77 research outputs found

    The reduced ring of the RO(C2)RO(C_2)-graded C2C_2-equivariant stable stems

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    We describe in terms of generators and relations the ring structure of the RO(C2)RO(C_2)-graded C2C_2-equivariant stable stems π⋆C2\pi_\star^{C_2} modulo the ideal of all nilpotent elements. As a consequence, we also record the ring structure of the homotopy groups of the rational C2C_2-equivariant sphere π⋆C2(SQ)\pi_\star^{C_2}(S_\mathbb{Q}).Comment: 13 page

    CiteSpace Visual Analysis of Community Pharmacy Services in China: Bridging Local Insights and Global Trends

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    Purpose: This research traces the history of pharmacy services research in Chinese pharmacies over the past twenty years and attempts to identify key trends and hotspots consistent with global practices. Methodology: From January 2002 to December 2022, we leveraged databases such as CNKI, VIP, and Wanfang and deployed CiteSpace 5.8.R3 to visualize publication trends, authorship, and institutional contributions within the field. Results: Our synthesis highlights critical developments in drug safety monitoring, prescription management, pharmacoeconomics, and public health education and highlights the leadership of respected researchers and institutions. Conclusion: The “Internet+” paradigm is identified as an important catalyst for pharmacy services innovation, with implications that extend beyond China and suggest models for international adaptation and strategy development

    Heat Adaptation Induced Cross Protection Against Ethanol Stress in Tetragenococcus halophilus: Physiological Characteristics and Proteomic Analysis

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    Ethanol is a toxic factor that damages membranes, disturbs metabolism, and may kill the cell. Tetragenococcus halophilus, considered as the cell factory during the manufacture of traditional fermented foods, encounters ethanol stress, which may affect the viability and fermentative performance of cells. In order to improve the ethanol tolerance of T. halophilus, a strategy based on cross protection was proposed in the current study. The results indicated that cross protection induced by heat preadaptation (45°C for 1.5 h) could significantly improve the stress tolerance (7.24-fold increase in survival) of T. halophilus upon exposure to ethanol (10% for 2.5 h). Based on this result, a combined analysis of physiological approaches and TMT-labeled proteomic technology was employed to investigate the protective mechanism of cross protection in T. halophilus. Physiological analysis showed that the heat preadapted cells exhibited a better surface phenotype, higher membrane integrity, and higher amounts of unsaturated fatty acids compared to unadapted cells. Proteomic analysis showed that a total of 163 proteins were differentially expressed in response to heat preadaptation. KEGG enrichment analysis showed that energy metabolism, membrane transport, peptidoglycan biosynthesis, and genetic information processing were the most abundant metabolic pathways after heat preadaptation. Three proteins (GpmA, AtpB, and TpiA) involved in energy metabolism and four proteins (ManM, OpuC, YidC, and HPr) related to membrane transport were up-regulated after heat preadaptation. In all, the results of this study may help understand the protective mechanisms of preadaptation and contribute to the improvement of the stress resistance of T. halophilus during industrial processes

    Highly efficient room-temperature nonvolatile magnetic switching by current in Fe3GaTe2 thin flakes

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    Effectively tuning magnetic state by using current is essential for novel spintronic devices. Magnetic van der Waals (vdW) materials have shown superior properties for the applications of magnetic information storage based on the efficient spin torque effect. However, for most of known vdW ferromagnets, the ferromagnetic transition temperatures lower than room temperature strongly impede their applications and the room-temperature vdW spintronic device with low energy consumption is still a long-sought goal. Here, we realize the highly efficient room-temperature nonvolatile magnetic switching by current in a single-material device based on vdW ferromagnet Fe3GaTe2. Moreover, the switching current density and power dissipation are about 300 and 60000 times smaller than conventional spin-orbit-torque devices of magnet/heavymetal heterostructures. These findings make an important progress on the applications of magnetic vdW materials in the fields of spintronics and magnetic information storage.Comment: 18 page2, 4 figure

    Crop Area Estimation from UAV Transect and MSR Image Data Using Spatial Sampling Method

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    AbstractUsing remote sensing data to estimate crop area is efficient to a wide range of end-users, including government agencies, farmers and researchers. Moderate spatial resolution (MSR) image data are widely used to estimate crop area. But its accuracy can’t meet the demands of precision. Spatial sampling techniques integrated the strengths of remote sensing and sampling survey are being widely used. This method need large sample size which is cannot be guaranteed by remote sensing due to weather. The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) can be used as an effective way to guarantee enough sample size. This paper proposed a spatial sampling method using MSR image classification results and UAV transects, a stratified random sampling method was proposed, area-scale (from MSR image classification) was used as auxiliary variable to guide the distribution of UAV transects, which had proved that 2% sampling ratio can make the crop area estimation accuracy more than 95% with a 95% confidence interval

