164 research outputs found

    Evaluating GPT's Programming Capability through CodeWars' Katas

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    In the burgeoning field of artificial intelligence (AI), understanding the capabilities and limitations of programming-oriented models is crucial. This paper presents a novel evaluation of the programming proficiency of Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models, specifically GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, against coding problems of varying difficulty levels drawn from Codewars. The experiments reveal a distinct boundary at the 3kyu level, beyond which these GPT models struggle to provide solutions. These findings led to the proposal of a measure for coding problem complexity that incorporates both problem difficulty and the time required for solution. The research emphasizes the need for validation and creative thinking capabilities in AI models to better emulate human problem-solving techniques. Future work aims to refine this proposed complexity measure, enhance AI models with these suggested capabilities, and develop an objective measure for programming problem difficulty. The results of this research offer invaluable insights for improving AI programming capabilities and advancing the frontier of AI problem-solving abilities.Comment: 9 page

    Interfacial regulation of aqueous synthesized metal-semiconductor hetero-nanocrystals

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    Integrating metal and semiconductor components to form metal-semiconductor heterostructures is an attractive strategy to develop nanomaterials for optoelectronic applications, and the rational regulation of their heterointerfaces could effectively influence their charge transfer properties and further determine their performance. Considering the natural large lattice mismatch between metal and semiconductor components, defects and low crystalline heterointerfaces could be easily generated especially for heterostructures with large contacting areas such as core-shell and over quantum-sized nanostructures. The defective interfaces of heterostructures could lead to the undesirable recombination of photo-induced electrons and holes, which would decrease their performances. Based on these issues, the perspective focusing on the most recent progress in the aqueous synthesis of metal-semiconductor heterostructures with emphasis on heterointerface regulation is proposed, especially in the aspect of non-epitaxial growth strategies initiated by cation exchange reaction (CER). The enhanced optoelectronic performance enabled by precise interfacial regulations is also illustrated. We hope this perspective could provide meaningful insights for researchers on nano synthesis and optoelectronic applications

    Updating the Genome of the Elite Rice Variety Kongyu131 to Expand Its Ecological Adaptation Region

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    As an elite rice variety cultivated in the third accumulative temperature belt in Heilongjiang province, China, Kongyu131 has many excellent traits, such as high quality, high stability, early maturation and cold resistance. However, as with other crop varieties, Kongyu131 has regional restrictions, exhibiting decreased yields when grown at low latitudes. To address these problems, two populations were constructed from cross between japonica and indica varieties. QTL analyses were performed with these two populations to detect regional adaptation related quantitative trait locus. Results in a BC1F6 backcross inbred line population with 168 lines derived from cross between Kongyu131 and GKMP showed a large pleiotropic QTL near 9 Mb on chromosome 7, which significantly delayed the HD of Kongyu131 and increased the plant height (PH), length of main panicle (LMP), number of primary branches (NPB) and grain number of main panicles (GNP). We also found a similar QTL in the population BC3F2 derived from Kongyu131 and GKLPL. Based on the QTL, we developed a gene module named mRA7 with 5 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers around the QTL. Through a foreground and background selection based on 197 SNP markers evenly distributed over the 12 chromosomes, we obtained a new plant (a single point substitution line, SPSL) with a new Kongyu131 genome, carrying only a small chromosomal fragment less than 800 kb from GKLPL. The background recovery ratio of the SPSL was 99.8%. Compared with Kongyu131, the SPSL exhibited a significant HD delay of approximately 31 days and increased PH, LMP and GNP values when planted in Heilongjiang province. When cultivated in Guangdong province, HD of SPSL showed only 16 days delay, and less increase in PH, LMP and GNP than in Heilongjiang province. Phenotypic evaluation showed that the SPSL could be moved to south by more than 3 latitude units and cultivated in low-latitude regions. This study exemplifies the feasibility of expanding the regions of cultivation of elite rice varieties via similar methods

    Modeling User Viewing Flow using Large Language Models for Article Recommendation

