298 research outputs found

    Effects of Teachers’ Motivation on Students’ Learning English in Public Elementary Schools of Pakistan

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    The research investigated the effects of teachers’ motivation on students’ learning English in public elementary schools of Nawabshah, Pakistan. It focused at examining intrinsic and extrinsic motivation of teachers while teaching English language. This research paper took Dornyei’s (1994) model in which only Teacher-Specific Motivational component was adopted. The research employed quantitative research method in which questionnaire was distributed among the participants. Data was collected from Pakistani public elementary schools in which randomly 50 male and 50 female teachers participated. The research also collected the data from 230 elementary students. The collected data was analyzed by statistical Package for social sciences (SPSS) software version 20th. To accomplish the aim of the study three research objectives and research questions were prepared. A descriptive statistics was performed for question 1 and 3 and independent T-test was done for question 2. The findings indicated that teachers are more extrinsically motivated in public elementary schools. Their extrinsic motivation effects their students’ mot`ivation too. A comparison of male and female teachers was done via constructing a hypothesis i.e. there is no significant difference between male and female teachers’ motivation for teaching English in public elementary schools. The findings rejected the null hypothesis and the independent t-test revealed that there is significance difference between the group and female teachers are more motivated (80.2916) to teach English than male teachers (70.8788). Students believe that teachers brighten their future and help them to be confident at speaking English. The results also indicated that teachers’ intrinsic motivation plays more positive role for motivating students to learn English. The study suggested that it is essential to shift teachers’ extrinsic motivation into intrinsic motivation for teaching English language. Keywords: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Teachers’ Motivation, English Language Teaching, Students’ Motivation DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-4-05 Publication date: February 29th 202

    Work Environment and its Impact on Triple Constraint of Project Management

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    Project management’s fundamental concern is to effectively manage its triple constraints throughout the life cycle of a project to maximize productivity. At the same timework environment is considered a key feature, which influences the framework of project management. The present study assesses the impact of the work environment on the triple constraints (Scope, Time and Cost) of projects in the IT industry. The theoretical framework comprises Remuneration, Job Satisfaction, Job Security, and Working Hours as components of work environment and triple constraints as the dependent variable. Three hundred Project Managers across a number of IT firms have been approached, out of which 279 have responded to the questionnaire. The measurement tool has been developed by the researcher except for one construct, which has been adopted, followed by a pilot study. Inferential statistics have been applied to test the data. The study concludes that all project managers view a flexible and conducive work environment as bearing a strong relationship with the triple constraint of project management

    Demand and Supply Analysis of Transport Energy in Pakistan

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    Over the last decade, the importance of energy consumption in transport sector has burgeoned forth and has been growing rapidly in Pakistan, and the course is being augured to linger over the coming decades. This paper brings about the function of transport energy demand, economic growth (GDP), oil rents, gas rents, road length and number of registered vehicles for Pakistan over the 1980-2015 by using Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) approach. The results which have had come about shows preponderance of the fact that there is powerful relationship between all concerned variables when transport energy demand is used as a dependent variable in Pakistan. Hence, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model is used for the future forecasting related to the consumption and production of gasoline and oil. According to the forecasted results, consumption (demand) is much greater as compared to production (supply) in both non-renewable sources. As policy makers suggest, we can make up for this lacuna by bourgeoning forth new technology (hybrid vehicles) as well as an awareness campaign through which we can make others abreast of this research may be launched about energy conservation methods to curtail the transport energy demand (TED) in the country

    Post Thrombolytic St-Segment Resolution Outcome in Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients

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    OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this study was to assess post thrombolytic resolution of ST-segment and its outcome in patients with acute myocardial infarction. METHODOLOGY: This Prospective Comparative Study was carried out at the Cardiology Unit of Ayub Teaching Hospital, Abbottabad. All patients irrespective of gender and age with ST-Segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), having no immediate access to angioplasty and thrombolysed with streptokinase, were included in this study. ECG was taken at the beginning and 90 minutes after the administration of streptokinase. Based on ST-segment resolution on ECG taken at 90 minutes these patients were classified into group A and B. Group A included patients with ST-segment resolution while group B showed no resolution of ST-segment after streptokinase administration. These patients were followed during their hospital stay for complications such as arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, acquired ventricular septal defects (VSD) aneurysm and death. RESULTS: Among 115 patients, 94 were male and 21 female. Group A included 102 (89%) patients and group B included 13 (11%). In group A, only 1 (0.98 %) patient developed complications and in group B, 13 patients (100%) developed complications. Arrhythmias were the most common complication among MI patients in group A while cardiogenic shock was the commonest complication in group B. CONCLUSION: ST-segment resolution is a practical and applicable indicator of successful thrombolysis and has a significant correlation with clinical outcome in acute myocardial patients after thrombolysis with streptokinase

    Influence of the Big Five personality traits on academic motivation among higher education students: Evidence from developing nation

