15,728 research outputs found

    Holographic Heat Current as Noether Current

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    We employ the Noether procedure to derive a general formula for the radially conserved heat current in AdS planar black holes with certain transverse and traceless perturbations, for a general class of gravity theories. For Einstein gravity, the general higher-order Lovelock gravities and also a class of Horndeski gravities, we derive the boundary stress tensor and show that the resulting boundary heat current matches precisely the bulk Noether current.Comment: Latex, 27 pages, typos corrected, comments added, references adde

    Thermodynamics of Einstein-Proca AdS Black Holes

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    We study static spherically-symmetric solutions of the Einstein-Proca equations in the presence of a negative cosmological constant. We show that the theory admits solutions describing both black holes and also solitons in an asymptotically AdS background. Interesting subtleties can arise in the computation of the mass of the solutions and also in the derivation of the first law of thermodynamics. We make use of holographic renormalisation in order to calculate the mass, even in cases where the solutions have a rather slow approach to the asymptotic AdS geometry. By using the procedure developed by Wald, we derive the first law of thermodynamics for the black hole and soliton solutions. This includes a non-trivial contribution associated with the Proca "charge." The solutions cannot be found analytically, and so we make use of numerical integration techniques to demonstrate their existence.Comment: 35 pages, Improved discussion of cases with logarithmic asymptotic fall off

    Generalised Smarr Formula and the Viscosity Bound for Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton Black Holes

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    We study the shear viscosity to entropy ratio η/S\eta/S in the boundary field theories dual to black hole backgrounds in theories of gravity coupled to a scalar field, and generalisations including a Maxwell field and non-minimal scalar couplings. Motivated by the observation in simple examples that the saturation of the η/S≥1/(4π)\eta/S\ge 1/(4\pi) bound is correlated with the existence of a generalised Smarr relation for the planar black-hole solutions, we investigate this in detail for the general black-hole solutions in these theories, focusing especially on the cases where the scalar field plays a non-trivial role and gives rise to an additional parameter in the space of solutions. We find that a generalised Smarr relation holds in all cases, and in fact it can be viewed as the bulk gravity dual of the statement of the saturation of the viscosity to entropy bound. We obtain the generalised Smarr relation, whose existence depends upon a scaling symmetry of the planar black-hole solutions, by two different but related methods, one based on integrating the first law of thermodynamics, and the other based on the construction of a conserved Noether charge.Comment: Latex, 36 pages, references added, typos corrected, to appear in PR

    Magnetically-Charged Black Branes and Viscosity/Entropy Ratios

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    We consider asymptotically-AdS nn-dimensional black brane solutions in a theory of gravity coupled to a set of NN pp-form field strengths, in which the field strengths carry magnetic charges. For appropriately chosen charges, the metrics are isotropic in the (n−2)(n-2) transverse directions. However, in general the field strength configurations break the full Euclidean symmetry of the (n−2)(n-2)-dimensional transverse space. We then study the linearised equation for transverse traceless metric perturbations in these backgrounds, and by employing the Kubo formula we obtain expressions for η/S\eta/S, the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density. We find that the KSS bound on the ratio η/S\eta/S is generally violated in these solutions. We also extend the discussion by including also a dilatonic scalar field in the theory, leading to solutions that are asymptotically Lifshitz with hyperscaling violation.Comment: References added. 21 page

    Entanglement and quantum phase transition in alternating XY spin chain with next-nearest neighbour interactions

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    By using the method of density-matrix renormalization-group to solve the different spin-spin correlation functions, the nearest-neighbouring entanglement(NNE) and next-nearest-neighbouring entanglement(NNNE) of one-dimensional alternating Heisenberg XY spin chain is investigated in the presence of alternating nearest neighbour interactions of exchange couplings, external magnetic fields and next-nearest neighbouring interactions. For dimerized ferromagnetic spin chain, NNNE appears only above the critical dimerized interaction, meanwhile, the dimerized interaction effects quantum phase transition point and improves NNNE to a large value. We also study the effect of ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighboring (NNN) interactions on the dynamics of NNE and NNNE. The ferromagnetic NNN interaction increases and shrinks NNE below and above critical frustrated interaction respectively, while the antiferromagnetic NNN interaction always decreases NNE. The antiferromagnetic NNN interaction results to a larger value of NNNE in comparison to the case when the NNN interaction is ferromagnetic.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures,. accepted by Chinese Physics B 2008 11 (in press