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    This paper proposes the User Viewing Flow Modeling (SINGLE) method for the article recommendation task, which models the user constant preference and instant interest from user-clicked articles. Specifically, we employ a user constant viewing flow modeling method to summarize the user's general interest to recommend articles. We utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) to capture constant user preferences from previously clicked articles, such as skills and positions. Then we design the user instant viewing flow modeling method to build interactions between user-clicked article history and candidate articles. It attentively reads the representations of user-clicked articles and aims to learn the user's different interest views to match the candidate article. Our experimental results on the Alibaba Technology Association (ATA) website show the advantage of SINGLE, which achieves 2.4% improvements over previous baseline models in the online A/B test. Our further analyses illustrate that SINGLE has the ability to build a more tailored recommendation system by mimicking different article viewing behaviors of users and recommending more appropriate and diverse articles to match user interests.Comment: 8 pages

    Case report and literature review: Orally ingested toothpick perforating the lower rectum

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    IntroductionMost foreign bodies (FBs) can spontaneously pass through the gastrointestinal tract. Sharp FBs are believed to be able to puncture any part of the gastrointestinal tract, causing perforation and potentially secondary damage to adjacent organs.Case descriptionA 44-year-old man complained of having persistent dull pain in the perianal region. He was diagnosed with a toothpick impacted into the wall of the lower rectum after accepting a digital rectal examination of the lower rectum and a pelvic computed tomography (CT). The surgeon extracted the FB using vascular forceps guided by the operator’s index finger. The patient was discharged after intravenous ceftriaxone was given for 6 days. A follow-up pelvic CT performed 2 weeks after surgery revealed that the perirectal fat and muscles had already normalized.ConclusionA systematic review of relevant literature from the past decade was performed to summarize the imaging features of an orally ingested toothpick perforating the gastrointestinal tract. The location of abdominal pain is an important clue for the diagnosis of toothpick perforation, and a CT examination is recommended as the first option for the detection of an ingested toothpick. Determining the location of the toothpick perforation and assessing the severity of local inflammation are important bases for the selection of treatment

    Acetaldehyde released by Lactobacillus plantarum enhances accumulation of pyranoanthocyanins in wine during malolactic fermentation

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    This study investigated the evolution of acetaldehyde and pyranoanthocyanins in wine during malolactic fermentation, and further evaluated the correlation between acetaldehyde and pyranoanthocyanins. Cabernet Gernischt wine after alcoholic fermentation was inoculated with four lactic acid bacteria strains. Malolactic fermentation kinetics and wine characteristics were compared. Results showed these strains exhibited different kinetics on wine malolactic fermentation. Wine with Lactobacillus plantarum had lower reducing sugar, total acid, and yellowness. Lactobacillus plantarum elevated the level of acetaldehyde in wine model medium and wine during malolactic fermentation. Malolactic fermentation using Lactobacillus plantarum significantly increased the concentration of pyranoanthocyanins, whereas O. oeni strain reduced the level of pyranoanthocyanins in wine. Polymerized anthocyanins percentage in wine was significantly enhanced after fermentation with Lactobacillus plantarum. Principal component analysis indicated that the characteristics of these strains inoculated wines after malolactic fermentation were segregated. The findings from this study could provide useful information on the wine color improvement through malolactic fermentation with suitable lactic acid bacteria strains

    Highly Efficient Visible Light Catalysts Driven by Ti3+-V-O-2Ti(4+)-N3- Defect Clusters

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    Local defect structures play significant roles on material properties, but they are seriously neglected in the design, synthesis, and development of highly efficient TiO2‐based visible light catalysts (VLCs). Here, we take anatase TiO2 nanocrystals that contain (Ti3+, N3−) ions and have the complicated chemical formula of (urn:x-wiley:2199692X:media:cnma201800400:cnma201800400-math-0001 )(urn:x-wiley:2199692X:media:cnma201800400:cnma201800400-math-0002 □z) as an example, and point out that the formation of Ti3+‐VO‐2Ti4+‐N3− local defect clusters is a key missing step for significantly enhancing VLC properties of host TiO2 nanocrystals. Experimental and theoretical investigations also demonstrate the emergent behaviors of these intentionally introduced defect clusters for developing highly efficient VLCs. This research thus not only provides highly efficient visible light catalysts for various practical applications but also addresses the significance of local defect structures on modifying material properties.Q. Sun, D. Cortie, T. J. Frankcome, N. Cox and Y. Liu acknowledge the supports of the Australian Research Council in the form of Discovery Projects and the ARC Future Fellowships program. S. Zhang and W. Shi thank the support from CAS (1A1111KYSB20180017, XDB17030000)