7 research outputs found

    Accelerating Evolution Through Gene Masking and Distributed Search

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    In building practical applications of evolutionary computation (EC), two optimizations are essential. First, the parameters of the search method need to be tuned to the domain in order to balance exploration and exploitation effectively. Second, the search method needs to be distributed to take advantage of parallel computing resources. This paper presents BLADE (BLAnket Distributed Evolution) as an approach to achieving both goals simultaneously. BLADE uses blankets (i.e., masks on the genetic representation) to tune the evolutionary operators during the search, and implements the search through hub-and-spoke distribution. In the paper, (1) the blanket method is formalized for the (1 + 1)EA case as a Markov chain process. Its effectiveness is then demonstrated by analyzing dominant and subdominant eigenvalues of stochastic matrices, suggesting a generalizable theory; (2) the fitness-level theory is used to analyze the distribution method; and (3) these insights are verified experimentally on three benchmark problems, showing that both blankets and distribution lead to accelerated evolution. Moreover, a surprising synergy emerges between them: When combined with distribution, the blanket approach achieves more than nn-fold speedup with nn clients in some cases. The work thus highlights the importance and potential of optimizing evolutionary computation in practical applications

    Asynchronous Evolution of Deep Neural Network Architectures

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    Many evolutionary algorithms (EAs) take advantage of parallel evaluation of candidates. However, if evaluation times vary significantly, many worker nodes (i.e.,\ compute clients) are idle much of the time, waiting for the next generation to be created. Evolutionary neural architecture search (ENAS), a class of EAs that optimizes the architecture and hyperparameters of deep neural networks, is particularly vulnerable to this issue. This paper proposes a generic asynchronous evaluation strategy (AES) that is then adapted to work with ENAS. AES increases throughput by maintaining a queue of upto KK individuals ready to be sent to the workers for evaluation and proceeding to the next generation as soon as M<<KM<<K individuals have been evaluated by the workers. A suitable value for MM is determined experimentally, balancing diversity and efficiency. To showcase the generality and power of AES, it was first evaluated in 11-bit multiplexer design (a single-population verifiable discovery task) and then scaled up to ENAS for image captioning (a multi-population open-ended-optimization task). In both problems, a multifold performance improvement was observed, suggesting that AES is a promising method for parallelizing the evolution of complex systems with long and variable evaluation times, such as those in ENAS

    Enhanced Optimization with Composite Objectives and Novelty Selection

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    An important benefit of multi-objective search is that it maintains a diverse population of candidates, which helps in deceptive problems in particular. Not all diversity is useful, however: candidates that optimize only one objective while ignoring others are rarely helpful. This paper proposes a solution: The original objectives are replaced by their linear combinations, thus focusing the search on the most useful tradeoffs between objectives. To compensate for the loss of diversity, this transformation is accompanied by a selection mechanism that favors novelty. In the highly deceptive problem of discovering minimal sorting networks, this approach finds better solutions, and finds them faster and more consistently than standard methods. It is therefore a promising approach to solving deceptive problems through multi-objective optimization.Comment: 7 page

    DIAS: A Domain-Independent Alife-Based Problem-Solving System

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    A domain-independent problem-solving system based on principles of Artificial Life is introduced. In this system, DIAS, the input and output dimensions of the domain are laid out in a spatial medium. A population of actors, each seeing only part of this medium, solves problems collectively in it. The process is independent of the domain and can be implemented through different kinds of actors. Through a set of experiments on various problem domains, DIAS is shown able to solve problems with different dimensionality and complexity, to require no hyperparameter tuning for new problems, and to exhibit lifelong learning, i.e. adapt rapidly to run-time changes in the problem domain, and do it better than a standard non-collective approach. DIAS therefore demonstrates a role for Alife in building scalable, general, and adaptive problem-solving systems.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure