24 research outputs found

    Autonomic Activities in Cases of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Through Virtual Reconstruction of Trauma

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    Background: In Iran, one of the main duties of forensic psychiatrists is to accurately diagnose post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In order to achieve a more accurate diagnosis and reduce the possibility of deception, the autonomic reactions of patients with PTSD were investigated through virtual reconstructed trauma. Methods: The autonomic activities of 80 patients who were diagnosed with PTSD by psychiatric interview based on the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fifth edition (DSM-5) and PTSD checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) checklists, were recorded by an electronic wristband through virtual trauma exposure. Data were collected and analyzed by SPSS software, version 16. Results: The galvanic skin response, heart rate, and body temperature can be the most reliable automatic reactions to diagnose true cases of PTSD. Conclusion: The findings of this study along with psychometric tests can be used to distinguish between true cases of PTSD and fake cases

    Risk Factors of Suicide Death Based on Psychological Autopsy Method; a Case-Control Study

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    Introduction: Investigation in each community can contribute to understanding the key factors involved in suicide death and its prevention. The present study aimed to investigate suicide death risk factors based on psychological autopsy method. Methods: The present case-control study was conducted from April to September 2017, in Tehran, Iran, to compare two groups of people; those who died by suicide and controls (over the age of 18 years). Data were collected by one interviewer via Structured Clinical Interviews (SCID-I), questionnaires used in the SUPREMISS study, and the Dickman impulsivity scale. Results: Each group consisted of 40 individuals. There was no significant difference between the case and control groups in terms of all demographic variables except for the level of education (p = 0.06)  and occupational status (p = 0.009). The frequency of previous history of suicide attempt (p = 0.001), family history of suicide (p = 0.003), DSM IV Axis I disorders (p = 0.006), and substance and alcohol consumption (p = 0.01) were significantly higher in the case group. The most commonly diagnosed disorders included MDD (45%) and substance use disorders (30%), respectively. The most common methods used in suicide included hanging (32.5%), and Aluminum phosphide poisoning (32.5%) known as rice tablet. The strongest predictor of suicide death was the deceased person's Previous history of suicide attempt (OR= 9.3; p = 0.04), smoking (OR= 6.4; p = 0.006), unemployment (OR= 5; p = 0.02), and DSM IV axis I disorders (OR= 3.8; p = 0.04). Conclusion: Previous suicide attempt, smoking, unemployment, and suffering from at least one mental disorder were the significant predictors of suicide death. Among mental disorders, major depressive disorder and substance use disorder were the most prevalent mental health problems

    An Estimation of Drug-Related Deaths in Iran, Using the Capture-Recapture Method (2014-2016)

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    Background: The Ministry of Health and Medical Education (MOHME) and the Legal Medicine Organization(LMO) are the 2 death registration systems in Iran for registering drug-related deaths. The aim of the presentstudy was to assess the number of undercount and the overlap between the deaths registered by the 2 sources.Methods: In this descriptive study, according to the 10th revision of the International Classification ofDiseases (ICD-10), the registered data on drug-related deaths in the years 2014-2016, as recorded by theMOHME and the LMO, were collected and the number of deaths was estimated using 2-source capturerecapture method and Excel and SPSS software.Findings: The total number of drug-related deaths, as registered by the 2 sources, was 8639 during the3 years. A major part of the drug-related deaths (75% of the data) had been registered by the LMO and only25% of deaths had been registered by the MOHME. There was also a small overlap (7.7% of deaths) betweenthe data from the 2 sources. The final estimation from the capture-recapture model and analysis of sensitivityshowed that, during the 3 years, the total number of drug-related deaths was 14517 [95% confidence interval(CI):14498-14558]. Based on the complete overlap assumption and 50% of unidentified individuals in the2 sources, the number of deaths was estimated at 11341 and 12418, respectively. The largest number ofdrug-related deaths had occurred within the age range of 25-39 years and in men. Kermanshah, Hamedan,and Zanjan Provinces (Iran) had the largest number of cumulative incidences of drug-related deaths. Basedon the data provided by the MOHME, the most common cause of death was Methadone poisoning.Conclusion: There was a small overlap between the MOHME and the LMO in the registration of drug-relateddeaths. Failure to enter accurate and correct information has led to miscalculations of these deaths in Ira

