24 research outputs found

    A new offset cancellation technique for temperature sensors & Design of 8-bit decimation filter for biomedical applications

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    In our day to day life there are lot of things which we need to sense and then decide the course of action according to it. Many of these can be physically sensed easily, but the exact value of the sensed cannot be determined by human. There will be a lot of error in judged value and exact value. So instead of human sensing them and judging the exact value there are physical instruments which can provide lot more accurate value of sensed item than human, which are called SENSORS. There are lot of different sensors for sensing different things and one of prominent one is temperature sensor. Temperature sensor plays an important role in many applications. For example, maintaining a specific temperature is essential for equipment used to fabricate medical drugs, heat liquids or clean other equipment. For application like these, the accuracy of detection can be critical. The work done in this Thesis shows how to maintain the accuracy of temperature sensor. Temperature sensor used here is a Wheatstone bridge circuit consisting of two resistors and two thermistors. Mismatch between the resistors or thermistors will lead to incorrect detection of value, which is called OFFSET, therefore to maintain the accuracy the mismatch has to be minimized or removed. One of the Technique to minimize the offset and results pertaining to it has been displayed in this Thesis. Technique described in this Thesis consist of first sensing the difference between resistors value, one being the reference resistor and other the on-chip resistor used in temperature sensing, second amplifying the difference of resistor value using OPAMP, third sending the amplified signal to single ended SAR ADC, which gives digital bits as output. And according to the digital output changing resistor value using resistor switching method. Thus then this resistor will be used in wheat stone bridge temperature sensing. The work proposed here can increase or decrease on-chip resistor value depending on reference resistor. The wheat stone bridge Resistor can be changed by plus minus 5K ohms with respect to reference resistor. This is a onetime calibration technique used before start of sensing temperature. After the resistor have been calibrated, these resistors are used in wheat stone bridge along with thermistor to sense temperature and the differential output obtained through wheat stone is passed on to the dual ended SAR ADC, which gives digital representation of temperature sensed

    Pulangan,risiko dan kemeruapan sektor sekuriti diluluskan syariah : Pendekatan GARCH dan CAPM bersyarat

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    Bagi menunjukkan sistem kewangan Islam adalah satu alternatif yang terbaik, maka prestasi saham syariah perlu dikaji dun membandingkannya dengan saham konvensional. Pulangan yang tinggi akan menarik pelabur membuat pelaburan dalam sekuriti tersebut.Ini kerana pulangan kepada syarikat seterusnya dibahagikan kepada para pemegang saham dalam bentuk keuntungan dan dividen Walau bagaimanapun, pelabur juga mengetahui bahawa pelaburan yang berisiko tinggi akan menjamin pulangan yang tinggi (high risk high return).Oleh itu, kajian ini adalah satu usaha untuk mendalami pengetahuan tentang prestasi pulangan sekuriti lulus Syariah. Salah satu kajian yang perlu dilakukan ialah melihat hubungan di antara pulangan dan beta (pengukur risiko) dan peranan beta dan CAPM dalam menerangkan perbezaan keratan rentas pulangan sekuriti lulus Syariah. Kajian ini menumpukan kepada 456 sekuriti lulus Syariah yang tersenarai di Papan Utama dengan melihat hubungan bersyarat purata pulangan dan beta bagi sekuriti-sekuriti yang diluluskan oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah. Sementara itu kemeruapan pulangan saham ditakrifkan sebagai serakan terhadap purata pulangan saham atau lebih dikenali sebagai varians. Maklumat dan pengetahuan mengenai gelagat kemeruapan pulangan saham begitu penting kepada ahli ekonomi dan para penganalisis kewangan dalam menyelesaikan beberapa masalah ekonomi yang berkaitan. Poterba dan Summers (1986) telah mengaitkan pengaruh keberterusan pulangan terhadap hubungan antara perubahan kemeruapan dengan harga saham manakala Bollerslev et. al. (1992) pula menyatakan bahawa terdapat tiga sifat yang mempengaruhi kemeruapan pulangan saham iaitu sifat keberterusan pulangan, sifat min-varians, dan sifat hubungan tidak simetri. Kajian ini menggunakan model-model keluarga ARCH untuk menganalisis gelagat kemeruapan pulangan saham lulus syariah di Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Penganggar empirikal ini menggunakan data mengenai harga saham lulus syariah untuk setiap hunter, volume dagangan, Indeks industri Dow Jones (IZDJ), Indeks Syariah, Indeks Komposit, Kadar Faedah Antara Bank dun Kadar Faedah Antara Bank Islam. Analisis seterusnya adalah membandingkan dapatan untuk melihat hubungan antara risiko,pulangan dan kemeruapan

    Pulangan dan beta sekuriti lulus syariah di Bursa Malaysia: Satu bukti keratan rentas menggunakan CAPM bersyarat