    Black Hole Entropy and Viscosity Bound in Horndeski Gravity

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    Horndeski gravities are theories of gravity coupled to a scalar field, in which the action contains an additional non-minimal quadratic coupling of the scalar, through its first derivative, to the Einstein tensor or the analogous higher-derivative tensors coming from the variation of Gauss-Bonnet or Lovelock terms. In this paper we study the thermodynamics of the static black hole solutions in nn dimensions, in the simplest case of a Horndeski coupling to the Einstein tensor. We apply the Wald formalism to calculate the entropy of the black holes, and show that there is an additional contribution over and above those that come from the standard Wald entropy formula. The extra contribution can be attributed to unusual features in the behaviour of the scalar field. We also show that a conventional regularisation to calculate the Euclidean action leads to an expression for the entropy that disagrees with the Wald results. This seems likely to be due to ambiguities in the subtraction procedure. We also calculate the viscosity in the dual CFT, and show that the viscosity/entropy ratio can violate the η/S≥1/(4π)\eta/S\ge 1/(4\pi) bound for appropriate choices of the parameters.Comment: 30 pages, no figure, minor revision

    Efficient kinetic method for fluid simulation beyond the Navier-Stokes equation

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    We present a further theoretical extension to the kinetic theory based formulation of the lattice Boltzmann method of Shan et al (2006). In addition to the higher order projection of the equilibrium distribution function and a sufficiently accurate Gauss-Hermite quadrature in the original formulation, a new regularization procedure is introduced in this paper. This procedure ensures a consistent order of accuracy control over the non-equilibrium contributions in the Galerkin sense. Using this formulation, we construct a specific lattice Boltzmann model that accurately incorporates up to the third order hydrodynamic moments. Numerical evidences demonstrate that the extended model overcomes some major defects existed in the conventionally known lattice Boltzmann models, so that fluid flows at finite Knudsen number (Kn) can be more quantitatively simulated. Results from force-driven Poiseuille flow simulations predict the Knudsen's minimum and the asymptotic behavior of flow flux at large Kn

    Diffusion in a multi-component Lattice Boltzmann Equation model

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    Diffusion phenomena in a multiple component lattice Boltzmann Equation (LBE) model are discussed in detail. The mass fluxes associated with different mechanical driving forces are obtained using a Chapman-Enskog analysis. This model is found to have correct diffusion behavior and the multiple diffusion coefficients are obtained analytically. The analytical results are further confirmed by numerical simulations in a few solvable limiting cases. The LBE model is established as a useful computational tool for the simulation of mass transfer in fluid systems with external forces.Comment: To appear in Aug 1 issue of PR

    Competition between the BCS superconductivity and ferromagnetic spin fluctuations in MgCNi3_3

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    The low temperature specific heat of the superconductor MgCNi3_3 and a non-superconductor MgC0.85_{0.85}Ni3_3 is investigated in detail. An additional contribution is observed from the data of MgCNi3_3 but absent in MgC0.85_{0.85}Ni3_3, which is demonstrated to be insensitive to the applied magnetic field even up to 12 Tesla. A detailed discussion on its origin is then presented. By subtracting this additional contribution, the zero field specific heat of MgCNi3_3 can be well described by the BCS theory with the gap ratio (Δ/kBTc\Delta/k_BT_c) determined by the previous tunneling measurements. The conventional s-wave pairing state is further proved by the magnetic field dependence of the specific heat at low temperatures and the behavior of the upper critical field.Comment: To appear in Physical Review B, 6 pages, 7 figure
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