    Prevalence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in Iran

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    BACKGROUND: Estimates of the annual prevalence for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) were consistent across the international sites range, 1.9% – 2.5%. The nine population surveys, which used Diagnostic Interview Schedule, estimated a six-month prevalence of OCD ranging from 0.7% to 2.1%. This study performed in order to determine the prevalence of OCD in a population-based study among Iranian adults aged 18 and older and to study the association of them with factors such as sex, marital status, education, type of occupation and residential area. METHODS: A cross-sectional nationwide epidemiological study of the Iranian population aged 18 and older was designed to estimate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders and their association with the above mentioned factors. 25180 individuals were selected and interviewed through a randomized systematic and cluster sampling method from all Iranian households. Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS) and Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV (DSM-IV) criteria were used in diagnosis of OCD. 250 clinical psychologists interviewed the selected subjects face to face at their homes. RESULTS: The prevalence of OCD in Iran is 1.8% (0.7% and 2.8% in males and females; respectively). 50.3% of the survey sample were men, 49.9% women, 29.1% single, 67.45% married, 0.4% separated or divorced, 2.5% widow/widower and 4% undetermined. All of the above-mentioned factors were examined in the univariate and multivariate logistic regression models. Although the data did not fit the models well, but in univariate models, sex, the category "single" of marital status, age, the categories "business" and "housewife" and residential areas showed significant effect adjusting for the factors, but the models didn't fit the data properly. CONCLUSION: The study suggests that the prevalence of OCD is not rare in the community of Iran and is within the range of other countries. Similar to prior studies in other communities, OCD is more common in females than males

    Validity and Reliability of the Test of Gross Motor Development - 3 in Children Aged 5 to 9 years in Iraq and a Comparison of the Development of Gross Motor Skills of Iranian and Iraqi Children

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Iraqi version of the Gross Motor Development Test - Third Edition TGMD-3 in Iraqi children aged 5 to 9 years. The second aim of this study was to compare the development of gross motor skills of Iranian and Iraqi children. The participants were selected from 400 people by cluster sampling method from Iraq and were evaluated using TGMD-3 test. Finally, 30 Iraqis in the age group of 8-9 years were randomly selected and compared with a similar group of 30 Iranian children. Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation coefficient, factor analysis and t-test were used to analyze the data. Internal consistency reliability coefficients for locomotor, ball skills and total scores were 0.77, 0.85 and 0.87; test-retest reliability coefficients were 0.89, 0.90 and 0.91; inter-rater reliability coefficients were 0.77, 0.85 and 0.88; intera-rater coefficients were 0.66, 0.80 and 0.84, respectively. Also, there was no significant difference between the performance of Iranian and Iraqi children in the subtests of locomotor and ball skills and the total score of gross motor skills (P <0.05). Due to the confirmation of validity and reliability, this test can be used with confidence to evaluate the development of gross motor skills. The results obtained are limited to the Iraqi boy community of 5 to 9 years, and additional studies are needed in the future for use in the girl community and other age groups

