7 research outputs found

    Contributing factors to childhood overweight and obesity in Kuwait

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    The increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is a major public health concern in Kuwait. Understanding the contributing factors is key to the development of an effective intervention strategy. This study was designed to identify what factors contribute to overweight and obesity in school-aged children. Method: A cross-sectional study, using questionnaires, was conducted with public intermediate school children (girls and boys) and their parents to elicit information related to the children’s daily lifestyle. A total of 635 children aged 11-14 years and their parents (N=635) were surveyed and children’s height and weight were measured by school nurses to identify their Body Mass Index. Results: When classified by BMI, about one quarter of the children (25.5%) were overweight and over one third (36.5%) were classified as obese. Multiple regression model found that the BMI of the male children increased significantly with respect to age if they had overweight siblings, spent time on sedentary activities, and regularly ate food from fast food restaurants. The BMI of the female children also increased significantly with respect to age, having overweight siblings, eating at fast food restaurants and for every time not actively travelling to school. Conclusion: The rate of childhood overweight and obesity in Kuwait is currently still high, and Kuwaiti children have been found to be leading unhealthy lifestyles. Involving parents as a part of the solution is an important step in promoting a healthy lifestyle

    Characteristics of mothers with chronically ill children in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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    Children are their parents’ pride and joy. Parents have hopes, dreams and expectations for their children to grow and develop in a holistic healthy manner physically, emotionally, and socially. It is an extremely vulnerable situation when the life and health of children are threatened; hence, when a child is diagnosed with a chronic condition, parents grieve for the loss of their child’s health, their expectations and dreams can be challenged, and their sense of protection, feeling of invulnerability are severely shaken. Objectives: This study focuses on Saudi parents and in particular the mothers who have children with chronic illnesses. It aimed to describe and explore the coping patterns of Saudi mothers who have chronically ill children. Method: A survey questionnaire was administered to 122 Saudi parents with chronically ill children in peadiatric wards at three public hospitals in the Jeddah region in Saudi Arabia. Demographic data, Quality of Life Scale (QOL), The General Self-efficacy scale (GSE) and Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) were distributed to the Saudi parents with identified chronically ill children. Results: The results of the descriptive statistical analyses provided significant correlations between QOL score and GSE, between QOL and SSQ, between QOL and stress and adversity, between GES and SSQ, between stress and adversity and duration of child’s illness, and between stress and adversity and family time spent in caring activities. In addition, a nearly significant result was found between GES and stress and adversity. Conclusion: The results of the study emphasise the importance of a thorough and holistic assessment of families, their social environments and the level of support they require to assist them to cope with the chronic illness of their children

    Children and their parent's perceptions of overweight and obesity in Kuwait children

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    Background: The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children are a major public health concern internationally. Recognition of overweight and obesity status is an important step to prevent unhealthy weight. This study was designed to assess the prevalence and to explore the perceptions of children and their parents towards overweight and obesity in children. Methods: A cross-sectional study approach was utilized surveying 635 children aged 11 to 14 years (males and females) in 12 randomly selected public schools in Kuwait. Trained nurses performed measurements of children’s height and weight to determine their Body Mass Index.Valid questionnaire were used to assess children and their parent perception of child’s weight. Results: One quarter of the surveyed children 25.5% (N = 162) were overweight. Over one third of the participants 36.5% (N = 232) were classified as obese. The nurses’ measurements did not coincide with the children’s perceptions but were better aligned with parents’ perceptions of overweight and obesity. Conclusion: The results indicated that there is high prevalence of overweight and obesity among Kuwaiti children. Furthermore, both the children and their parents underestimate the child weight status. Health education programs are highly recommended

    Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors Among Australian-Lebanese in Melbourne

