12 research outputs found

    Strategies for Leveraging IT-enabled Service Innovation in Intensively Competitive Market

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    Many studies have explored service innovations regarding the use of information technologies, yet few have addressed the strategic leveraging in IT investment for sustaining competitiveness. The objective of this paper is to examine different strategies that firms have applied in leveraging advanced information technologies for service innovation in highly competitive market. The analysis of strategy is developed based on two dimensions: (1) IT capability, referring to a firm’s ability to deploy IT-based resources, combined with (2) the firm’s complementary resources including customer and supplier relationships, financial capital. We investigate the convenience-store industry in Taiwan, where the intensity of convenience stores is ranked as the highest in the world and is observed to be in the intensive competitive market. The case analysis reveals that there are four types of strategies firms apply in leveraging IT for competitiveness: predator, inventor, follower, and hedger. Firms may apply multiple strategies toward different innovation initiatives

    Understanding Web 2.0 service models: A knowledge-creating perspective

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    [[abstract]]We examined Web 2.0 services that provide different levels of knowledge exploitation and developed a framework for classifying existing service models from a knowledge-creation perspective. More than 1000 Web 2.0 application sites were analyzed and classified. We termed the two types of service platforms: Experience-Socialization and Intelligence-Proliferation. These involved four types of service models that we termed as Exchanger, Aggregator, Collaborator, and Liberator. These models show the diversity of existing Web 2.0 applications and provide a framework for a better understanding of operating patterns and value propositions within the Web 2.0 paradigm.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]SCI[[incitationindex]]SSCI[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]NL

    Measuring Process Capital from a System Model Perspective

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    [[abstract]]Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the deficiencies and the sources of deficiencies in process changes associated with the implementation of enterprise systems (ES). Design/methodology/approach – In-depth studies of four firms and additional verification in seven other firms. Findings – Results reveal that deficiencies of process changes with ES are mainly associated with the packaged and integrated nature of enterprise system software, particularly its configurability, in-built processes, multiple options, data and process integration, streamlined processes, and standard processes. In order to eliminate deficiencies and gain benefits, organizations need to invest in on-going software exploration, business examination, and process and software changes that align new processes and management responsibilities. Originality/value – In the expanding world of ES research, this study is significant because it explores the sources of deficiencies associated with process change and provides guidance to user organizations on ways to manage such deficiencies. The results of the study may also be of benefit with other packaged software that integrates processes within and between organizations, for example, customer relationship management and supply chain management.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]GB

    An Analysis of Customer Contribution in a Bank

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    Generating Consumer Resonance for Purchase Intention on Social Network Sites

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    [[abstract]]Consumer resonance is powerful in affecting a user's image of products and, as this resonance expands with iterative enforcement, the user's buying intention can be strongly altered. In order to develop consumer resonance, product messages articulated on a social network site (SNS) must be designed with the proper content and delivered through the proper channels. Using uses and gratifications theory, this study built a model to explain user behavior of consumer resonance on SNSs in dimensions of content gratification, social-relation gratification, and self-presentation gratification to drive increased purchase intention. By presenting two selected product articulates on social websites, we collected 392 samples and used modeling with partial least square to analyze the usable data. Meanwhile, a two-step cluster analysis method was applied to partition the sample into two groups and develop managerial implications by comparing them. The study results show that utilitarian value, tie strength, normative influence, information influence, and self-presentation have significant effects on customer resonance, which in turn influences purchase intention for successful consumer-brand relationship. It is hoped that the research findings might enhance our understanding of user resonance behavior and provide insights into social participants' future purchase intentions.[[notice]]補正完


