2 research outputs found

    Korelasi antara indeks massa tubuh dan profil lipid pada remaja obesitas di kota Palembang

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    Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi  antara indeks massa tubuh  dan profil lipid pada remaja obesitas di Kota Palembang. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain potong lintang terhadap 143 remaja di Kota Palembang. Indeks massa tubuh dihitung berdasarkan berat badan (kg) dan tinggi badan (m). Kadar profil lipid berupa kolesterol total, trigliserida, LDL-kolesterol dan HDL-kolesterol darah diperiksa menggunakan kit dari human® di Laboratorium Kimia Dasar Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sriwijaya. Analisis data menggunakan uji korelasi Pearson. Hasil: Dari penelitian ini didapatkan sekitar 29,4% remaja di Kota Palembang mengalami obesitas dan sekitar 17,5% remaja mengalami dislipidemia. Uji korelasi Pearson antara indeks massa tubuh dan profil lipid menunjukkan nilai p=0,093 r=0,141, p=0,002 r=0,260, p=0,983 r=0,002, dan p=0,256 r=0,096 masing-masing untuk kolesterol total, trigliserida, LDL-kolesterol dan HDL-kolesterol. Korelasi indeks massa tubuh dengan kadar kolesterol total, LDL-kolseterol dan HDL-kolesterol tidak bermakna (p>0,05). Namun, korelasi indeks massa tubuh dengan kadar trigliserida bermakna (p<0,05) dengan arah korelasi postif dan kekuatan lemah (r=0,2-0,4). Simpulan: Pada remaja, tidak ada korelasi indeks massa tubuh dengan kadar kolesterol total, LDL-kolseterol dan HDL-kolesterol. Terdapat korelasi positif antara indeks massa tubuh dan kadar trigliserida pada remaja.

    The Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factorin Thrombocytosis in Colorectal Cancer Patients: The Role of VEGF in Thrombocytosis

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    Backgorund: Colorectal cancer was included in a group of cancer with various complications. One complication that was often a cause of morbidity and mortality was thrombocytosis. In colorectal cancer, the incidence of thrombocytosis associated with the formation of blood vessels around the tumor or angiogenesis. Factors that played an important role in angiogenesis was vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). Methods: This study was an observational analytic research in colorectal cancer patients to determine the correlation levels of platelets and serum VEGF levels. A total of 33 patients with colorectal cancer at the Palembang Mohammad Hoesin Hospital be research subjects to examine the levels of platelets and levels of VEGF. The level of serum VEGF was performed using ELISA technique from SIGMA®. Results: The average level of the patient's platelets was281,090.9±105,860.8/mm3. &nbsp;In this study, two patients (6.06%) have thrombocytosis.The average serum levels of VEGF research subjects were 221.2 ± 152.8 pg/mL.Correlation test of levels of serum VEGF and platelets levels showed the value of p=0.040 (p&gt; 0.05) and r = 0468. Conclusions: Thus, it can be concluded that in this research serum VEGF levels are almost always causes an increase in platelet levels in patients with colorectal cancer