151 research outputs found
Syaikh Mohamed Idris Al-marbawi: Kontribusinya Dalam Fiqh Al-hadîs
Sheikh Mohamed Idris al-Marbawi: His Contribution in Fiqh al-Hadîth. Syaikh Mohamed Idris bin Abdul Raof al-Marbawi's Bahr al-Madhi is a very popular work within the Malaysian community. This work comprizes a translation of 2781 prophetic traditions adapted from Imâm al-Tirmidhî's al-Jâmi‘, and still continuously reprented and used by large audience in mosques. This study focuses on studying the method of exegesis (syarh) of fiqh al-hadîs found in Bahr al-Madhi. As such, the writer analyzes document and makes interviews related to issues relevant to the study. The test for methods used by al-Marbawy in Fiqh al-hadîs is conducted by analyzing the findings through varius interpretaion of al-Hadis. In addition, comparative approach is also used by referring to the works of expert in hadith and identifying how far al-Marbawi's method is similar or diferent to the former views. This study reveals that al-Marbawi's commentary on Fiqh al- Hadîs is mainly dominated by issues pertaining to ‘aqîdah (Islamic creed), tafsîr (Qur'anic exegesis), hadîs (Islamic traditions), usûl al-fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), and history and language. Finally, the writer asserts that due to its divergence scope of discussion, authentivcity andreliability, the Bahr al-Madhi remains the main reference in hadith studies applicable for different disciplines of knowledge
Artikel ini mendiskusikan  kesalahpahaman tentang ketaatan dari seorang isteri kepadasuaminya yang ditemukan dalam buku yang ditulis oleh ulama Islam di Kepulauan Melayu (Nusantara). Artikel ini didasarkan pada suatu riset kwalitatif yang menggunakan dokumentasi, seperti historis dan metode komparatip, terutama dalam memastikan kebenaran dari fakta mengenai ketaatan isteri kepada suaminya, berdasar pada pendapat dari Kalangan Salafi (generasi awal Islam) dan Muta`Akhirin, ulama Islam (generasi terbaru). Hasil studi dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada kesalahpahaman yang ditemukan dalam buku yang ditulis oleh ulama Islam dan sudah membentuk persepsi tidak baik di kalangan masyarakat mengenai posisi isteri dan wanita-wanita dalam Islam
Shi‘i religious thinkers and the issue of Apostasy
‘Apostasy’ is one of the controversial issues in the Muslim world. According to Islamic teachings, an apostate must be killed. This article is to assess the status of killing fatwas among contemporary Islamic thinkers in general and two Shi‘i religious thinkers in particular. Mohsen Kadivar and Fazil Lankarani have presented differing ideas dealing with the killing of an Azerbaijani journalist, Rafiq Tağı, who was accused of apostasy
The Understanding of Wasl Al-Fiqh Bi Al-Hadith at Traditional Dayah Aceh
Wasl al-Fiqh bi al-Hadith integrates jurisprudence and hadith so that it enables fiqh experts to rely on hadith in formulating their rulings while hadith experts can derive a more accurate interpretation. Among others, this concept is applied at Aceh traditional dayah as the oldest Islamic educational institution in the Malay Archipelago which Acehness put their respect as the reference in Islamic rulings and teaching. This field study took place at Dayah Mudi Mesra, Samalanga, Aceh, due to its long-established reputation and great influence among Acehnese. The study aims to shed some light on the concept of wasl al-Fiqh bi al-Hadith according to some Islamic scholars, analyze the concept as perceived by the traditional Dayah of Aceh, and portray the polemic on Friday prayer ritual as prescribed by the traditional Dayah. The study employs qualitative data collection instruments consisting of library data, interviews, observations, and documentation. Inductive, deductive, and comparative methods were used for data analysis. The study found that implementation of this concept at the Dayah has been synonymous with the exclusive adoption of Shafi’i school as it heavily relies on several Shafi’i books or opinions of Shafi’i scholars as primary references.