4 research outputs found

    Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Dental Professionals Towards Diabetes Mellitus in Islamabad Dental Hospital

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    OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to determine general dentists and dental students knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding diabetes mellitus, a major public health issue with oral complications. METHODOLOGY This cross-sectional study design was conducted in Islamabad dental hospital for three months on House officers and final year BDS students. A convenience sampling technique was used for the sample. A pretested questionnaire was selected from the previous study. After approval of the IRB, the questionnaires were distributed among participants of the research. The descriptive analysis of the collected data was done by using SPSS software version 20. RESULTS The overall results of knowledge of dentists towards diabetes scored high (90%), 80% of the respondents had a positive attitude towards diabetes mellitus. Less than half (20%) of the dentists scored poor in the practice of diabetes mellitus, while about three fourth of the respondents had a good score (80%). CONCLUSION Dentists in Islamabad dental hospital have good knowledge and practice skills regarding diabetes. The attitude of the dental practitioners in Islamabad dental hospital regarding diabetes is also positive

    Exploiting Agronomic and Biochemical Traits to Develop Heat Resilient Cotton Cultivars under Climate Change Scenarios

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    The development of high-yielding heat-tolerant cotton cultivars harboring plastic phenotypes across warming climatic regions is prime objectives of today’s cotton breeding programs. We evaluated eight parents and 15 F1 hybrids under normal and heat stress conditions. Agronomic and biochemical characters were analyzed using standard least square, correlation, principal component analysis (PCA), and hierarchical clustering. The results explained a significant reduction in all traits except hydrogen peroxide contents, catalase, and peroxidase activities with a prominent increase under heat stress. A significant positive correlation was observed among all agronomic and biochemical traits. POD was found to have a maximum positive correlation with CAT (0.947) and minimum with boll weight (0.050). PCA showed first two components accounting for 78.64% of the total variation, with 55.83% and 22.80% of the total variation, respectively. Based on multivariate analyses methods 23 genotypes have been placed in 3 groups: tolerant (cluster-3), moderately tolerant (cluster-2), and susceptible (cluster-1). In a general perspective hybrids have better performance across normal and heat stress supports the idea of hybrid adaptability across stress environments. In specific FH-458 × FH-313 cross performed best across both conditions for yield and physiological traits. Hence, the generated information from the present study would support breeders in developing heat-resilient cultivars to endure the prevailing extreme environmental conditions


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    ABSTRACT Experiment was conducted at Agronomic research area of University College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, The Islamia University Bahawalpur during 2013, to investigate the impact of different mulching strategies for weeds control and water conservation in cotton. Three mulch treatments (M0 = no mulch, M1= black plastic mulch and M2= straw mulch) and three irrigation levels (I0= 5days interval, I1= 10 days interval and I2= 15 days interval) were used in the experiment. Minimum weeds number and biomass was recorded under black plastic mulch, followed by wheat straw mulch and maximum in control (without mulch) treatment. Water related parameters like relative water content, excised leaf water loss, soil moisture percentage and yield related parameters like number of bolls, 100 bolls weight, seed cotton yield, biological yield, harvest index and water use efficiency were higher under combination of black plastic mulch with irrigation interval of five days. It was concluded that combination of black plastic mulch with irrigation interval of five days resulted in maximum weeds control, water saving and seed cotton yield than rest of the treatments used in the research