    Pressure induced superconductivity in WB2 and ReB2 through modifying the B layers

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    The recent discovery of superconductivity up to 32 K in the pressurized MoB2 reignites the interests in exploring high-Tc superconductors in transition-metal diborides. Inspired by that work, we turn our attention to the 5d transition-metal diborides. Here we systematically investigate the responses of both structural and physical properties of WB2 and ReB2 to external pressure, which possess different types of boron layers. Similar to MoB2, the pressure-induced superconductivity was also observed in WB2 above 60 GPa with a maximum Tc of 15 K at 100 GPa, while no superconductivity was detected in ReB2 in this pressure range. Interestingly, the structures at ambient pressure for both WB2 and ReB2 persist to high pressure without structural phase transitions. Theoretical calculations suggest that the ratio of flat boron layers in this class of transition-metal diborides may be crucial for the appearance of high Tc. The combined theoretical and experimental results highlight the effect of geometry of boron layers on superconductivity and shed light on the exploration of novel high-Tc superconductors in borides.Comment: 17 pages,5 figure

    Magnetic topological insulator MnBi6Te10 with zero-field ferromagnetic state and gapped Dirac surface states

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    Magnetic topological insulators (TIs) with nontrivial topological electronic structure and broken time-reversal symmetry exhibit various exotic topological quantum phenomena. The realization of such exotic phenomena at high temperature is one of central topics in this area. We reveal that MnBi6Te10 is a magnetic TI with an antiferromagnetic ground state below 10.8 K whose nontrivial topology is manifested by Dirac-like surface states. The ferromagnetic axion insulator state with Z4 = 2 emerges once spins polarized at field as low as 0.1 T, accompanied with saturated anomalous Hall resistivity up to 10 K. Such a ferromagnetic state is preserved even external field down to zero at 2 K. Theoretical calculations indicate that the few-layer ferromagnetic MnBi6Te10 is also topologically nontrivial with a non-zero Chern number. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy experiments further reveal three types of Dirac surface states arising from different terminations on the cleavage surfaces, one of which has insulating behavior with an energy gap of ~ 28 meV at the Dirac point. These outstanding features suggest that MnBi6Te10 is a promising system to realize various topological quantum effects at zero field and high temperature.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Nearly-room-temperature ferromagnetism and tunable anomalous Hall effect in atomically thin Fe4CoGeTe2

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    Itinerant ferromagnetism at room temperature is a key ingredient for spin transport and manipulation. Here, we report the realization of nearly-room-temperature itinerant ferromagnetism in Co doped Fe5GeTe2 thin flakes. The ferromagnetic transition temperature TC (323 K - 337 K) is almost unchanged when thickness is down to 12 nm and is still about 284 K at 2 nm (bilayer thickness). Theoretical calculations further indicate that the ferromagnetism persists in monolayer Fe4CoGeTe2. In addition to the robust ferromagnetism down to the ultrathin limit, Fe4CoGeTe2 exhibits an unusual temperature- and thickness-dependent intrinsic anomalous Hall effect. We propose that it could be ascribed to the dependence of band structure on thickness that changes the Berry curvature near the Fermi energy level subtly. The nearly-room-temperature ferromagnetism and tunable anomalous Hall effect in atomically thin Fe4CoGeTe2 provide opportunities to understand the exotic transport properties of two-dimensional van der Waals magnetic materials and explore their potential applications in spintronics.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Eightfold Fermionic Excitation in a Charge Density Wave Compound

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    Unconventional quasiparticle excitations in condensed matter systems have become one of the most important research frontiers. Beyond two- and fourfold degenerate Weyl and Dirac fermions, three-, six- and eightfold symmetry protected degeneracies have been predicted however remain challenging to realize in solid state materials. Here, charge density wave compound TaTe4 is proposed to hold eightfold fermionic excitation and Dirac point in energy bands. High quality TaTe4 single crystals are prepared, where the charge density wave is revealed by directly imaging the atomic structure and a pseudogap of about 45 meV on the surface. Shubnikov de-Haas oscillations of TaTe4 are consistent with band structure calculation. Scanning tunneling microscopy reveals atomic step edge states on the surface of TaTe4. This work uncovers that charge density wave is able to induce new topological phases and sheds new light on the novel excitations in condensed matter materials.Comment: Accepted by PRB: https://journals.aps.org/prb/accepted/7907cK4eW0b1ee0b93fd67c1b42942bbb08eafc3
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