial BSI frequencies ranging between 3.5% for E. coli (95% CI 2.1-4.9) to 10.8% for Acinetobacter (95% CI 6.9-14.7). The same rise in mean monthly temperature corresponded to an increase of 2.2% in S. aureus BSI frequency (95% CI 1.3-3.2) but no significant change in Enterococcus BSI frequency. CONCLUSIONS: Summer season and higher mean monthly outdoor temperature are associated with substantially increased frequency of BSIs, particularly among clinically important gram-negative bacteria

    Factors that influence exercise activity among women post hip fracture participating in the Exercise Plus Program

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    Using a social ecological model, this paper describes selected intra- and interpersonal factors that influence exercise behavior in women post hip fracture who participated in the Exercise Plus Program. Model testing of factors that influence exercise behavior at 2, 6 and 12 months post hip fracture was done. The full model hypothesized that demographic variables; cognitive, affective, physical and functional status; pain; fear of falling; social support for exercise, and exposure to the Exercise Plus Program would influence self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and stage of change both directly and indirectly influencing total time spent exercising. Two hundred and nine female hip fracture patients (age 81.0 ± 6.9), the majority of whom were Caucasian (97%), participated in this study. The three predictive models tested across the 12 month recovery trajectory suggest that somewhat different factors may influence exercise over the recovery period and the models explained 8 to 21% of the variance in time spent exercising. To optimize exercise activity post hip fracture, older adults should be helped to realistically assess their self-efficacy and outcome expectations related to exercise, health care providers and friends/peers should be encouraged to reinforce the positive benefits of exercise post hip fracture, and fear of falling should be addressed throughout the entire hip fracture recovery trajectory

    Child stunting is associated with low circulating essential amino acids

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    AbstractBackgroundStunting affects about one-quarter of children under five worldwide. The pathogenesis of stunting is poorly understood. Nutritional interventions have had only modest effects in reducing stunting. We hypothesized that insufficiency in essential amino acids may be limiting the linear growth of children.MethodsWe used a targeted metabolomics approach to measure serum amino acids, glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, and other metabolites using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry in 313 children, aged 12–59months, from rural Malawi. Children underwent anthropometry.FindingsSixty-two percent of the children were stunted. Children with stunting had lower serum concentrations of all nine essential amino acids (tryptophan, isoleucine, leucine, valine, methionine, threonine, histidine, phenylalanine, lysine) compared with nonstunted children (p<0.01). In addition, stunted children had significantly lower serum concentrations of conditionally essential amino acids (arginine, glycine, glutamine), non-essential amino acids (asparagine, glutamate, serine), and six different sphingolipids compared with nonstunted children. Stunting was also associated with alterations in serum glycerophospholipid concentrations.InterpretationOur findings support the idea that children with a high risk of stunting may not be receiving an adequate dietary intake of essential amino acids and choline, an essential nutrient for the synthesis of sphingolipids and glycerophospholipids

    Metabolic alterations in children with environmental enteric dysfunction

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    Environmental enteric dysfunction, an asymptomatic condition characterized by inflammation of the small bowel mucosa, villous atrophy, malabsorption, and increased intestinal permeability, is a major contributor to childhood stunting in low-income countries. Here we report the relationship of increased intestinal permeability with serum metabolites in 315 children without acute malnutrition, aged 12–59 months, in rural Malawi. Increased gut permeability was associated with significant differences in circulating metabolites that included lower serum phosphatidylcholines, sphingomyelins, tryptophan, ornithine, and citrulline, and elevated serum glutamate, taurine, and serotonin. Our findings suggest that environmental enteric dysfunction is characterized by alterations in important metabolites involved in growth and differentiation and gut function and integrity