4 research outputs found


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    The article discusses the problem of improving the legislation on specially protected natural areas which has attracted the attention of environmental NGOs for many years.В статье обсуждается проблема совершенствования законодательства об особо охраняемых природных территориях, которая привлекает внимание природоохранных общественных организаций на протяжении многих лет


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    The article analyzes the main sources of anthropogenic load on the territory of the natural ornithological Park in the Imereti lowland, considers the urbanization of the territory and recreational activities.В статье проанализированы основные источники антропогенной нагрузки на территорию природного орнитологического парка в Имеретинской низменности, рассматривается урбанизация территории и рекреационная деятельность


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    Ecology is one of the most popular and specific areas of translation. Environmental issues are almost daily present in the media, affected by the authorities and government agencies, so everything related to it should be simple and understandable in translation. At the same time, environmental translation is complicated by the fact that many terms are difficult to understand. The article discusses an important problem of using correct technical terms and a language of presentation that is understandable to the General public.Экология - одна из наиболее востребованных и специфических областей перевода. Экологическая тематика практически ежедневно присутствует в СМИ, затрагивается органами власти и государственными учреждениями, поэтому все, что с ней связано, должно быть простым и понятным при переводе. В то же время перевод в сфере экологии сложен тем, что многие термины трудны для понимания. В статье обсуждается важная дляпереводчика проблема использования корректных технических терминов и языка изложения, доступного для понимания широким слоям населения

    Orchids of the black sea coast of Krasnodarsky Krai (Russia): Current state, new records, conservation

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    The article provides a relevant nomenclature list of Orchidaceae on the Black Sea coast in Krasnodarsky Krai (Russia), with clarification of the taxonomic status of each taxon. Fifty-one taxa (41 species and eleven subspecies) are known in the study area; apart of them, there are ten hybrids. Of them, five taxa are not found anywhere else in Russia, including Cephalanthera epipactoides, Epipactis euxina (endemic), E. leptochila subsp. neglecta, E. pontica, and Serapias orientalis subsp. feldwegiana. Two taxa (Epipactis condensata and Ophrys mammosa subsp. caucasica) slightly exceed the boundaries of the study area. Data on the distribution, occurrence, and association of species with plant communities are provided. Most taxa are more or less represented in forest communities. Only eight species are confined to grassland communities and ecotonic habitats. For 19 taxa, favourable conditions seem to be in anthropogenically disturbed habitats, preferring clearings under power lines, sides of forest roads, deposits, hay meadows, and dendroparks. Data on new locations and the state of the most threatened orchid species on the Black Sea coast in Krasnodarsky Krai are presented. Three species, Anacamptis coriophora, Dactylorhiza incarnata and Epipactis palustris, seem to have disappeared in the study area, possibly due to human activity. The state of regional populations of ten taxa causes concerns about their conservation on the Black Sea coast in Krasnodarsky Krai. Seven taxa (Anacamptis laxiflora subsp. dielsiana, Cephalanthera epipactoides, Dactylorhiza viridis, Epipactis condensata, E. euxina, Neotinea ustulata, Ophrys apifera, and Himantoglossum comperianum) have a critical status. For these orchids, the risk of extinction is very high in the study area. The other three taxa can be described as endangered, namely Himantoglossum caprinum, Ophrys mammosa subsp. caucasica, Orchis militaris subsp. stevenii. The problems of orchid diversity conservation in the study area are identified. We are convinced that the most effective method of orchid conservation on the Black sea coast of Krasnodarsky Krai concerns the further developing of a Protected Area network, primarily through the creation of regional Protected Areas, including natural parks, nature monuments, municipal Protected Areas. © 2020, Fund for Support and Development of Protected Areas ""Bear Land"". All rights reserved