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    In modern industrialized countries coronary heart disease is the single most important cause of death and disability as well as the biggest cause of premature death. There are known global geographical variations in the incidence of coronary heart disease with currently the Eastern European countries having the highest mortality rates, Australia in the middle of the range and Spain, France and Japan having the lowest. Coronary heart disease still remains to be a leading cause of death in Australia, despite its decline in the past 25 years, which is mainly attributed to the improvements in medical management and to the lower prevalence of behaviours which increase the risk of heart disease. Australia is a multicultural society and a country where one person in five is born overseas thus, its national health profile is significantly determined by the health of its immigrants. It is evident from the literature that the mortality rate from CHD amongst immigrant groups in Australia is lower than that of the Australian-born. This is explained by the stringent selection processes involved in migration approvals where only healthy strong immigrants are selected to come to Australia. However, there is increasing incidence of coronary heart disease amongst migrant Australians. Some of the identified factors that may be influencing this increase are mainly those associated with the stress of migration and settlement, loss of status and socioeconomic disadvantage, limited access to health information as well as changes of life style which occur with increased acculturation as the duration of residence in Australia increases. This study was designed to examine the cardiovascular health profile, health knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and health behaviours, perceptions and barriers to behavioural change of an adult sample of a non-English speaking background community in Melbourne namely, the Australian-Lebanese. The health practices of this migrant group had never been studied and to date there is a paucity of literature regarding their health needs. This study provided information on the demographic and physical characteristics, life style factors, health and associated behaviours in relation to cardiovascular risk factors. The summary of findings below highlights a number of points of interest, and where possible comparisons were made with national figures derived from the 1989 National Heart Foundation Risk Factor Prevalence Study (NHF, 1990). The main findings were: Blood pressure and hypertension: The proportion of men and women who were hypertensive in this study increased steadily with age. 12.5% men and 7% of the women were found to have a diastolic blood pressure above 95mmHg. This is higher than the national figures of the 1989 NHFRFPS that were 11% of Australian men and 5% of Australian women had a diastolic blood pressure above 95 mmHg. High blood cholesterol: The proportion of men and women who had high blood cholesterol levels increased steadily with age. 8% of the men and 10% of the women reported having blood cholesterol levels greater than 6.5mmol/L. This is lower than the 1989 national figures where 16% of the men and 14% of the women had cholesterol levels greater than 6.5mmol/L (NHF, 1990). Smoking behaviour: 44% of the Australian-Lebanese men and 25% of Australia- Lebanese women in this study were smokers compared with 24% of men and 21% of women of the 1989 NHFRFPS (NHF, 1990). All the Australian-Lebanese women smokers were in the middle and younger age groups (less than 44 years). Exercise for recreation sport or health fitness: Lack of exercise for recreation was prevalent among the Australian-Lebanese, about 55% of the men and 47% of the women had no exercise of any kind during leisure time in the preceding fortnight, as compared with 27% of Australian men and women according to the national figures (NHF, 1990). Overweight and obesity: Overweight and obesity were prevalent among the Australian-Lebanese. 71% of the men and 67% of the women were found to be either overweight or obese. This ratio is much higher than the national figures (NHF, 1990) with 60% of the men and 50% of the women being overweight or obese. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in this study increased with age for both sexes. 48% of the total Australian-Lebanese sample were overweight and 24% were obese. 41% of men and 38% of women were overweight and 21% of men and 37% of women were obese. Alcohol intake: Drinking alcohol was not a major risk factor among the Australian- Lebanese sample since most were occasional drinkers. 43% of men and 77% of women said they never drank any alcoholic beverages. This is quite a low ratio compared with the national figures where 87% of the men and 75% of the women drank alcohol. Dietary behaviour: 96% of men and 90% of women did not follow any kind of special diet. A fat-modified diet to lower blood fat was followed by one man and 3 women. One man and one woman reported following a diabetic diet. Five women followed a weight-reduction diet. 61% of men and 68% of women rarely ate fat on meat. 80% of men and 86% of women rarely added salt to cooked food compared to 49% of Australian men and 58% of Australian women who rarely or never added salt to their food (NHF, 1990). Major risk factors: A multiple forward logistic regression was conducted to assess which demographic factors predicted having a major risk factor or not. The strongest predictor was gender, with males more likely to have a major risk factor. The second strongest predictor was age with those in the older age group (45-69 years) being more likely to have a major risk factor and the next strongest predictor was education with those who have no formal education or primary school education only, being more likely to have a major risk factor. These cross-sectional observations provide the basis for interventional-type studies and should lead to appropriate recommendations regarding health promotion and education programs that can contribute to reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease in this non-English speaking background community

    The evaluation of a successful collaborative education model to expand student clinical placements

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    Worldwide, universities have been encouraged to increase the number of students enrolled in nursing courses as a way to bolster the domestic supply of graduates and address workforce shortages. This places pressure on clinical agencies to accommodate greater numbers of students for clinical experience who, in Australia, may often come from different educational institutions. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a collaborative model of clinical education that would increase the capacity of a health care agency to accommodate student placements and improve workplace readiness. The project was undertaken in a medium sized regional hospital in rural Australia where most nurses worked part time. Through an iterative process, a new supported preceptorship model was developed by academics from three institutions and staff from the hospital. Focus group discussions and interviews were conducted with key stakeholders and clinical placement data analysed for the years 2004 (baseline) to 2007. The model was associated with a 58% increase in the number of students and a 45% increase in the number of student placement weeks over the four year period. Students reported positively on their experience and key stakeholders believed that the new model would better prepare students for the realities of nursing work