12 research outputs found

    Cerebral ischemic damage in diabetes: an inflammatory perspective

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    Stroke is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. A strong inflammatory response characterized by activation and release of cytokines, chemokines, adhesion molecules, and proteolytic enzymes contributes to brain damage following stroke. Stroke outcomes are worse among diabetics, resulting in increased mortality and disabilities. Diabetes involves chronic inflammation manifested by reactive oxygen species generation, expression of proinflammatory cytokines, and activation/expression of other inflammatory mediators. It appears that increased proinflammatory processes due to diabetes are further accelerated after cerebral ischemia, leading to increased ischemic damage. Hypoglycemia is an intrinsic side effect owing to glucose-lowering therapy in diabetics, and is known to induce proinflammatory changes as well as exacerbate cerebral damage in experimental stroke. Here, we present a review of available literature on the contribution of neuroinflammation to increased cerebral ischemic damage in diabetics. We also describe the role of hypoglycemia in neuroinflammation and cerebral ischemic damage in diabetics. Understanding the role of neuroinflammatory mechanisms in worsening stroke outcome in diabetics may help limit ischemic brain injury and improve clinical outcomes

    Cerebral ischemic damage in diabetes: an inflammatory perspective

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    Comparative Genomic Sequencing and Pathogenic Properties of Equine Herpesvirus 1 KyA and RacL11

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    Equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) is a major pathogen affecting equines worldwide. The virus causes respiratory disease, abortion, and, in some cases, neurological disease. EHV-1 Kentucky A (KyA) is attenuated in the mouse and equine, whereas wild-type pathogenic strain RacL11 induces severe inflammatory infiltration of the lung, causing infected mice to succumb. The complete DNA sequencing of the KyA genome revealed that genes UL17 (ORF17), US6 (ORF73; gI), US7 (ORF74; gE), and US8 (ORF75; 10 K) are deleted as compared to the RacL11 and Ab4 genomes. In-frame deletions in the US1 (ORF68), US4 (ORF71; gp2), and UL63 (ORF63; EICP0) genes and point mutations in 14 different open reading frames (ORFs) were detected in the KyA genome. Interestingly, UL1 (ORF1) and UL2 (ORF2) were deleted in both KyA and RacL11. Our previous studies showed that EHV-1 glycoproteins gI, gE, and full-length gp2 contribute to the pathogenesis of the RacL11 strain. The confirmation of these gene deletions in KyA suggests their contribution to the attenuation of this virus. The growth kinetics results revealed that KyA replicates to high titers in cell culture as compared to RacL11 and Ab4, indicating that the above genomic deletions and mutations in KyA do not have an inhibitory effect on KyA replication in cells of mouse, rabbit, equine, or human origin. Studies of EHV-1 pathogenesis in CBA mice showed that KyA is attenuated whereas mice infected with RacL11 succumbed by 3–6 days post-infection, which is consistent with our previous results

    Identification of different lineages of measles virus strains circulating in Uttar Pradesh, North India

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic analysis of measles viruses associated with recent cases and outbreaks has proven to bridge information gaps in routine outbreak investigations and has made a substantial contribution to measles control efforts by helping to identify the transmission pathways of the virus.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>The present study describes the genetic characterization of wild type measles viruses from Uttar Pradesh, India isolated between January 2008 and January 2011. In the study, 526 suspected measles cases from 15 outbreaks were investigated. Blood samples were collected from suspected measles outbreaks and tested for the presence of measles specific IgM; throat swab and urine samples were collected for virus isolation and RT-PCR. Genotyping of circulating measles viruses in Uttar Pradesh was performed by sequencing a 450-bp region encompassing the nucleoprotein hypervariable region and phylogenetic analysis.</p> <p>Results and conclusion</p> <p>Based on serological results, all the outbreaks were confirmed as measles. Thirty eight strains were obtained. Genetic analysis of circulating measles strains (n = 38) in Uttar Pradesh from 235 cases of laboratory-confirmed cases from 526 suspected measles cases between 2008 and 2011 showed that all viruses responsible for outbreaks were within clade D and all were genotype D8.</p> <p>Analysis of this region showed that it is highly divergent (up to 3.4% divergence in the nucleotide sequence and 4.1% divergence in the amino acid sequence between most distant strains). Considerable genetic heterogeneity was observed in the MV genotype D8 viruses in North India and underscores the need for continued surveillance and in particular increases in vaccination levels to decrease morbidity and mortality attributable to measles.</p

    Interferon Gamma Inhibits Equine Herpesvirus 1 Replication in a Cell Line-Dependent Manner

