5 research outputs found

    Determination of two-photon exchange via

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    The proton elastic form factor ratio shows a discrepancy between measurements using the Rosenbluth technique in unpolarized beam and target experiments and measurements using polarization degrees of freedom. The proposed explanation of this discrepancy is uncorrected hard two-photon exchange (TPE), a type of radiative correction that is conventionally neglected. The effect size and agreement with theoretical predictions has been tested recently by three experiments. While the results support the existence of a small two-photon exchange effect, they cannot establish that theoretical treatments are valid. At larger momentum transfers, theory remains untested. This proposal aims to measure two-photon exchange over an extended and so far largely untested Q2Q^2 and ε\varepsilon range with high precision using the CLAS12 experiment. Such data are crucial to clearly confirm or rule out TPE as the driver for the discrepancy as well as test several theoretical approaches, believed valid in different parts of the tested Q2Q^2 range

    Characteristics of Yerevan High Transparency Scintillators

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    Optical transmission, light output and time characteristics are given for long scintillator strips fabricated at the Yerevan Physics Institute using the extrusion method. It is shown that at 45% relative (to anthracene) light output, good transmission (2.5/2.9 m attenuation length with photomultiplier direct readout and 3/3.5 m attenuation length fiber readout) and time characteristics (average decay time 2.8 nsec) were obtained