8,272 research outputs found

    Nonnormal approximation by Stein's method of exchangeable pairs with application to the Curie--Weiss model

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    Let (W,W)(W,W') be an exchangeable pair. Assume that E(WWW)=g(W)+r(W),E(W-W'|W)=g(W)+r(W), where g(W)g(W) is a dominated term and r(W)r(W) is negligible. Let G(t)=0tg(s)dsG(t)=\int_0^tg(s)\,ds and define p(t)=c1ec0G(t)p(t)=c_1e^{-c_0G(t)}, where c0c_0 is a properly chosen constant and c1=1/ec0G(t)dtc_1=1/\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-c_0G(t)}\,dt. Let YY be a random variable with the probability density function pp. It is proved that WW converges to YY in distribution when the conditional second moment of (WW)(W-W') given WW satisfies a law of large numbers. A Berry-Esseen type bound is also given. We use this technique to obtain a Berry-Esseen error bound of order 1/n1/\sqrt{n} in the noncentral limit theorem for the magnetization in the Curie-Weiss ferromagnet at the critical temperature. Exponential approximation with application to the spectrum of the Bernoulli-Laplace Markov chain is also discussed.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/10-AAP712 the Annals of Applied Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aap/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    The extremal spectral radii of kk-uniform supertrees

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    In this paper, we study some extremal problems of three kinds of spectral radii of kk-uniform hypergraphs (the adjacency spectral radius, the signless Laplacian spectral radius and the incidence QQ-spectral radius). We call a connected and acyclic kk-uniform hypergraph a supertree. We introduce the operation of "moving edges" for hypergraphs, together with the two special cases of this operation: the edge-releasing operation and the total grafting operation. By studying the perturbation of these kinds of spectral radii of hypergraphs under these operations, we prove that for all these three kinds of spectral radii, the hyperstar Sn,k\mathcal{S}_{n,k} attains uniquely the maximum spectral radius among all kk-uniform supertrees on nn vertices. We also determine the unique kk-uniform supertree on nn vertices with the second largest spectral radius (for these three kinds of spectral radii). We also prove that for all these three kinds of spectral radii, the loose path Pn,k\mathcal{P}_{n,k} attains uniquely the minimum spectral radius among all kk-th power hypertrees of nn vertices. Some bounds on the incidence QQ-spectral radius are given. The relation between the incidence QQ-spectral radius and the spectral radius of the matrix product of the incidence matrix and its transpose is discussed

    The proof of a conjecture on largest Laplacian and signless Laplacian H-eigenvalues of uniform hypergraphs

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    Let A(G),L(G)\mathcal{A(}G\mathcal{)},\mathcal{L(}G\mathcal{)} and Q(G)\mathcal{Q(}% G\mathcal{)} be the adjacency tensor, Laplacian tensor and signless Laplacian tensor of uniform hypergraph GG, respectively. Denote by λ(T)\lambda (\mathcal{T}) the largest H-eigenvalue of tensor T\mathcal{T}. Let HH be a uniform hypergraph, and HH^{\prime} be obtained from HH by inserting a new vertex with degree one in each edge. We prove that λ(Q(H))λ(Q(H)).\lambda(\mathcal{Q(}% H^{\prime}\mathcal{)})\leq\lambda(\mathcal{Q(}H\mathcal{)}). Denote by GkG^{k} the kkth power hypergraph of an ordinary graph GG with maximum degree Δ2\Delta\geq2. We will prove that {λ(Q(\{\lambda(\mathcal{Q(}% G^{k}\mathcal{)})\} is a strictly decreasing sequence, which imply Conjectrue 4.1 of Hu, Qi and Shao in \cite{HuQiShao2013}. We also prove that λ(Q(Gk))\lambda(\mathcal{Q(}G^{k}\mathcal{)}) converges to Δ\Delta when kk goes to infinity. The definiton of kkth power hypergraph GkG^{k} has been generalized as Gk,s.G^{k,s}. We also prove some eigenvalues properties about A(Gk,s),\mathcal{A(}% G^{k,s}\mathcal{)}, which generalize some known results. Some related results about L(G)\mathcal{L(}G\mathcal{)} are also mentioned