1,663 research outputs found

    Anomaly mediated neutrino-photon interactions at finite baryon density

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    We propose new physical processes based on the axial vector anomaly and described by the Wess-Zumino-Witten term that couples the photon, Z-boson, and the omega-meson. The interaction takes the form of a pseudo-Chern-Simons term, ϵμνρσωμZνFρσ\sim \epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}\omega^\mu Z^\nu F^{\rho\sigma}. This term induces neutrino-photon interactions at finite baryon density via the coupling of the Z-boson to neutrinos. These interactions may be detectable in various laboratory and astrophysical arenas. The new interactions may account for the MiniBooNE excess. They also produce a competitive contribution to neutron star cooling at temperatures >10^9 K. These processes and related axion--photon interactions at finite baryon density appear to be relevant in many astrophysical regimes.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; references adde

    Outcome after steroid withdrawal in pediatric renal transplant patients receiving tacrolimus-based immunosuppression

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    Background. Corticosteroids have always been an integral part of immunosuppressive regimens in renal transplantation. The primary goal of this analysis was to assess the safety of steroid withdrawal in our pediatric renal transplant recipients receiving tacrolimus-based immunosuppression. Methods. Between December 1989 and December 1996, 82 renal transplantations were performed in pediatric patients receiving tacrolimus-based immunosuppression. Two of these patients lost their grafts within 3 weeks of transplantation (and were still on steroids at the time of graft loss), and were excluded from further analysis. Seventy-four patients (92.5%) were taken off prednisone a median of 5.7 months after transplantation. Of these 74, 56 (70%) remained off prednisone (OFF), and 18 (22.5%) were restarted on prednisone a median of 14.8 months after discontinuing steroids (OFF → ON). 6(7.5%) were never taken off prednisone (ON). The mean follow-up was 59±23 months. Results. The 1-, 3-, and 5-year actuarial patient survival rates in the OFF group were 100%, 98%, and 96%, respectively; in the OFF → ON group, they were 100%, 100%, and 100%, and in the ON group, they were 100%, 83%, and 83%. The 1-, 3-, and 5- year actuarial graft survival rates in the OFF group were 100%, 95%, and 82%, respectively; in the OFF → ON group, they were 100%, 89%, and 83%; and in the ON group, they were 100%, 50%, and 33%. Two of the six graft losses in the OFF group, three out of four in the OFF → ON Group, and two out of five in the ON group, were to chronic rejection. A time-dependent Cox regression analysis showed that the hazard for graft failure for those who came and stayed off prednisone was 0.178 relative to those who were never withdrawn from prednisone (P=0.005). Patients who were 10 years of age or younger were withdrawn from prednisone earlier (median: 5 months) than those older than 10 years (median: 7.3 months, P=0.02). In addition, patients who never had acute rejection were withdrawn from steroids earlier (median: 5 months) than those who had one or more episodes of acute rejection (median: 7.6 months, P=0.001). There was no effect of donor age, race, sex, recipient race, sex, cadaveric versus living donor, 48-hr graft function, panel reactive antibody, and total HLA mismatches or matches on the likelihood of being weaned off steroids. Serum creatinine at most recent follow-up in the OFF group was 1.2±0.5 mg/dl; in the OFF → ON group, it was 1.8±0.9 mg/dl, and in the ON group it was 2.0 mg/dl (P<0.003). The incidence of rejection in the OFF, OFF → ON, and ON groups was 39%, 77%, and 100%, respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion. These data suggest that steroid withdrawal in pediatric renal transplant patients receiving tacrolimus-based immunosuppression is associated with reasonable short- and medium-term patient and graft survival, and acceptable renal function. Patients who discontinue and then resume steroids had patient and graft survival rates comparable with those in patients who discontinue and stay off steroids, but had a higher serum creatinine and a higher incidence of rejection

    Pediatric renal transplantation under tacrolimus-based immunosuppression

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    Background. Tacrolimus has been used as a primary immunosuppressive agent in adult and pediatric renal transplant recipients, with reasonable outcomes. Methods. Between December 14, 1989 and December 31, 1996, 82 pediatric renal transplantations alone were performed under tacrolimus-based immunosuppression without induction anti-lymphocyte antibody therapy. Patients undergoing concomitant or prior liver and/or intestinal transplantation were not included in the analysis. The mean recipient age was 10.6±5.2 years (range: 0.7-17.9). Eighteen (22%) cases were repeat transplantations, and 6 (7%) were in patients with panel-reactive antibody levels over 40%. Thirty-four (41%) cases were with living donors, and 48 (59%) were with cadaveric donors. The mean donor age was 27.3±14.6 years (range: 0.7-50), and the mean cold ischemia time in the cadaveric cases was 26.5±8.8 hr. The mean number of HLA matches and mismatches was 2.8±1.2 and 2.9±1.3; there were five (6%) O-Ag mismatches. The mean follow-up was 4.0±0.2 years. Results. The 1- and 4-year actuarial patient survival was 99% and 94%. The 1- and 4-year actuarial graft survival was 98% and 84%. The mean serum creatinine was 1.1±0.5 mg/all, and the corresponding calculated creatinine clearance was 88±25 ml/min/1.73 m2. A total of 66% of successfully transplanted patients were withdrawn from prednisone. In children who were withdrawn from steroids, the mean standard deviation height scores (Z-score) at the time of transplantation and at 1 and 4 years were - 2.3±2.0, -1.7±1.0, and +0.36±1.5. Eighty-six percent of successfully transplanted patients were not taking anti-hypertensive medications. The incidence of acute rejection was 44%; between December 1989 and December 1993, it was 63%, and between January 1994 and December 1996, it was 23% (P=0.0003). The incidence of steroid-resistant rejection was 5%. The incidence of delayed graft function was 5%, and 2% of patients required dialysis within 1 week of transplantation. The incidence of cytomegalovirus was 13%; between December 1989 and December 1992, it was 17%, and between January 1993 and December 1996, it was 12%. The incidence of early Epstein- Barr virus-related posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) was 9%; between December 1989 and December 1992, it was 17%, and between January 1993 and December 1996, it was 4%. All of the early PTLD cases were treated successfully with temporary cessation of immunosuppression and institution of antiviral therapy, without patient or graft loss. Conclusions. These data demonstrate the short- and medium-term efficacy of tacrolimus-based immunosuppression in pediatric renal transplant recipients, with reasonable patient and graft survival, routine achievement of steroid and anti- hypertensive medication withdrawal, gratifying increases in growth, and, with further experience, a decreasing incidence of both rejection and PTLD

