7 research outputs found

    Implementation of National Action Plans on Noncommunicable Diseases, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam

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    By 2016, Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) had developed and implemented national action plans on noncommunicable diseases in line with the Global action plan for the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (2013–2020). In 2018, we assessed the implementation status of the recommended best-buy noncommunicable diseases interventions in seven Asian countries: Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Viet Nam. We gathered data from a range of published reports and directly from health ministries. We included interventions that addressed the use of tobacco and alcohol, inadequate physical activity and high salt intake, as well as health-systems responses, and we identified gaps and proposed solutions. In 2018, progress was uneven across countries. Implementation gaps were largely due to inadequate funding; limited institutional capacity (despite designated noncommunicable diseases units); inadequate action across different sectors within and outside the health system; and a lack of standardized monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to inform policies. To address implementation gaps, governments need to invest more in effective interventions such as the WHO-recommended best-buy interventions, improve action across different sectors, and enhance capacity in monitoring and evaluation and in research. Learning from the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, the WHO and international partners should develop a standardized, comprehensive monitoring tool on alcohol, salt and unhealthy food consumption, physical activity and health-systems response

    Spatial Panel Data Analysis on the Relationship between Provincial Economic Status and Enrolment in the Social Security Scheme amongst Migrant Workers in Thailand, 2015–2018

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    Background: Thailand has a large flow of migrants from neighbouring countries; however, the relationship between economic status at the provincial level and the insured status of migrants is still vague. This study aimed to examine the association between provincial economy and the coverage of the Social Security Scheme (SSS) for migrants. Methods: Time-series data were analysed. The units of analysis were 77 provinces during 2015–2018. Data were obtained from the Social Security Office (SSO). Spatiotemporal regression (Spatial Durbin model (SDM)) was applied. Results: Migrant workers were mostly concentrated in Greater Bangkok, the capital city and areas surrounding it, but SSS coverage was less than 50%. However, the ratio of insured migrants to all migrants seemed to have positive relationship with the provincial economy in SDM. The ratio of insured migrants to all migrants was enlarged in all regions outside Greater Bangkok with statistical significance. Conclusions: Low enforcement on employment law in some areas, particularly Greater Bangkok, can result in lesser SSS coverage. The provincial economic prosperity did not guarantee large SSS coverage. Interventions to ensure strict insurance enrolment are required

    Children and Women’s Health in South East Asia: Gap Analysis and Solutions

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    In response to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) commitment, eight selected countries in the South East Asia region have made a remarkable reduction in infant and child mortality, while a few have achieved an SDG 3.2 target of 25 and 12 for child and neonatal mortality rate, respectively, well before 2030. Across these eight countries, there is a large variation in the achievement of the nine dimensions of maternal, neonatal, and child health service coverage. The poorest wealth quintiles who reside in rural areas are the most vulnerable and left behind from access to service. The rich rural residents are better off than the poor counterparts as they have financial means for travel and access to health services in urban town. The recent 2019 global Universal Health Coverage (UHC) monitoring produced a UHC service coverage index and an incidence of catastrophic health spending, which classified countries into four quadrants using global average. Countries belonging to a high coverage index and a low incidence of catastrophic spending are good performers. Countries having high coverage but also a high incidence of catastrophic spending need to improve their financial risk protection. Countries having low coverage and a high incidence of catastrophic spending need to boost service provision capacity, as well as expand financial protection. Countries having low coverage and a low incidence of catastrophic spending are the poor performers where both coverage and financial protection need significant improvement. In these countries, poor households who cannot afford to pay for health services may forego required care and instead choose to die at home. This paper recommended countries to spend adequately in the health sector, strengthen primary health care (PHC) and safeguard the poor, mothers and children as a priority in pathways towards UHC

    Health Insurance Schemes and Their Influences on Healthcare Variation in Asian Countries: A Realist Review and Theory's Testing in Thailand.

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    BACKGROUND: Various features in health insurance schemes may lead to variation in health care. Unwarranted variations raise concerns about suboptimal quality of care, differing treatments for similar needs, or unnecessary financial burdens on patients and health systems. This realist review aims to explore insurance features that may contribute to health care variation in Asian countries; and to understand influencing mechanisms and contexts. METHODS: We undertook a realist review. First, we developed an initial theory. Second, we conducted a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature in Scopus, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Web of Science to produce a middle range theory for Asian countries. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) was used to appraise the methodological quality of included studies. Finally, we tested the theory in Thailand by interviewing nine experts, and further refined the theory. RESULTS: Our systematic search identified 14 empirical studies. We produced a middle range theory in a context-mechanism-outcome configuration (CMOc) which presented seven insurance features: benefit package, cost-sharing policies, beneficiaries, contracted providers, provider payment methods, budget size, and administration and management, that influenced variation through 20 interlinked demand- and supply-side mechanisms. The refined theory for Thailand added eight mechanisms and discarded six mechanisms irrelevant to the local context. CONCLUSION: Our middle range and refined theories provide information about health insurance features associated with health care variation. We encourage policymakers and researchers to test the CMOc in their specific contexts. Appropriately validated, it can help design interventions in health insurance schemes to prevent or mitigate the detrimental effects of unwarranted health care variation

    Surveys of knowledge and awareness of antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance in general population: A systematic review.

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    BACKGROUND:Currently, various tools exist to evaluate knowledge and awareness of antibiotic use and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and are applied by various organizations. Previous systematic reviews have focused mainly on study findings such as levels of knowledge and AMR awareness. However, the survey procedures and data instruments used ought to be scrutinized as well, since they are important contributors to credible results. This review aims to assess the study methods and procedures of existing population-based surveys and explore key components which determine the general population's levels of knowledge and awareness of antibiotic use and AMR. METHODS:We searched existing literature for population -based surveys which sought knowledge and awareness of antibiotic use or AMR in the general population. Databases searched included Ovid, MEDLINE and EMBASE, PsycINFO and Scopus, domestic journals and gray literature sources. Population-based cross-sectional studies published in English or Thai from January 2000 to December 2018 were included in the review. Quality assessment was conducted using the 'Appraisal Tool for Cross-Sectional Studies' (AXIS). RESULTS:All 22 studies included in the analysis had clear objectives focusing on assessing people's levels of knowledge, awareness, attitudes and behavior relating to antibiotic use and awareness of AMR. These studies had employed appropriate methodologies for population-based cross-sectional surveys relative to research questions. More than half of studies (14 out of 22) had scientifically soundly designed methodologies which captured the representativeness of the population; whereas the remaining studies had unclear sample size estimations, inappropriate sample frames and selection biases. Half of the studies had tested the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. The common questions used by these surveys were categorized into four themes: behavior related to antibiotic use, knowledge and awareness of antibiotic use, knowledge and awareness of AMR and others such as receiving information about antibiotic use and AMR or cross-cutting issues like self-medication. CONCLUSION:This review identified four key features of good practices in antibiotic use and awareness surveys: a) clear survey objective; b) scientifically sound sampling techniques ensuring representativeness; c) strategies for recruitment of samples and survey administration methods; and d) credible measurement to prevent non-sampling biases. During questionnaire design, the health systems context in terms of access to health services and antibiotics should be taken into account. In conclusion, to maximize the use of surveys, the application of findings in surveys and associated factors related to antibiotic use and AMR should primarily generate public health interventions and target specific groups to make progress in solving AMR problems