(Wasl al-Fiqh bi al-Hadith memadukan kajian fiqh dan hadis sehingga ahli fiqh dapat berpedoman kepada hadis dalam merumuskan aturan-aturan hukum sementara ahli hadis dapat mengetahui makna sebuah hadis dengan lebih akurat. Konsep ini salah satunya diterapkan di Dayah Tradisional Aceh, sebuah lembaga kajian Islam tertua di Kepulauan Melayu yang disegani dan menjadi rujukan dalam hal aturan serta ajaran Islam di masyarakat setempat. Kajian ini merupakan studi lapangan yang bertempat di Dayah Mudi Mesra Samalanga Aceh karena pengaruhnya yang sudah lama dan berakar kuat bagi masyarakat Aceh. Ia bertujuan mendalami konsep wasl al-fiqh bi al-hadith menurut para cendekiawan Muslim, mengkaji pemahaman akan konsep wasl al-fiqh bi al-hadith di kalangan Dayah tersebut dan memotret polemik soal pelaksanaan Salat Jumat di dalamnya. Kajian ini merupakan studi kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data secara pustaka, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Sementara itu, analisis data dilakukan secara induktif, deduktif, dan komparatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa implementasi konsep tersebut sebenarnya tidak lebih dari adopsi eksklusif terhadap madzhab Syafi’i karena ketergantungan yang demikian kuat pada buku-buku madzhab Syafi’i serta pandangan ulama-ulama Syafi’iyyah sebagai referensi utama
Time difference in performing Ramadhan fasting and ‘Id prays colours the situations of Acehnese society nowadays. This difference does not only take place at national level only, such as on Islamic organisations and government, but at Acehnese Dayahreligious experts level as well. The aim this study is to seek information on thoughts of Acehnese Dayah religious experts on methods used in confirming the first day of Ramadhan and ‘Id prays, as well as their opinions on their involvement on the ithbat result conducted by the Indonesian Religious Council. In order to find the answer of the study, interviews were conducted to ten representatives of the biggest Dayahs in Aceh: Al-Aziziyyah, Al-Madinatuddiyyah, and Darussalam Labuhan Haji. The data were analysed with hisab-rukyah hadiths, together with matla’s concept with regards with to Islamic fiqh. The result revealed that Acehnese Dayah religious experts groups employed textual understanding in regards to hisab-rukyah hadiths, and they had different opinion in using hisab in order to object witness. In regard to matla’ concept, however, they approved Abu Makhramah’s Eight-Degree matla’ concept; however, they applied it differently. The majority of them had left the matla’ concept and then change tomatla’wilayahal-hukmwith a reason for general benefits; while other groups were still consistent with the matla’ theory; therefore, they often perform Ramadhan and ‘Id prays on different days from the days the government has announced
SYAIKH MOHAMED IDRIS AL-MARBAWI: Kontribusinya dalam Fiqh al-Hadîs
Abstrak: Sheikh Mohamed Idris al-Marbawi: His Contribution in Fiqh al-Hadîth. Syaikh Mohamed Idris bin Abdul Raof al-Marbawi’s Bahr al-Madhi is a very popular work within the Malaysian community. This work comprizes a translation of 2781 prophetic traditions adapted from Imâm al-Tirmidhî’s al-Jâmi‘, and still continuously reprented and used by large audience in mosques. This study focuses on studying the method of exegesis (syarh) of fiqh al-hadîs found in Bahr al-Madhi. As such, the writer analyzes document and makes interviews related to issues relevant to the study. The test for methods used by al-Marbawy in Fiqh al-hadîs is conducted by analyzing the findings through varius interpretaion of al-Hadis. In addition, comparative approach is also used by referring to the works of expert in hadith and identifying how far al-Marbawi’s method is similar or diferent to the former views. This study reveals that al-Marbawi’s commentary on Fiqh al- Hadîs is mainly dominated by issues pertaining to ‘aqîdah (Islamic creed), tafsîr (Qur’anic exegesis), hadîs (Islamic traditions), usûl al-fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), and history and language. Finally, the writer asserts that due to its divergence scope of discussion, authentivcity andreliability, the Bahr al-Madhi remains the main reference in hadith studies applicable for different disciplines of knowledge. Kata Kunci: Mohamed Idris al-Marbawi, Fiqh al-hadis, Bahr al-Madh
