13 research outputs found
Contact vitiligo- A chemical induced vitiligo
Contact vitiligo is the loss of skin colour (whitening of skin) due to contact with chemicals. These chemicals destroy the skin pigment cells called as melanocytes. A recent fascinating example of contact vitiligo is occurred in the summer of 2013 in Japan. When the cosmetic company “Kanebo” developed a highly effective skin lighting cream and sold it to thousands of consumers. Unfortunately over 18,000 users developed contact vitiligo after using it, leading to recall the product. An active ingredient in the product is “Rhododendrol” also a phenol. This type of chemicals appears to be anlog of the amino acid tyrosine that disrupt melanogenesis and result in autoimmunity and melanocytes destruction
A Review of Gridhrasi
At the present era, the human society is leading a mechanical life with sedentary life style, precariously busy schedule, constant work without rest, night shift, alarming anxiety and stress in the work field, drastic changes in the environment etc. All these cause prevalence of Vatavyadhi (disorders due to vata dosha) in this modern era. Among the different Vata vyadhi (disorders due to vata), the most affected one is Gridhrasi (sciatica) which is characterized by low back ache radiating to one or both the lower limbs. In addition to the above mentioned causes, constant work schedule in improper sitting posture, travelling long distances by vehicles, lifting of heavy objects, trauma to low back region are the precipitating factors of Gridhrasi. The causes, signs and symptoms explained by different Acharyas have more relevance to the present situation. The presentation of Gridhrasi varies from person to person due to change in Nidana(causative factors), and Samprapti (pathogenesis). Close observation and thorough knowledge of our classics makes the diagnosis and treatment of Gridhrasi easier. So the present article tries to explain the Lakshana (symptoms) and treatment of Gridhrasi which will ensure a simpler and more effective treatment of the cases.Materials and Methods: Classical Ayurvedic texts, Commentaries, Various Article, Previously conducted research studies thoroughly reviewed and analysed.Conclusion: The detail study about the disease provides insight into hazards of Gridhrasi and provide valuable key for the effective managemen
Obesity is accumulation of excess fat in thebody which may lead to negative effect on health reduced life expectancy and or increased health problems
The main aim of this ayurvedic medical science is to protect the human beings from various diseases by following  rules and regulations of swasthvritta to form healthy society. Doshasdhatus and malas in the body remains balanced is called swastha. If the doshas are vitiated then they create an unhealthy condition in the body. The concept of Panduroga is not new for Ayurveda. It is clearly stated that pittapradhanvatadidoshas are the main causes to produce panduroga. According to similarities in the symptoms we can compare Panduroga with anemia as described by modern science.Iron deficiency anemia is the most common health problem in children and adolescents. Adolescent girls are at high risk of iron deficiency anemia due to poor nutrition and accelerated increase in requirements for iron. The present study aims to assess the prevalence of anemia in adolescent girls and to find its correlations.
Conceptual study of Sandyasthapan( regainconciousness) effect of Priyangwadiagad
Agad means drug or formulation of drugs which act against poisons or effective in poisoning. In traditional medicine many agadas are told which can be used in various poisons as well as various conditions of poisons. AshtangSangraha has mentionedPriyangwadiAgad. As per text Priyangwadiagad has specialized mode of action stated as “visandyadinamchetavahaâ€.It means it is helpful to regain consciousness in unconscious person affected by poison or trauma. Dravya mentioned in the agad are easily available.Its contents are having individual properties like shonitasthapan, sandhankara and vishaghna. Hence the aim of this review is to study therapeutic and pharmacological action of each ingredient of priyangwadiagad and collective action of this agad is taken for critical review. It may be helpful in study regarding to unconsciousness due to poisoning, head injury and may give contributionas alternative first aid drug from ayurvedato modern medicine
Literature review on diabetic foot management by Abhyantar&Bahya application of Nyagrodhadi Kashaya w.s.r to Charak Sutrasthanokta Madhumeha.
