43 research outputs found

    Estimation of contemporary observed variations of air temperature and wind speed in the troposphere of the Northern Hemisphere

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    © 2014, Allerton Press, Inc. Carried out is the statistical analysis of contemporary observed variations of air temperature and wind speed in the troposphere of the Northern Hemisphere based on the data on global surface air temperature for 1850–2013 obtained from the University of East Anglia Climate Research Unit (HadCRUT4) and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis (1948–2013). Revealed are the long-term trends of air temperature and wind speed at different constant-pressure levels. Established is the anticipatory role of the zonal atmospheric circulation in the long-term variability of air temperature in the lower troposphere averaged for the zone of 30°–70° N. According to the results of correlation analysis, in some areas of the Northern Hemisphere the contribution of the wind speed to air temperature variability makes up not less than 60%

    Long-term variability of zonal tropospheric and stratospheric circulation in midlatitudes of the northern hemisphere

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    The dynamics of macrocirculation processes in the troposphere and stratosphere of the Northern Hemisphere was considered using daily Kats indices of zonal circulation calculated for 500, 300, 100, 30, and 10 hPa for latitudinal belts 70-50° and 50-35°N in the Atlantic-European, Asian, and American sectors during the 15-year period (1976-1990). Oscillation cycles with different periods varying from twenty days to nine years were determined by means of spectral analysis. A contingency of circulation processes in different latitudinal zones and sectors was estimated. A dependence of low-frequency variability of Kats indices on solar activity and phases of quasi-biennial cycle of the equatorial stratospheric circulation was found. A time lag (1-2 months) in response of the stratospheric circulation in the northern latitudes to the influence of the equatorial atmosphere was brought out. © 1998 by Allerton Press, Inc

    Structure and interrelations of winter large-scale circulation processes in the troposphere and stratosphere of the northern hemisphere midlatitudes

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    Daily values of the Kats zonal index calculated at standard pressure levels 500, 300, 100, 30, and 10 hPa in the Atlantic-European, Asian, and American sectors of the northern part of the midlatitude zone in the Northern Hemisphere (50-70°N) for the 14-year period (1976-1990) have been used to study a variability of the intensity of zonal circulation in the cold season (October-March). Influence of winter stratospheric warmings on the structure and dynamics of macrocirculation processes is found. The character of vertical interrelations between tropospheric and stratospheric layers at various frequencies of zonal index oscillations is established on the basis of spectral and correlation analyses

    Spatiotemporal variations of major parameters of temperature and humidity regime in the Volga Federal District

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    Given is a description of major climatic characteristics and their spatiotemporal variations in the Volga Federal District in recent decades against a background of the current climate warming using the data of the regular network of meteorological stations, reanalysis, and web resources. Revealed are the long-period trends of air temperature, precipitation, and cloudiness. Established is a dependence of some climatic parameters on geographic factors. © 2014 Allerton Press, Inc

    Long-term variations in surface air pressure and surface air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes

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    © 2017, Allerton Press, Inc. The spatiotemporal variability of surface air pressure and surface air temperature in the Northern Hemisphere troposphere in 1990-2014 is described. In 2005 the low-frequency component (LFC) of average air temperature in January averaged over the latitude zone of 32.5°-67.5° N has stopped its increase that lasted for 35 years (from 1970). The LFC of air temperature in July has continued growing since 1975 (for 39 years). The anomalies of air pressure and air temperature for thirty-year periods and the dynamics of LFC of air temperature and air pressure in the atmospheric centers of action are analyzed

    Modern climate warming in the troposphere of the Atlantic-European region and its characteristic features

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    Characteristic features of space-time variability of air temperature between the earth and 200 hPa in the Atlantic-European region are analyzed. Statistical analysis methods are used to determine basic long-term temperature trends throughout the year that are indicative of inhomogeneous variations of meteorological variables in time and space

    On some manifestations of Markov properties in long-term dynamics of thermal regime anomalies in Kazan

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    Long-term (1900-2004) dynamics of anomalies of annual mean air temperature, documented at the Meteorological Observatory of Kazan University, is considered as the behavior of a system passing through its certain states. By using the basic statements of random function theory, some features of the system behavior are studied from scientific and applied points of view. © Allerton Press, Inc. 2008

    Thermodynamic Parameter Variations in the Troposphere and Stratosphere in 1979-2016

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    © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd. Changes in the air temperature, ozone mass mixing ratio, and characteristics of wave activity on 26 levels in the tropo-stratosphere during 1979-2016 are discussed. Reanalysis data ERA-Interim and indices of atmospheric circulation are used as initial data. Vertical profiles of the coefficient of slope in a linear temperature trend are built. The vertical correlations between the levels are estimated. The differences in the thermal regime and ozone mass mixing ratio in three sectors of the Northern Hemisphere: Atlantic-European, Asia-Pacific, and American are shown. A credible correlation between the wave activity in the stratosphere and the atmospheric circulation indices (AO, QBO-50) has been obtained

    Modern climate warming in the troposphere of the Atlantic-European region and its characteristics features

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    Characteristic features of space-time variability of air temperature between the earth and 200 hPa in the Atlantic-European region are analyzed. Statistical analysis methods are used to determine basic long-term temperature trends throughout the year that are indicative of inhomogeneous variations of meteorological variables in time and space

    Long-term variations in main characteristics of the hydrometeorological Volga basin regime

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    Investigations of long-term variations in annual precipitation totals and mean air temperature in the Volga basin, the Volga runoff, the Caspian Sea level, and the three forms of atmospheric circulation according to the Vangengeim-Girs classification are discussed. High- and low-frequency variations in the series of hydrometeorological variables are studied and the linear trends are estimated. Correlation between precipitation, the Volga runoff, and the Caspian Sea level are analyzed. The role of circulation in the variability of precipitation amount and the Volga runoff is shown