2 research outputs found


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    The speech act is a study of pragmatics whereby utterances serve an essential function beyond verbal communication. It is an act of performing some activity through spoken words. In leadership, speech acts play a crucial role in the interaction between leaders and their followers. It not only conveys information but also initiates a desirable action or behaviour among the followers. Thus, leaders must be capable of utilizing different speech acts effectively to influence their followers to act or behave in a specific way and accomplish their leadership goals. This study has been undertaken in response to previous researchers who have found significant differences in speech acts of male and female leaders, with an objective to analyze the speech acts of female student leaders in a Malaysian secondary school according to Theory of Speech Acts by Bach & Harnish (1979). We collected data through in-depth interviews with three research participants who had been selected via purposive sampling. These participants were female students aged 17 years old with at least four years of leadership experience. After an in-depth qualitative analysis of interview data, we have demonstrated that speech acts of the research participants varied among constative, directive, commissive. Constatives, informative, assertive, and predictive acts. Among them, informative, assertive, and predictive speech acts dominated their utterances. In conclusion, the participants' speech acts indicated that, in general, they wished to be persuasive in their leadership roles and responsibilities.  Article visualizations

    An Exploratory Study on Linguistic Sexism in Malaysian Secondary School English Literature Textbooks

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    Linguistic differences between men and women have been a widely popular topic for the last 30 years. This paper is concerned with these differences and how they are represented in todays’ current textbooks. The current study is an attempt to investigate if there is an occurrence of linguistic sexism in the English literature textbooks used in a secondary school in the northern region of Malaysia. The study used two literature textbooks that were currently used by form 4 students in the school. The two books, namely, ‘The Poison Tree’ and ‘A Collection of Short Stories, Poems and Drama’ were examine if linguistic sexism occurred by a critical content analysis (CDA) by Fairclough. This study uses the method of content analysis that was presented by Xu (2009). It is based on the following items: 1. External appearance of female/male characters and 2. Personality of male/female characters .The primary focus of this paper is to see whether linguistic sexism occur in the literature textbooks used in the secondary schools in Malaysia. A qualitative analysis based on the preceding criteria found that the males rule over the females in almost every category linguistically