Diabetes mellitus & its complications are one of the worrying health issues in this sedentary life style. Diabetic foot/ Pramehapidakais the most common complications of DM which is a type of chronic ulcer. If not treated well, it may go under gangrenous changes which can further leadto amputation of that particular body part.In Adhyaya 17th of Sutrasthana, Acharya Charaka has mentioned about Prameha pidaka which nearly resembles to Signs & symptoms of diabetic foot. Here, Acharya explains Avaranajanitmadhumeha, if not treated well, usually leads to formation of various pidaka.Bahudrava Shleshma being main important factor in pathogenesis of Prameha, we decided to study the effect of Abhyantar & Bahya application of Nyagrodhadi Kashaya Mentioned in VagbhataSutrasthan 15 -Shodhanadiganasangrahaadhyaya. Due to katu -tikta rasa&shitavirya properties of all components of this Kashaya,it can be helpful to mitigate the vitiated Kaphadosha involved in diabetic foot pathology
Ayurveda is hope for suffering humanity in today’s world where no one found complete treatment solution for commonest chronic inflammatory joint disease Amavata (Rheumatoid Arthritis). This causes swelling, pain and stiffness of joints. Chronic condition may cause debility, deformities of joints and crippling. Unfortunately the man has not succeeded in eradicating this diseases and find to come out with successful therapeutic measures that can cure the patient completely.  Amavata is made up of two words, Ama & Vata. Ama means incomplete digestion of food which result in incomplete/impure formation of Annarasa, circulate in body & reach to target cell where it produces pathology like heaviness in body, loss of strength, drowsiness, aggravation of Vata & improper elimination of waste product. Ayurveda says chikitsa (Treatment) is Nidaan Parimarjna (removal of cause). The clinical presentation of Amavata closely mimics with the special variety of Rheumatological disorders called Rheumatoid Arthritis in accordance with their similarities on clinical features like pain, swelling, stiffness, fever, redness, general debility, fatigue are almost identical to that of Amavata. It is a severe form of chronic inflammatory autoimmune systemic disorders which mainly affects the synovial joints. sometimes leads to destruction and ankylosis of affected joints along with substantial loss of functioning and mobility. The available treatment modalities in contemporary science is NSAIDS, DMRDS, steroids etc. but these drugs are related with hazardous side effects and remission is very big problem. The ancient Ayurvedic treatment not only devoid such type of ill effect, but also provides a better way by treating Agni and Ama at its roots. Shamana (conservative) and Shodhana (biological purification of the body) treatments are advised in Ayurveda
Now a days, it is seems that several patients are suffering from different types of disorders of Mutravaha Srotas. So, each physician should know the details like nidana (etiological factor), samprapti (pathogenesis), lakshanas(symptoms), sadhyaa-sadhyata (prognosis), updrava(complication), chikitsa (management) of disorders. Mutrakrucha  is one of the important disease of mutravaha srotas. The word †MUTRAKRUCHA †means dysuria is a symptom of pain , discomfort ,or burning when urinating. Cause due to infection can occure in any part of urinary tract including kidney ,ureter , bladder, urethra. burning micturation is an cardinal features.Exercises, strong potential drugs, excessive indulgence of row alcohol, Ingestionof flesh of wet landed animals & fishes, Eating again before digestion of previous food & indigestion. This factors causes dushti of mutravaha srotas are also may be considered as nidana of Mutrakrucha. Due to this causative factors the doshas get aggravated.  Mutrakrichha, the vitiated Pitta Dosha along with Vata (mainly Apana Vayu) on reaching Vasti (bladder) afflicts the Mutravaha Srotas due to which the patient feels difficulty in micturition along with symptoms like Peeta mutrata, Sarakta mutrata, Sadaha mutrata, Saruja mutrata and Muhur-muhur mutrata. The above mentioned symptomatology has close resemblance with urinary tract infections. up with urine & hence painful urination is accompanied by changes in urine flow such as dribbling , difficulty intiating flow , increased frequency or need to urinate . Here due to influence over apana vata cited at Basti pradeha(Bladder)the pathology continues & painful urination  is caused. here. Shatkriyakala explains the pathogenesis of a disease in stages right from the incubation period to complete manifestation & later consequences of disease. Hence, I am review this , mentioned Shatkriyakala of Mutrakrucha  which should be important to managed in early stage (sanchay avastha) and to prevent further complication