51 research outputs found

    Krieger's finite generator theorem for actions of countable groups I

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    For an ergodic probability-measure-preserving action G(X,μ)G \curvearrowright (X, \mu) of a countable group GG, we define the Rokhlin entropy hGRok(X,μ)h_G^{\mathrm{Rok}}(X, \mu) to be the infimum of the Shannon entropies of countable generating partitions. It is known that for free ergodic actions of amenable groups this notion coincides with classical Kolmogorov--Sinai entropy. It is thus natural to view Rokhlin entropy as a close analogue to classical entropy. Under this analogy we prove that Krieger's finite generator theorem holds for all countably infinite groups. Specifically, if hGRok(X,μ)<log(k)h_G^{\mathrm{Rok}}(X, \mu) < \log(k) then there exists a generating partition consisting of kk sets

    Every action of a non-amenable group is the factor of a small action

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    It is well known that if GG is a countable amenable group and G(Y,ν)G \curvearrowright (Y, \nu) factors onto G(X,μ)G \curvearrowright (X, \mu), then the entropy of the first action must be greater than or equal to the entropy of the second action. In particular, if G(X,μ)G \curvearrowright (X, \mu) has infinite entropy, then the action G(Y,ν)G \curvearrowright (Y, \nu) does not admit any finite generating partition. On the other hand, we prove that if GG is a countable non-amenable group then there exists a finite integer nn with the following property: for every probability-measure-preserving action G(X,μ)G \curvearrowright (X, \mu) there is a GG-invariant probability measure ν\nu on nGn^G such that G(nG,ν)G \curvearrowright (n^G, \nu) factors onto G(X,μ)G \curvearrowright (X, \mu). For many non-amenable groups, nn can be chosen to be 44 or smaller. We also obtain a similar result with respect to continuous actions on compact spaces and continuous factor maps

    Weak containment and Rokhlin entropy

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    We define a new notion of weak containment for joinings, and we show that this notion implies an inequality between relative Rokhlin entropies. This leads to new upper bounds to Rokhlin entropy. We also use this notion to study how Pinsker algebras behave under direct products, and we study the Rokhlin entropy of restricted actions of finite-index subgroups.Comment: References update

    Burnside's Problem, spanning trees, and tilings

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    In this paper we study geometric versions of Burnside's Problem and the von Neumann Conjecture. This is done by considering the notion of a translation-like action. Translation-like actions were introduced by Kevin Whyte as a geometric analogue of subgroup containment. Whyte proved a geometric version of the von Neumann Conjecture by showing that a finitely generated group is non-amenable if and only if it admits a translation-like action by any (equivalently every) non-abelian free group. We strengthen Whyte's result by proving that this translation-like action can be chosen to be transitive when the acting free group is finitely generated. We furthermore prove that the geometric version of Burnside's Problem holds true. That is, every finitely generated infinite group admits a translation-like action by Z\Z. This answers a question posed by Whyte. In pursuit of these results we discover an interesting property of Cayley graphs: every finitely generated infinite group GG has some Cayley graph having a regular spanning tree. This regular spanning tree can be chosen to have degree 2 (and hence be a bi-infinite Hamiltonian path) if and only if GG has finitely many ends, and it can be chosen to have any degree greater than 2 if and only if GG is non-amenable. We use this last result to then study tilings of groups. We define a general notion of polytilings and extend the notion of MT groups and ccc groups to the setting of polytilings. We prove that every countable group is poly-MT and every finitely generated group is poly-ccc.Comment: 24 pages; 1 figure; minor revision

    A subgroup formula for f-invariant entropy

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    We study a measure entropy for finitely generated free group actions called f-invariant entropy. The f-invariant entropy was developed by Lewis Bowen and is essentially a special case of his measure entropy theory for actions of sofic groups. In this paper we relate the f-invariant entropy of a finitely generated free group action to the f-invariant entropy of the restricted action of a subgroup. We show that the ratio of these entropies equals the index of the subgroup. This generalizes a well known formula for the Kolmogorov--Sinai entropy of amenable group actions. We then extend the definition of f-invariant entropy to actions of finitely generated virtually free groups. We also obtain a numerical virtual measure conjugacy invariant for actions of finitely generated virtually free groups.Comment: Corollary 1.3 has been removed due to an error in its proof. Corollary 1.2 is ne