Artikel ini akan membincangkan mengenai kepentingan memahami hadis dengan tepat dan beberapa contoh kesalahan dan kesilapan dalam memahami hadis di Malaysia.. Ulama hadis telah menggariskan beberapa metode dalam memahami hadis dengan tepat. Pengabaian kepada metode ini akan menyebabkan berlakunya salah faham dan kesilapan dalam memahami hadis. Sejarah membuktikan bahawa penyelewengan musuh-musuh Islam daripada kalangan orientalis, anti hadis (ingkar sunnah) dan golongan liberal dalam memahami hadis adalah disebabkan pengabaian mereka kepada metode pemahaman hadis yang telah ditetapkan oleh para ulama. Justeru artikel ini akan cuba membahaskan metode-metode yang telah digariskan oleh para ulama seterusnya membawa beberapa contoh kesilapan dalam memahami hadis yang berlaku di Malaysia. Terdapat tujuh kesalahan metode pemahaman hadis yang dapat dikesan di Malaysia iaitu “Memahami Hadis Secara Terpisah Dengan Hadis Yang Lain, Mengabaikan aspek Siyaq (gaya teks) dan Sabab Wurud al-Hadis, Melampau dalam Berpegang dengan Zahir Hadis (tekstual), Melampau dalam penggunaan Akal, Melampau dalam Takwil Hadis,Memahami hadis tanpa mengambil kira maqasid dan Memahami dilalah hadis secara salah
Peranan al-Quran dalam Kitab Nasa'ih al-'Ibad oleh Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani
Kitab Nasa'ih al-'Ibad karangan Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantani merupakan antara kitab klasik terpenting tentang aspek Targhib wa Tarhib, yang tersebar luas di Asia Tenggara khususnya bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Kitab ini berisi nasihat-nasihat agama yang sebahagian kecil ada bersumber daripada al-Quran yang digunakan sebagai penyokong atau penguat bagi hadis-hadis yang terdapat di dalamnya. Untuk itu kewujudan al-Quran yang terdapat dalam kitab tersebut. Makalah ini akan menganalisis ayat-ayat al-Quran yang terdapat dalam kitab Nasa'ih al-'Ibad untuk melihat sejauh mana peranannya dalam membantu atau menyokong hadis-hadis yang terdapat dalam kitab tersebut. Makalah ini menggunakan metode kajian dokumentasi dengan merujuk langsung kepada kitab Nasa'ih al-'Ibad dan membandingkannya dengan penulisan ulama-ulama lain. Akhir sekali makalah ini merumuskan bahawa Shaykh Nawawi al-Bantanilebih menumpukan penerangan kitabnya kepada hadis-hadis, athar-athar dan perkataan hukama’ dibandingkan al-Quran, walau bagaimanapun sedikit banyaknya kewujudan al-Quran tetap menjadi penyokong dan memiliki peranan dalam penulisan beliau
Prevalence and Genotypic Distribution of Hepatitis C Virus in Peshawar KPK, Pakistan
This present study was planned to obtain an up-to-date picture of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and its genotypes distribution in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, as well as of the relationship between HCV genotypes and demographic and clinical parameters, and the risk factors in patients with an HCV subtype. Samples (blood) from 1978 individuals were collected and were tested using a strip-based method called the immunochromatographic test (ICT) for the existence of antibodies against HCV. It was observed that 158 of the 1978 individuals (7.9%) harbored antibodies in their blood against HCV, among which the female percentage (53.2%) was higher than that of the male (46.8%). Among the different age groups, the highest number of incidences of HCV antibodies was found in the age group of 31–40 years (26.6%). ICT positive samples were further screened by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to determine the existence of active HCV-RNA, and it was found that 6.21% (123) of the total population (1978) tested, was positive, among which the female rate (56.91%) was observed to be higher than that of the male (43.09%). The highest incidence recorded was in the age group of 41–50 years (33.3%). HCV RNA positive individuals were genotyped: genotype 3a (45.5%) was dominant among the other detected genotypes, followed by 1a (11.4%), 3b (4.9%), and 2a (4.1%). It was concluded that the highest prevalence of HCV was found in females, and that the dominant genotype of the screened individuals was 3a genotype
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