8,364 research outputs found
Random-Singlet Phase in Disordered Two-Dimensional Quantum Magnets
We study effects of disorder (randomness) in a 2D square-lattice
quantum spin system, the - model with a 6-spin interaction
supplementing the Heisenberg exchange . In the absence of disorder the
system hosts antiferromagnetic (AFM) and columnar valence-bond-solid (VBS)
ground states. The VBS breaks symmetry, and in the presence of
arbitrarily weak disorder it forms domains. Using QMC simulations, we
demonstrate two kinds of such disordered VBS states. Upon dilution, a removed
site leaves a localized spin in the opposite sublattice. These spins form AFM
order. For random interactions, we find a different state, with no order but
algebraically decaying mean correlations. We identify localized spinons at the
nexus of domain walls between different VBS patterns. These spinons form
correlated groups with the same number of spinons and antispinons. Within such
a group, there is a strong tendency to singlet formation, because of
spinon-spinon interactions mediated by the domain walls. Thus, no long-range
AFM order forms. We propose that this state is a 2D analog of the well-known 1D
random singlet (RS) state, though the dynamic exponent in 2D is finite. By
studying the T-dependent magnetic susceptibility, we find that varies, from
at the AFM--RS phase boundary and larger in the RS phase The RS state
discovered here in a system without geometric frustration should correspond to
the same fixed point as the RS state recently proposed for frustrated systems,
and the ability to study it without Monte Carlo sign problems opens up
opportunities for further detailed characterization of its static and dynamic
properties. We also discuss experimental evidence of the RS phase in the
quasi-two-dimensional square-lattice random-exchange quantum magnets
SrCuTeWO.Comment: 31 pages, 29 figures; substantial additions in v2; additional
analysis in v
Random-singlet phase in disordered two-dimensional quantum magnets
We study effects of disorder (randomness) in a 2D square-lattice S=1/2 quantum spin system, the J-Q model with a 6-spin interaction Q supplementing the Heisenberg exchange J. In the absence of disorder the system hosts antiferromagnetic (AFM) and columnar valence-bond-solid (VBS) ground states. The VBS breaks Z4 symmetry, and in the presence of arbitrarily weak disorder it forms domains. Using QMC simulations, we demonstrate two kinds of such disordered VBS states. Upon dilution, a removed site leaves a localized spin in the opposite sublattice. These spins form AFM order. For random interactions, we find a different state, with no order but algebraically decaying mean correlations. We identify localized spinons at the nexus of domain walls between different VBS patterns. These spinons form correlated groups with the same number of spinons and antispinons. Within such a group, there is a strong tendency to singlet formation, because of spinon-spinon interactions mediated by the domain walls. Thus, no long-range AFM order forms. We propose that this state is a 2D analog of the well-known 1D random singlet (RS) state, though the dynamic exponent z in 2D is finite. By studying the T-dependent magnetic susceptibility, we find that z varies, from z=2 at the AFM--RS phase boundary and larger in the RS phase The RS state discovered here in a system without geometric frustration should correspond to the same fixed point as the RS state recently proposed for frustrated systems, and the ability to study it without Monte Carlo sign problems opens up opportunities for further detailed characterization of its static and dynamic properties. We also discuss experimental evidence of the RS phase in the quasi-two-dimensional square-lattice random-exchange quantum magnets Sr2CuTe1−xWxO6.Accepted manuscrip
Effects of bleaching agents on dental restorative materials: A review of the literature and recommendation to dental practitioners and researchers
AbstractIn recent years, there has been an increased demand for improvement in the appearance of natural teeth. The conservative technique of tooth bleaching has gained attention and acceptance from both patients and clinicians. Despite increased popularity, there is controversy surrounding the adverse effects of bleaching on dental restorative materials. This article reviews the effects of bleaching agents on major categories of dental restorative materials and provides evidence-based recommendations to the clinicians and researchers. Current literature reveal that bleaching might have a detrimental effect on restorative materials. However, because of the variability in experimental design, there is a lack of consensus concerning the bleaching effects on restorative materials. A standardized and reproducible guideline for assessment of bleaching effects on restorative materials needs to be established and verified by future studies
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