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    [[abstract]]企業流程管理(BPM)的目的在將傳統管理理論的規劃、組織、協調、管理、控制等分散的思維模式加以整合並融入商業環境中,促使企業快速而有效的完成各項商業流程的設計、整合與再造。然而,這樣的架構雖有宏觀的視野,但在細部的執行規劃上卻顯不足,若無法與資訊技術資源相輔相成,這套企業作業規劃將無法實際開發並落實執行,難以達到企業流程最佳化之目的。此外,系統開發生命週期(SDLC)方法詳細規劃了系統開發目的與步驟,以確實執行系統開發與安裝,但在落實企業策略目標上卻較缺乏慎密的考量。因此,本研究提出整合二者的方法論,並使用行動研究方法,進行整合BPM架構與SDLC方法的驗證與強化。透過行動研究「偵察或觀察」、「計畫」、「行動與監看」以及「反省與評鑑」四大歷程,以螺旋循環的形式在「預支請款流程系統」、「專案管理流程系統」以及「保險契約流程系統」三種不同性質系統進行開發與安裝,反覆地測試與調整本研究之整合性方法。研究結果可以發現SDLC的嵌入,對於流程系統開 發最大的助益在於流程設計與流程實作上,提供了一個完整且實際的作法,亦加速了流程改善與系統開發的效益,使得BPM架構因SDLC嚴謹方法而落實執行。SDLC方法則在BPM架構之下較能有效支應企業目標。目前BPM的發展多止於理論發表,需要實務案例落實該方法的應用,本研究在進行三個案例的實作後,發現應可有助BPM架構與系統開發方法發展成更完善的理論實踐。 Business process management (BPM) methods are used to analyze, assess, and design business processes. Although they are praised for business alignment and adaptability, this kind of methodology is in its initial stage and has its shortcomings with regard to detailed system development and execution. On the other hand, system development life cycle (SDLC) methods, though lacking a cautious consideration of business strategies, carefully examine functional goals and provide detailed guidelines for system development and implementation. To operationalize the BPM methods and to enhance the applicability of SDLC methods at a higher business level, it would be beneficial to examine features of these two methods and propose a proper model with complementary features being incorporated. By applying action research, this study empirically validated and enhanced the proposed integrated BPM/SDLC method through detection, planning, action, and monitoring, as well as the reflection and evaluation processes. During this action research, a spiral cycle of model development, modification, and enhancement was adopted with the installation of three different kinds of systems. The research result is a composite model that elaborates upon both the BPM and SDLC methods and focuses on business process management success. Study findings reveal that the most significant benefit of the involvement of SDLC for business process management is to provide a complete and practical framework with instruments and guidelines for an executable process system.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國內[[booktype]]紙本[[countrycodes]]TW

    An Understanding of the Impact of Gamification on Purchase Intentions

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    Gamification is a diverse application of game elements implemented by firms in various circumstances to motivate customers for frequent and loyal patronage. Due to the advancement of information and technologies, more dynamic and interactive gamified experiences have been developed as strategies to retain customers and encourage repeat purchasing. As the increasing application of social and mobile games plays important trends in culture today, enterprises need to understand the value of adding the elements of games into customer’s every encounter. This study consolidates the different gamification design elements and demographics to explore purchase intentions of customers of different types. We reviewed the literature about game design and identified seven motivational elements that have been incorporated in the design of gamification. Using case analysis, we verified these elements and proposed hypotheses about gamification design for customers of different attributes. Further study is planned to test the hypotheses by collecting responses from 500 participants regarding their perceptions of the elements of the gamification activities. It’s hoped that the findings can provide a basis for enterprises to leverage the emerging strategy properly

    Exploring the Sustainability of the Intermediary Role in Blockchain

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    Traditional business models involve cost, market development, distribution channels, business partnerships, and supply chain management. The development of the digital economy and digital network technology has engendered a shift away from the traditional model of operation. Intermediaries have long played an essential role in promoting the benefits of economic activities, but new technology is increasingly replacing intermediaries in their roles of connecting players, such as, involving, committing, and mobilizing players. Potential conflicts of interest must therefore be further resolved, avoided, or mitigated. Blockchain technology, as a tool for keeping immutable and digital records, can address increasingly complex issues in global value chains to pursue sustainable development. It attempts to realize the trust mechanism and has been redefining the function of intermediaries. This study used a multiple-case study approach to examine how blockchain technology affects intermediate functionality. We evaluated the industry’s use of blockchains to assess how the processes were reshaped and how the intermediary roles were refined. On the basis of the findings, we propose three potential changes for the roles of intermediaries to improve operational efficiency

    Sustaining User Experience in a Smart System in the Retail Industry

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    Retail enterprises are embracing new technologies to provide innovative services to customers and engage them. Unmanned retail stores offer a completely new seamless shopping experience for customers. Moreover, artificial intelligence (AI) technology and sophisticated customer behavior should be explored in depth to develop a smart system to serve customers. This study focused on achieving a sustainable user experience with a smart system installed in an autonomous store. The development of core functions and a rule-based knowledge set are regarded as the most important tasks in designing autonomous services. In the case study, the core functions were developed on the basis of the design science concept and the rule-based knowledge set was constructed using the action research approach. The developed smart system was optimized to understand in-store customer behavior by continuously observing and refining the user experience. The practical experience of this study provides insights into AI technology use in retailing and can guide enterprises in developing smart systems

    Mobile Financial Services for Improving User Well-Being: A Value Co-Creation Perspective

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    The adoption of mobile financial services (MFS) has been significantly on the increase. However, there has been scant research investigating its impact on improving users’ lives and well-being. We argue that the consequences of well-being are particularly relevant in the financial service context, as they often profoundly impact individuals, their families, and society. To analyze the well-being consequences in digitalized financial services, this study takes a theoretical lens from value co-creation as it is a process by which users look to improve their well-being via the interactions they have with other actors. For this research, a case study was conducted involving an MFS in Taiwan named Enrich (a pseudonym). This study is work-in-progress. The preliminary research findings have revealed three types of co-created value—accessibility, literacy, and immersion—strategically facilitated by a mix of human and digital technology arrangements that consequently enhanced the users’ well-being in their financial management