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    Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengkaji hubungan bersyarat antara pulangan dan beta sektor sekuriti lulus Syariah dengan menggunakan analisis regresi keratan rentas.Regresi pulangan dan beta tanpa membezakan antara pulangan lebihan pasaran positif dan negatif menghasilkan hubungan tidak bersyarat ‘flat’ antara pulangan dan beta bagi semua sampel kajian.Kajian ini juga bertujuan untuk menguji adakah beta memainkan peranan penting dalam menerangkan perbezaan keratan rentas pulangan sektor sekuriti lulus Syariah. Selain itu, kajian ini membuat perbandingan antara hubungan tidak bersyarat dan hubungan bersyarat antara beta dan pulangan sektor sekuriti lulus Syariah berdasarkan pendekatan Hodoshima (2000) iaitu statistik ringkas seperti R2 terlaras dan sisihan piawai persamaan dan Fletcher (1997) iaitu menggunakan magnitud nilai sebenar anggaran kecerunan.Dengan menggunakan CAPM bersyarat dan analisis regresi keratan rentas, bukti dalam kajian ini cenderung menyokong hubungan positif yang signifikan ketika minggu pasaran naik dan hubungan negatif yang signifikan ketika pasaran jatuh bagi semua sampel kajian.Kajian ini mencadangkan bahawa beta merupakan alat yang berguna dalam menerangkan perbezaan keratan rentas dalam pulangan sektor sekuriti lulus Syariah dan menyokong kesinambungan penggunaan beta sebagai pengukur risiko.Berdasarkan kepada R2 terlaras, sisihan piawai persamaan dan magnitud nilai sebenar anggaran kecerunan, hubungan bersyarat antara pulangan dan beta didapati lebih kuat ketika pasaran jatuh berbanding ketika pasaran naik dan didapati hubungan ini lebih sesuai diukur dengan pendekatan Fletcher (1997) berbanding Hodoshima (2000) dengan menggunakan kaedah CAMP Bersyarat oleh Pettengil (1995)

    Pulangan dan beta sektor sekuriti diluluskan syariah: Bukti keratan rentas menggunakan CAPM bersyarat

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    Objektif kajian ini ialah untuk mengkaji hubungan bersyarat antara pulangan dun beta sektor sekuriti lulus Syariah dengan menggunakan analisis regresi keratan rentas. Regresi pulangan dun beta tanpa membezakan antara pulangan lebihan pasaran positif dun negatif menghasilkan hubungan tidak bersyarat 'flat' antara pulangan dun beta bagi semua sampel kajian. Di samping itu ia bertujuan untuk menguji adakah beta memainkan peranan penting dalam menerangkan perbezaan keratan rentas pulangan sektor sekuriti lulus Syariah. Kajian ini juga akan membuat perbandingan antara hubungan tidak bersyarat dan hubungan bersyarat antara beta dun pulangan sektor sekuriti lulus Syariah berdasarkan pendekatan Hodoshima (2000) iaitu statistik ringkas seperti R2 terlaras dun sisihan piawai persamaan dan Fletcher (1997) iaitu menggunakan magnitud nilai sebenar anggaran kecerunan. Dengan menggunakan CAPM bersyarat dun analisis regresi keratan rentas, bukti dalam kajian ini cenderung menyokong hubungan positif yang signifikan ketika minggu pasaran naik dan hubungan negatif yang signifikan ketika pasaran jatuh bagi semua sampel kajian. Kajian ini mencadangkan bahawa beta merupakan alat yang berguna dalam menerangkan perbezaan keratan rentas dalam pulangan sektor sekuriti lulus Syariah dun menyokong kesinambungan penggunaan beta sebagai pengukur risiko. Berdasarkan kepada R2 terlaras, sisihan piawai persamaan dun magnitud nilai sebenar anggaran kecerunan, hubungan bersyarat antara pulangan dan beta didapati lebih kuat ketika pasaran jatuh berbanding ketika pasaran naik dun didapati hubungan ini lebih sesuai diukur dengan pendekatan Fletcher(1997) berbanding Hodoshima (2000)

    Kemeruapan pulangan pasaran indeks syariah Kuala Lumpur (KLSI): analisis model GARCH

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    Volatility of stock returns can be defined as a dispersion of stock return mean, which is known as variance. Information and knowledge about the behaviour of stock return volatility is pertinently important to economists and financial analysts in order to solve related economic problems. Poterba and Summers(1986) relate the influence of continuous volatility in relation with changes in stock price volatility, while Bollerslev, Chou and Kroner, (1992) mentioned that there are three factors that influence the volatility behaviour which are continuous volatility, means-variance and asymmetric relationship. This research used the ARCH family model in analysing the volatility of "syariah" compliant stock return at BSKL because of its importance in analysing and predicting volatility. Empirical estimators used were syariah compliant stock prices for every counter, volume trading, Dow Jones Industrial Index, Syariah Index, Composite Index, lnterbank Interest Rate and Islamic Interbank Interest Rates. The research duration was from 2 January 1995 to 13 June 2003. The duration was then divided into two periods with the first period starting from 2 January 1995 to 29 April 1999, which was before the launch of syariah compliant stock. The second was after the launch of syariah compliant stock from 30 April 1999 to 13 June 2003