    Lateral Lower Face and Neck Contouring Following Burn Injury

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    The neck is normally a concave and highly mobile structure. Facial and cervical skin is prone to burn scar contracture because of its thin nature. The goal of treatment is to reconstruct this region to achieve a good aesthetic outcome and also normal neck and chin mobilization. This study was conducted to compare the effect of one row of suture and three rows of suture in critical points of the neck to recreate cervicomandibular angle for better contouring of the neck. A cross-sectional study was performed from July 2006 until August 2010. A total of 65 patients underwent lower lateral face and neck burn scar contracture reconstruction. The mean age of participants was 25.5 years old. After designing a local flap, in 31 patients we applied one row of suture. In 34 patients, we used three rows of suture on each side of the neck incorporation with  the recipient bed and the flap dermis or capsule to recreate a natural lower lateral face and neck contour (P<0.001). The standard deviation in hospitalization was 7 ± 2 days for group A and 6 ± 1 days for group B. In a two years follow-up, no blunting of cervicomandibular angle occurred and three rows of suture were superior according to present findings

    a case-control study

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    Feigned Symptoms among Defendants Claiming Psychiatric Problems: Survey of 45 Malingerers

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    Objective: In many jurisdictions, psychiatric problems are intended for commutation. Therefore, a forensic psychiatrist has an important role in detection of malingering. While several studies evaluate diagnostic tests, it is less known what symptoms are more likely to be imitated by malingerers.Method: In a prospective study [t1] 45 [t2] malingerers, who were diagnosed according to interviews by two forensic psychiatrists, from defendants [t3] with a judicial order for evaluation of mental status and criminal responsibility during a period of eighteen months were examined in legal medicine center of Tehran.[t4] [t5] Participants were assessed in another interview to determine symptoms. Dichotomous symptoms in felony and misdemeanor groups were analyzed using fisher’s exact test. The level of statistical significance was set at P<0.05. [t6] Results: Thirty-eight malingerers were charged with misdemeanors and seven with felonies. Behavioral symptoms were most frequently faked by 35 participants (77.8%). Participants charged with criminal accusation had a significantly lower mean age (P=0.032) and a higher level of education (P=0.008) than other non-criminal defendants. A statistically significant increase in memory function problems was demonstrated in the misdemeanor group (P=0.040). With regard to dual symptom imitation, statistically significant correlations were observed between thought content and perceptual symptoms (P=0.048) for felonies and mood & affect and thought process symptoms (P=0.034), mood & affect and behavioral symptoms (P=0.000) and cognitive function and behavioral symptoms (P=0.039) for misdemeanors. In general, many simulators attempted to mimic simple symptoms of behavioral disorders. Probably felony offenses need less accurate programming; therefore, their rates are higher in older, less educated participants.Conclusion: This study demonstrated that differences between presenting symptoms among different offenses may not be useful in detection of malingering,; however, unusual dual symptom imitations may be useful, particularly when standard tests are not performed

    Prevalence and risk factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease in Qashqai migrating nomads, southern Iran

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    AIM: To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) symptoms in Qashqai migrating nomads with a different life style in Fars province, southern Iran. METHODS: In summer 2006, 748 Qashqai migrating nomads aged 25 years or more were enrolled using a multiple-stage stratified cluster random sampling method. A questionnaire consisting of demographic characteristics, lifestyle and GERD symptoms (heartburn, regurgitation, chest pain, dysphagia, hoarseness and cough) as completed for each subject. RESULTS: The questionnaire was completed in 717 subjects. The prevalence rate of GERD, defined as reflux occurring at least one time per week in the preceding year, was 33% (237 subjects). The prevalence was higher in older individuals (36.0% vs 28.9%, P < 0.05) and in those with other gastrointestinal complaints (51.0% vs 27.8%, P < 0.001), but not different in obese and non-obese subjects. It was also higher in those consuming fruits and vegetables more than once a week (36.2% vs 17.3%, P < 0.001). GERD had a positive correlation with smoking (42.1% vs 27.8%, P < 0.001), but a negative relation with non-alcoholic beverages. The association between GERD and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) consumption was also significant (40.2% vs 25.4%, P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of GERD (33%) is very high in Qashqai migrating nomads which may be due to a lower socioeconomic and educational level of these people and difference in the life style. Older age, frequent consumption of fruits and vegetables, smoking and NSAIDs are risk factors for GERD in this population