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    The sole equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) immediate-early protein (IEP) is essential for viral replication by transactivating viral immediate-early (IE), early (E), and late (L) genes. Here, we report that treatment of mouse MH-S, equine NBL6, and human MRC-5 cells with 20 ng/mL of IFN-γ reduced EHV-1 yield by 1122-, 631-, and 10,000-fold, respectively. However, IFN-γ reduced virus yield by only 2–4-fold in mouse MLE12, mouse L-M, and human MeWo cells compared to those of untreated cells. In luciferase assays with the promoter of the EHV-1 early regulatory EICP0 gene, IFN-γ abrogated trans-activation activity of the IEP by 96% in MH-S cells, but only by 21% in L-M cells. Similar results were obtained in assays with the early regulatory UL5 and IR4 promoter reporter plasmids. IFN-γ treatment reduced IEP protein expression by greater than 99% in MH-S cells, but only by 43% in L-M cells. The expression of IEP and UL5P suppressed by IFN-γ was restored by JAK inhibitor treatment, indicating that the inhibition of EHV-1 replication is mediated by JAK/STAT1 signaling. These results suggest that IFN-γ blocks EHV-1 replication by inhibiting the production of the IEP in a cell line-dependent manner. Affymetrix microarray analyses of IFN-γ-treated MH-S and L-M cells revealed that five antiviral ISGs (MX1, SAMHD1, IFIT2, NAMPT, TREX1, and DDX60) were upregulated 3.2–18.1-fold only in MH-S cells

    Genetic Variants of Echovirus 13, Northern India, 2010

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    Nonpolio acute flaccid paralysis is increasing in India. To determine viral causes, we conducted cell culture and molecular analysis identification of nonpolio human enteroviruses associated with acute flaccid paralysis during March–August 2010 in northern India. The predominant nonpolio enterovirus found was echovirus 13, a serotype rarely isolated in India

    Mesd extrinsically promotes phagocytosis by retinal pigment epithelial cells

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    Phagocytosis is a critical process to maintain tissue homeostasis. In the retina, photoreceptor cells renew their photoexcitability by shedding photoreceptor outer segments (POSs) in a diurnal rhythm. Shed POSs are phagocytosed by retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells to prevent debris accumulation, retinal degeneration, and blindness. Phagocytosis ligands are the key to understanding how RPE recognizes shed POSs. Here, we characterized mesoderm development candidate 2 (Mesd or Mesdc2), an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperon for low-density lipoprotein receptor-related proteins (LRPs), to extrinsically promote RPE phagocytosis. The results showed that Mesd stimulated phagocytosis of fluorescence-labeled POS vesicles by D407 RPE cells. Ingested POSs were partially degraded within 3 h in some RPE cells to dispense undegradable fluorophore throughout the cytoplasm. Internalized POSs were colocalized with phagosome biomarker Rab7, suggesting that Mesd-mediated engulfment is involved in a phagocytosis pathway. Mesd also facilitated phagocytosis of POSs by primary RPE cells. Mesd bound to unknown phagocytic receptor(s) on RPE cells. Mesd was detected in the cytoplasm, but not nuclei, of different retinal layers and is predominantly expressed in the ER-free cellular compartment of POSs. Mesd was not secreted into medium from healthy cells but passively released from apoptotic cells with increased membrane permeability. Released Mesd selectively bound to the surface of POS vesicles and apoptotic cells, but not healthy cells. These results suggest that Mesd may be released from and bind to shed POSs to facilitate their phagocytic clearance

    The regulatory role of hepatoma-derived growth factor as an angiogenic factor in the eye

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    Hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF) is a mitogen that promotes endothelial proliferation and neuronal survival. Using a unique technology of ligandomics, we recently identified HDGF as a retinal endothelial binding protein. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of HDGF in regulating ocular vasculature and the expression of HDGF in the retina. HDGF expression in the retinal was analyzed with western blot and immunohistochemistry. Angiogenic activity was investigated in human retinal microvascular endothelial cells (HRMVECs) with in vitro endothelial proliferation, migration, and permeability assays. In vivo angiogenic activity was quantified with a corneal pocket assay. The Evans blue assay and western blot using anti-mouse albumin were performed to detect the capacity of HDGF to induce retinal vascular leakage. Immunohistochemistry revealed that HDGF is expressed in the retina with a distinct pattern. HDGF was detected in retinal ganglion cells and the inner nuclear layer but not in the inner plexiform layer, suggesting that HDGF is expressed in the nucleus, but not in the cytoplasm, of retinal neurons. In contrast to family member HDGF-related protein 3 (HRP-3) that has no expression in photoreceptors, HDGF is also present in the outer nuclear layer and the inner and outer segments of photoreceptors. This suggests that HDGF is expressed in the nucleus as well as the cytoplasm of photoreceptors. In vitro functional assays showed that HDGF induced the proliferation, migration, and permeability of HRMVECs. Corneal pocket assay indicated that HDGF directly stimulated angiogenesis in vivo. Intravitreal injection of HDGF significantly induced retinal vascular leakage. These results suggest that HDGF is an angiogenic factor that regulates retinal vasculature in physiologic and pathological conditions. Identification of HDGF by ligandomics and its independent characterization in this study also support the validity of this new technology for systematic identification of cellular ligands, including angiogenic factors