    Cost, 2\ell^2-Betti numbers and the sofic entropy of some algebraic actions

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    In 1987, Ornstein and Weiss discovered that the Bernoulli 22-shift over the rank two free group factors onto the seemingly larger Bernoulli 44-shift. With the recent creation of an entropy theory for actions of sofic groups (in particular free groups), their example shows the surprising fact that entropy can increase under factor maps. In order to better understand this phenomenon, we study a natural generalization of the Ornstein--Weiss map for countable groups. We relate the increase in entropy to the cost and to the first 2\ell^2-Betti number of the group. More generally, we study coboundary maps arising from simplicial actions and, under certain assumptions, relate 2\ell^2-Betti numbers to the failure of the Juzvinski{\u\i} addition formula. This work is built upon a study of entropy theory for algebraic actions. We prove that for actions on profinite groups via continuous group automorphisms, topological sofic entropy is equal to measure sofic entropy with respect to Haar measure whenever the homoclinic subgroup is dense. For algebraic actions of residually finite groups we find sufficient conditions for the sofic entropy to be equal to the supremum exponential growth rate of periodic points

    Krieger's finite generator theorem for actions of countable groups III

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    We continue the study of Rokhlin entropy, an isomorphism invariant for probability-measure-preserving actions of countable groups introduced in Part I. In this paper we prove a non-ergodic finite generator theorem and use it to establish sub-additivity and semi-continuity properties of Rokhlin entropy. We also obtain formulas for Rokhlin entropy in terms of ergodic decompositions and inverse limits. Finally, we clarify the relationship between Rokhlin entropy, sofic entropy, and classical Kolmogorov--Sinai entropy. In particular, using Rokhlin entropy we give a new proof of the fact that ergodic actions with positive sofic entropy have finite stabilizers.Comment: Minor revision

    Locally Nilpotent Groups and Hyperfinite Equivalence Relations

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    A long standing open problem in the theory of hyperfinite equivalence relations asks if the orbit equivalence relation generated by a Borel action of a countable amenable group is hyperfinite. In this paper we show that this question has a positive answer when the acting group is locally nilpotent. This extends previous results obtained by Gao-Jackson for abelian groups and by Jackson-Kechris-Louveau for finitely generated nilpotent-by-finite groups. Our proof is based on a mixture of coarse geometric properties of locally nilpotent groups together with an adaptation of the Gao-Jackson machinery

    Arbitrarily Large Residual Finiteness Growth

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    The residual finiteness growth of a group quantifies how well approximated the group is by its finite quotients. In this paper, we construct groups with arbitrarily large residual finiteness growth. We also demonstrate a new relationship between residual finiteness growth and some decision problems in groups, which we apply to our new groups.Comment: 6 page

    The Koopman representation and positive Rokhlin entropy

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    In a prior paper, the author generalized the classical factor theorem of Sinai to actions of arbitrary countably infinite groups. In the present paper, we use this theorem and the techniques of its proof in order to study connections between positive entropy phenomena and the Koopman representation. Following the line of work initiated by Hayes for sofic entropy, we show in a certain precise manner that all positive entropy must come from portions of the Koopman representation that embed into the left-regular representation. By combining this result with the generalized factor theorem of the previous paper, we conclude that for actions having completely positive outer entropy, the Koopman representation must be isomorphic to the countable direct sum of the left-regular representation. This generalizes a theorem of Dooley--Golodets for countable amenable groups. As a final consequence, we observe that actions with completely positive outer entropy must be mixing, and when the group is non-amenable they must be strongly ergodic and have spectral gap. We also prove generalizations of these results that apply relative to sub-σ\sigma-algebras and apply to non-free actions