5,225 research outputs found

    Spin Hall effect in spin-valley coupled monolayer transition-metal dichalcogenides

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    We study both the intrinsic and extrinsic spin Hall effect in spin-valley coupled monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides. We find that whereas the skew-scattering contribution is suppressed by the large band gap, the side-jump contribution is comparable to the intrinsic one with opposite sign in the presence of scalar and magnetic scattering. Intervalley scattering tends to suppress the side-jump contribution due to the loss of coherence. By tuning the ratio of intra- to intervalley scattering, the spin Hall conductivity shows a sign change in hole-doped samples. Multiband effect in other doping regime is considered, and it is found that the sign change exists in the heavily hole-doped regime, but not in the electron-doped regime

    Berry phase modification to the energy spectrum of excitons

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    By quantizing the semiclassical motion of excitons, we show that the Berry curvature can cause an energy splitting between exciton states with opposite angular momentum. This splitting is determined by the Berry curvature flux through the k\bm k-space area spanned by the relative motion of the electron-hole pair in the exciton wave function. Using the gapped two-dimensional Dirac equation as a model, we show that this splitting can be understood as an effective spin-orbit coupling effect. In addition, there is also an energy shift caused by other "relativistic" terms. Our result reveals the limitation of the venerable hydrogenic model of excitons, and highlights the importance of the Berry curvature in the effective mass approximation.Comment: 4.5 pages, 2 figures, reference updated and minor change

    Surface and Edge States in Topological Semi-metals

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    We study the topologically non-trivial semi-metals by means of the 6-band Kane model. Existence of surface states is explicitly demonstrated by calculating the LDOS on the material surface. In the strain free condition, surface states are divided into two parts in the energy spectrum, one part is in the direct gap, the other part including the crossing point of surface state Dirac cone is submerged in the valence band. We also show how uni-axial strain induces an insulating band gap and raises the crossing point from the valence band into the band gap, making the system a true topological insulator. We predict existence of helical edge states and spin Hall effect in the thin film topological semi-metals, which could be tested with future experiment. Disorder is found to significantly enhance the spin Hall effect in the valence band of the thin films
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