3 research outputs found

    A Historical Study of Immigration Phenomenon in Undeveloped Societies: Study of Economic Reasons of Immigration during Pahlavi I Period in Zahedan

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    During the reign of Reza Shah, policy of magisterial modernization was done on the basis of society modernization by importing products, civilization manifestations, modern management, monopolizing political power and governmentalizing economy. Social structures, under the influence of integration in global system and the effects caused by two world wars, as a semi-periphery region, did not stay away from unpleasant consequences of the situation such as immigration inside the borders of Iran and immigration among the political borders of Iran especially in eastern borders. Because of special geographical situation (border region) and economic situation (silk trade route), eastern borders had an important role in Iran’s exterritorial immigration system and were receptive to resident ethnics in neighbor countries (Hazara in Afghanistan, Sikh, etc.) and were also the entry gate of immigrants to eastern cities of Iran. In this research, emphasizing on Iran’s situation in global system, immigration and its causes on Zahedan have been studied. The results suggest that the strategic location of Zahedan was a predisposing factor of preliminary foundations such as railway for economy growth of the city and a small group of Hindus’ immigration for employment in this part. Gradually, central government actions in customs section and transportation development, turned Zahedan into a suitable region for trade that resulted immigration and habitation of many citizens of neighboring countries in order to work in economic fields. Because of disability in adaption to new conditions and lack of proficiency, many native inhabitants immigrated to the other regions

    Reasons and Motives for Dissemination of Islamic Names within Eastern Islamic Caliphate (Iran), from the Year 12 (AH) to 400 (AH)

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    The emergence of Islam in Iran and its spread gradually transformed different cultural prototypes in this land. Meanwhile, Iranians gradually put away their Iranian names and adopted Arabic-Islamic nomination models due to various reasons including Arabization of the names, desire for gaining wealth and power, fear of the conquerors, fear for their lives, as well as faith and belief in the new religion. The present research was conducted through qualitative method and examples of frequency of Arabic and Islamic names, from the emergence of Islam in Iran up to the year 400 AH, were examined

    People’s Objections to Urban Renovation in the First Pahlavi Period

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    The first Pahlavi government made a major upheaval in different areas of Iran’s social life, including the developments in the urban life. The first Pahlavi government embarked on changing the cities based on a renovation idea according to Western models. In this renovation, the modern tools such as introduction of automobile had its effect on the urban atmosphere through road making. This means, the most important aspect of urban renovation was seen in establishment of new streets and developing the current ones. However, this aspect of renovation required destruction of people’s houses, which was followed by objections heard by the parliament members. Thus, the present paper studies urban renovation in the 1st Pahlavi period from the perspective of the protesters who submitted their complaint to the National Parliament Council. These complaints are related to three terms of the parliament, namely, the sixth, seventh and eighth terms, which coincides with the first half of the 1st Pahlavi period. The complaints are studied with a descriptive-analytic method relying on other documents and library resources. This paper seeks to find out the reasons for discontent of people about the government’s urban renovation. The question is, did the urban renovation have a suitable executive plan? Given the complaints made about delay in paying the prices, drawing different and sometimes baseless maps and plans, the influences in drawing the maps, lack of preparing the necessary rules, the hypothesis is that the government did not have an appropriate executive plan in its urban development policy. The result shows that the government did not pay enough attention to the psychological damages caused by destruction of homes and occupational damages caused by destruction of tenements