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    This study examines the association between the personality traits and academic motivation among higher education institution students of Pakistan. The data is collected from the survey-questionnaire using the convenience sampling technique. In total, 350 questionnaires are collected, however, the useful sample id 320. The technique through which the analysis was performed is PLS-SEM. The dependent variable of the study is academic motivation which was measured by using the LASSI scale. The independent variables of the study are personality traits i.e., Conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion, and openness which is measured by using NEO-FFI. The result shows that all the personality traits create a significant positive effect on academic motivation except for agreeableness which has an insignificant effect on academic motivation. This study highlights the importance of personality trait in forming academic motivation of the students and also help the educational institutions and teachers to develop strategies accordingly

    Impact of Financial Development, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption On Environmental Degradation: Evidence from Pakistan

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    With the advent of globalization and industrialization, the life of human being has become luxurious, efficient and comfortable but at the same time, the economies are facing the challenge of environmental degradation. Environmental degradation has become the significant problem around the world and increasing day by day. Amongst many, the key reasons of this environmental degradation are the financial development and energy consumption. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of financial development, economic growth and energy consumption on environmental degradation in Pakistan. We construct financial development index for Pakistan by applying principle component method on the major four proxies of financial development available in literature namely; domestic credit by banking sector, domestic credit to private sector, stock market capitalization, and liquid liabilities. The unit root test, co-integration test, and ordinary least square analyses have been applied on the historical data over the period of 1972-2014. The empirical evidence shows that all the variables have a significant positive effect on environmental degradation which means an increase in any variable will increase the environmental degradation. This study will be beneficial for the strategy makers and government of Pakistan in the formulation of eco-friendly strategies

    Impact of Financial Development, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption On Environmental Degradation: Evidence from Pakistan

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    With the advent of globalization and industrialization, the life of human being has become luxurious, efficient and comfortable but at the same time, the economies are facing the challenge of environmental degradation. Environmental degradation has become the significant problem around the world and increasing day by day. Amongst many, the key reasons of this environmental degradation are the financial development and energy consumption. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of financial development, economic growth and energy consumption on environmental degradation in Pakistan. We construct financial development index for Pakistan by applying principle component method on the major four proxies of financial development available in literature namely; domestic credit by banking sector, domestic credit to private sector, stock market capitalization, and liquid liabilities. The unit root test, co-integration test, and ordinary least square analyses have been applied on the historical data over the period of 1972-2014. The empirical evidence shows that all the variables have a significant positive effect on environmental degradation which means an increase in any variable will increase the environmental degradation. This study will be beneficial for the strategy makers and government of Pakistan in the formulation of eco-friendly strategies

    Influence of the Big Five personality traits on academic motivation among higher education students: Evidence from developing nation

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    This study examines the association between the personality traits and academic motivation among higher education institution students of Pakistan. The data is collected from the survey-questionnaire using the convenience sampling technique. In total, 350 questionnaires are collected, however, the useful sample id 320. The technique through which the analysis was performed is PLS-SEM. The dependent variable of the study is academic motivation which was measured by using the LASSI scale. The independent variables of the study are personality traits i.e., Conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, extraversion, and openness which is measured by using NEO-FFI. The result shows that all the personality traits create a significant positive effect on academic motivation except for agreeableness which has an insignificant effect on academic motivation. This study highlights the importance of personality trait in forming academic motivation of the students and also help the educational institutions and teachers to develop strategies accordingly

    Impact of Financial Development, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption On Environmental Degradation: Evidence from Pakistan

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    With the advent of globalization and industrialization, the life of human being has become luxurious, efficient and comfortable but at the same time, the economies are facing the challenge of environmental degradation. Environmental degradation has become the significant problem around the world and increasing day by day. Amongst many, the key reasons of this environmental degradation are the financial development and energy consumption. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of financial development, economic growth and energy consumption on environmental degradation in Pakistan. We construct financial development index for Pakistan by applying principle component method on the major four proxies of financial development available in literature namely; domestic credit by banking sector, domestic credit to private sector, stock market capitalization, and liquid liabilities. The unit root test, co-integration test, and ordinary least square analyses have been applied on the historical data over the period of 1972-2014. The empirical evidence shows that all the variables have a significant positive effect on environmental degradation which means an increase in any variable will increase the environmental degradation. This study will be beneficial for the strategy makers and government of Pakistan in the formulation of eco-friendly strategies

    Do Exchange Rates Fluctuations Influence Gold Price in G7 Countries? New Insights from a Nonparametric Causality-in-Quantiles Test

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    In the recent era, gold is considered an essential investment source, a source of hedging inflation, and a medium of monetary exchange. The gold and exchange rate nexus become prominent after events like sovereign debt crisis, subprime mortgage crisis, low-interest rate problem, and global financial market solvency. These events attract the attention of researchers and academician for investigating the dynamics of the relationship between gold and exchange rates, and the majority of the studies discusses the linear dynamics, but the non-linear dynamics are ignored. Therefore, the current research investigates the non-linear dynamics of gold price and exchange rate relationship in G7 countries using the new technique named the nonparametric causality approach. This study uses monthly data from the years 1995(January)-2017 (March). The empirical results show that exchange rate return causes gold prices in four out of G7, especially at the low tails. This study also gives valuable insights for monetary policymakers, gold exporter’s international portfolio managers, and hedge fund managers
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