66 research outputs found

    Applications of Rat Grimace Scale Method in Postoperative Pain Management in Rats

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    Introduction: Nowadays, 3R (replacement, reduction, refinement) concept lies in the core of laboratory animals science, one of the most important refinement strategies being the pain control. Rat Grimace Scale (RGS) is an actual and effective method used to assess pain in laboratory animals.Aims: The purpose of this study was to find the most effective post surgery analgesic protocol, by grading the changes in the animal’s facial expression.Materials and methods: In the present study we used 5 Wistar rats, as a pain model, ovariectomy was performed on 4 of the rats. Tramadol was administrated subcutaneously as it follows: 1 rat in pre-surgery dose of 25 mg/kg, 2 rats in post-surgery a dose of 25 mg/kg and respectively 50 mg/kg. The evaluation of pain was done across at the time 0, 2, 4 and 6 hours post-surgery using the scores of 0, 1 and 2, 0 representing the absence of pain, 1 a moderate level of pain and 2 a high level of pain.Results: The results of the study revealed that the spayed rat without Tramadol presented the highest level of pain (1.25 - 1.75). The pre-surgery analgesia enhanced the narcosis effect, but analgesia had a short term effect, with a moderate to high level of pain (1 - 1.5). To the animal treated with a dose of 25 mg/kg post-surgery, a moderate pain level was observed (0.5 - 1.25) and to the animal with the highest dose an optimal analgesia was determined (0.25).Conclusion: The expected analgesic effect was put forward by the 50 mg/kg dose of Tramadol and the RGS method was found to be suitable for the assessment of animal suffering in surgical experimental procedures

    Retrospective Assessment of Animals Experimentation Projects in Romania – A Critical Analysis of Non-Technical Summaries

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    The aim of the present inquiry was to design an overview about the non-technical summaries available on the web page of the National Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Agency (Romania). We analyzed the compliance to the requirement of replacement, reduction and refinement (the 3R’s). 56 projects were found, the most of them (48), were assigned as “basic research”, 2 as “translational and applied research”, 2 as “regulatory use and routine analysis”, while 4 projects targeted “higher education or training”. The most common animals species used were rats, and mice, followed by rabbits, pigs, hamsters, guinea pigs and frogs (Rana sp.). According to cumulative severity of the project, 20 projects were classified as “severe”, six as “moderate”, three “mild”, and three as “non-recovery”. 24 projects had nor a severity assessment, neither a proper description of the level of severity. In our opinion, the number of projects classified as “severe” is too high; at least for some of them, the level of severity could be reduced using appropriate pain control techniques and / or human end-points. Overall, our recommendation is further improving the knowledge and skills of the personal involved in authorization and execution of the projects and of the authority inspectors that authorized the projects

    Salvia officinalis L. extract increase the antitumor effect of Doxorubicin on Ehrlich carcinoma tumor cells

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    The current study demonstrated the superior in vivo antitumor activity of the association between Salvia officinalis L. and Doxorubicin as compared with Doxorubicin alone and its lack of toxicity. The study was carried out on 32 Mus musculus female mice, for 14 days long. The tumor model was Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma (EAC). Animals were divided in four equal groups of 8 mice: normal control, tumor control, EAC + doxorubicin and EAC + doxorubicin + Salvia officimalis L. All the values that reflect the tumor development (difference in body weight, EAC volume and cellular concentration) were improved in significant manner. Hematological and biochemistry parameters determination were performed for all four groups of mice and no cytotoxicity was found. The efficacy of Salvia officinalis L. as an adjuvant therapy in cancer has been demonstrated