    Investigating waqf property resources of institutional mutawalli in Malaysia

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    Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the waqf property resources of institutional mutawalli in Malaysia.Methodology - This study employs qualitative methods by investigating four selected institutional mutawalli in Malaysia in term of their property resources.The selected institutional mutawalli selected by using purposive sampling method.This study has performed formal and semistructured interview with waqf manager, deputy CEO, waqf coordinator and manager of waqf development unit as a representative to the institutional mutawalli.Findings - In this study, the waqf property resources of institutional mutawalli can be categorized into three elements such as i) waqf property information; ii) waqf property resources; and iii) frequency of the resources acceptance.Those elements can give some general insight related to the each institutional mutawalli waqf property resources

    Experimental study of properties for sand bricks with palm oil clinker as a partial replacement for fine aggregate with ratio of 10% with rice husk of 10%, 20% and 30%

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    Nowadays construction industry such as material industry continues to emerge significantly in the domestic as well as global market due to increase the population in Malaysia. The brick has been around for centuries and it is the one of the most important component in construction material industry that have highly demand and required more consumption of sand in brick making process. Besides that, there are issues related to waste material such as palm oil clinker and rice husk that have being dumped in landfills without being used.Thus, this experimental study are carry out in concrete laboratory at University of Malaysia Pahang to determine the effectiveness of sand brick production that based on utilization of palm oil clinker and rice husk. The control brick are made from mixture of cement, sand and water. Meanwhile for alternative brick the percentages of sand are replaced by 10% palm oil clinker with rice husk of 10%, 20%, and 30%. The size of the sand brick produced are based on JKR Standard Specifications for Building Works (2005) which is 225 mm X 113 mm X 75 mm. This study is important to analyze the potential of palm oil clinker and rice husk as partial replacement for fine aggregate in sand brick production. Furthermore, this research more focusing on eco-friendly material that can contribute towards sustainability green material. This is because by using this material as replacement of fine aggregate can help reduction of waste. From this research, the test that involved are density test, water absorption test, compressive strength test and flexural strength test.This experimental studies were conducted for 3 days, 7 days, 14 days and 28 days after undergone water and air curing process. Hence, the result testing obtained from alternative brick are compared with control brick. After considering result and discussion all the main objectives are achieved. Therefore, from this research it can summarize that palm oil clinker and rice husk is one of waste material that suitable to be as partial replacement for fine aggregate in sand brick production. The replacement of 10% C + 10% RH is recommended as the best ratio in increases the strength and density of sand bricks compared to replacement of 20% and 30% RH

    Globalisasi pasaran modal Islam di Malaysia

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    Perjanjian am perdagangan dan perkhidmatan (GATS) telah menghasilkan iltizam Malaysia untuk membuka capaian negara lain dalam industri-industri perbankan, insuran dan sekuriti.Pada akhir 1999, sebanyak 14 bank perdagangan, 4 syarikat kewangan dan 10 syarikat insuran dipunyai sepenuhnya oleh warga asing. Disamping itu, penyertaan ekuiti warga asing dalam bank perdagangan dan insuran tempatan juga menggalakkan dengan 12 bank perdagangan, tujuk syarikat kewangan, satu bank saudagar dan lapan syarikat insuran mempunyai penyertaan asing. Pada akhir 2001, sebanyak 40% daripada jumlah aset bank perdagangan dipunyai oleh bank asing. Keadaan yang sama juga dilaporkan di syarikat insuran, dengan bahagian yang dikuasai oleh warga asing masing-masing berjumlah 74% dan 34% daripada premium insuran nyawa dan insuran am

    The conditional CAPM and cross-sectional evidence of return and beta for Islamic Unit Trust in Malaysia

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between return and beta for Islamic unit trusts using the cross-sectional regression analysis. The estimation of return and beta without differentiating between positive and negative excess market returns produces a flat unconditional relationship between return and beta. Using the conditional CAPM and cross-sectional regression analysis, the evidence in this paper tends to support a significant positive relationship in an up-market and a significant negative relationship in a down-market. This paper suggests that beta could be used as a tool in explaining cross-sectional differences in Islamic unit trusts returns and as a measure of market risk. Based on the adjusted-R and standard error of the conditional relationship between returns we find that beta is higher in a downmarket than in an up-market. Therefore, both statistics are appropriate measurements of conditional relationships