5 research outputs found

    The topological proof of the Nachbin-Shirota's theorem

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    BatchDB: efficient isolated execution of hybrid OLTP+OLAP workloads for interactive applications

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    In this paper we present BatchDB, an in-memory database engine designed for hybrid OLTP and OLAP workloads. BatchDB achieves good performance, provides a high level of data freshness, and minimizes load interaction between the transactional and analytical engines, thus enabling real time analysis over fresh data under tight SLAs for both OLTP and OLAP workloads. BatchDB relies on primary-secondary replication with dedicated replicas, each optimized for a particular workload type (OLTP, OLAP), and a light-weight propagation of transactional updates. The evaluation shows that for standard TPC-C and TPC-H benchmarks, BatchDB can achieve competitive performance to specialized engines for the corresponding transactional and analytical workloads, while providing a level of performance isolation and predictable runtime for hybrid workload mixes (OLTP+OLAP) otherwise unmet by existing solutions