    Geometry of a Black Hole Collision

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    The Binary Black Hole Alliance was formed to study the collision of black holes and the resulting gravitational radiation by computationally solving Einstein's equations for general relativity. The location of the black hole surface in a head-on collision has been determined in detail and is described here. The geometrical features that emerge are presented along with an analysis and explanation in terms of the spacetime curvature inherent in the strongly gravitating black hole region. This curvature plays a direct, important, and analytically explicable role in the formation and evolution of the event horizon associated with the surfaces of the black holes

    Ancient DNA Reveals Genetic Continuity in Mountain Woodland Caribou of the Mackenzie and Selwyn Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada

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    We examine the mitochondrial genetic stability of mountain woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) in the Mackenzie and Selwyn Mountains, Northwest Territories, over the last 4000 years. Unlike caribou populations in the Yukon, populations in the Northwest Territories show no evidence for mitochondrial genetic turnover during that period, which indicates that they were not adversely affected by the widespread deposition of the White River tephra around 1200 years ago. We detect moderate genetic differentiation between mountain woodland and barren-ground caribou in both territories, lending support to the current subspecies designations. In addition, we identify moderate genetic differentiation between Northwest Territories and western Yukon mountain woodland caribou, suggesting that there has been minimal mixing of matrilines between these herds.Nous examinons la stabilité génétique mitochondriale des caribous des bois des montagnes (Rangifer tarandus caribou) qui ont évolué dans les monts Mackenzie et dans la chaîne de Selwyn, Territoires du Nord-Ouest, ces 4 000 dernières années. Contrairement aux populations de caribou du Yukon, les populations de caribou des Territoires du Nord-Ouest ne montrent aucun signe de rotation génétique mitochondriale pendant cette période, ce qui indique qu’ils n’ont pas été affectés de manière défavorable par le dépôt à grande échelle du téphra de la rivière White, il y a environ 1 200 ans. Nous détectons une différentiation génétique modérée entre le caribou des bois des montagnes et le caribou de la toundra dans les deux territoires, ce qui vient appuyer les désignations actuelles de sous-espèces. Par ailleurs, nous avons dénoté une différenciation génétique modérée entre le caribou des bois des montagnes des Territoires du Nord-Ouest et celui de l’ouest du Yukon, ce qui laisse croire qu’il y aurait eu peu de mélanges matrilinéaires entre ces troupeaux

    Supplemental Control of Lepidopterous Pests on Bt Transgenic Sweet Corn with Biologically-Based Spray Treatments

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    Biologically-based spray treatments, including nucleopolyhedroviruses, neem, and spinosad, were evaluated as supplemental controls for the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), and corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), on transgenic sweet corn, Zea mays (L.) (Poales: Poaceae), expressing a Cry1Ab toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bacillales: Bacillaceae) (Bt). Overall, transgenic corn supported lower densities of both pests than did nontransgenic corn. Control of the fall armyworm was improved in both whorl-stage and tassel-stage corn by the use of either a nucleopolyhedrovirus or neem, but the greatest improvement was seen with spinosad. Only spinosad consistently reduced damage to ears, which was caused by both pest species. In general, efficacy of the spray materials did not differ greatly between transgenic and nontransgenic corn

    Upside-down swimming behaviour of free-ranging narwhals

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    © 2007 Dietz et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The definitive version was published in BMC Ecology 7 (2007): 14, doi:10.1186/1472-6785-7-14.Free-ranging narwhals (Monodon monoceros) were instrumented in Admiralty Inlet, Canada with both satellite tags to study migration and stock separation and short-term, high-resolution digital archival tags to explore diving and feeding behaviour. Three narwhals were equipped with an underwater camera pod (Crittercam), another individual was equipped with a digital archival tag (DTAG), and a fifth with both units during August 2003 and 2004. Crittercam footage indicated that of the combined 286 minutes of recordings, 12% of the time was spent along the bottom. When the bottom was visible in the camera footage, the narwhals were oriented upside-down 80% of the time (range: 61 100%). The DTAG data (14.6 hours of recordings) revealed that during time spent below the surface, the two tagged narwhals were supine an average of 13% (range: 9–18%) of the time. Roughly 70% of this time spent in a supine posture occurred during the descent. Possible reasons for this upside-down swimming behaviour are discussed. No preference for a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction of roll was observed, discounting the possibility that rolling movements contribute to the asymmetric left-handed helical turns of the tusk.This study was funded by the National Environmental Research Institute, the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (organized by Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen), the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the Nunavut Wildlife Research Trust Fund and the Danish Cooperation for the Environment in the Arctic (DANCEA). Ari D. Shapiro received financial support from the WHOI Academic Programs Office, the National Science Foundation Research Fellowship and the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship