3 research outputs found

    Scattered differentiation of unlinked loci across the genome underlines ecological divergence of the selfing grass Brachypodium stacei

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    Ecological divergence without geographic isolation, as an early speciation process that may lead finally to reproductive isolation through natural selection, remains a captivating topic in evolutionary biology. However, the pattern of genetic divergence underlying this process across the genome may vary between species and mating systems. Here, we present evidence that Brachypodium stacei, an annual and highly selfing grass model species, has undergone sympatric ecological divergence without geographic isolation. Genomic, transcriptomic, and metabolomic analyses together with lab experiments mimicking the two opposite environmental conditions suggest that diploid B. stacei populations have diverged sympatrically in two slopes characterized by distinct biomes at Evolution Canyon I (ECI), Mount Carmel, Israel. Despite ongoing gene flow, primarily facilitated by seed dispersal, the level of gene flow has progressively decreased over time. This local adaptation involves the scattered divergence of many unlinked loci across the total genome that include both coding genes and noncoding regions. Additionally, we have identified significant differential expressions of genes related to the ABA signaling pathway and contrasting metabolome composition between the arid- vs. forest-adapted B. stacei populations in ECI. These results suggest that multiple small loci involved in environmental responses act additively to account for ecological adaptations by this selfing species in contrasting environments

    Allelic shift in cis-elements of the transcription factor RAP2.12 underlies adaptation associated with humidity in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Populations of widespread species are usually geographically distributed through contrasting stresses, but underlying genetic mechanisms controlling this adaptation remain largely unknown. Here, we show that in Arabidopsis thaliana, allelic changes in the cis-regulatory elements, WT box and W box, in the promoter of a key transcription factor associated with oxygen sensing, RELATED TO AP 2.12 (RAP2.12), are responsible for differentially regulating tolerance to drought and flooding. These two cis-elements are regulated by different transcription factors that downstream of RAP2.12 results in differential accumulation of hypoxia-responsive transcripts. The evolution from one cis-element haplotype to the other is associated with the colonization of humid environments from arid habitats. This gene thus promotes both drought and flooding adaptation via an adaptive mechanism that diversifies its regulation through noncoding alleles

    A chromosome-level Camptotheca acuminata genome assembly provides insights into the evolutionary origin of camptothecin biosynthesis

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    Camptothecin is a monoterpene indole alkaloid with anti-tumor activity. Here, the authors assemble the genome of the camptothecin producing plant Camptotheca acuminata and provide insights into the evolutionary origin of camptothecin biosynthesis by comparing to the vinblastine and vincristine biosynthetic pathway in Catharanthus roseus